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Go see this fucking movie. I'm sure you know why I will.

Essentially the world gets overrun by monsters and the superpower nations create massive giant robot weapons called Jaeger's to combat them. Lots of monster vs. mech fist-fighting action. Also, according to this the most powerful Machine is built by Australia...

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Was that the guy out of Sons Of Anarchy in there somewhere?

Either way, if it ain't Transformers and there's no hot chick in the film, I ain't watching it.

Plot? Aliens come, kill loads of people, we build shit, shit kicks aliens asses, Aliens that are left flee in terror. The End.

Am I close?

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Was that the guy out of Sons Of Anarchy in there somewhere?

Yes. That's Charlie Hunnam.

And don't even attempt to compare that god awful movie series that is Transformers to this. The first couple I could handle but that is far from what the original idea of transformers and Mecha in general is.

The plot, yeah that's it. I'm sure there's more since these things are usually piloted by couples of people who are of close relation. But isn't that a good thing? Instead of cluttering the story up with useless emotional bullshit and pictures of Megan Fox running away from explosions they're actually going to focus on action and ass kicking. If you've ever watched Gundam or any other mech series, you'd know that they constantly clutter the story with emotional relationship bullshit and it almost always ends up killing it. So I for one am glad they're keeping it simple.


Eh baby. U want sum fuk?

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Reminds me of the cult classic Robot Jox, which was badass. Also, I have some (and I stress some) hope or this film because of the shot when a robot is thrown into a bridge. He flew through the air in a way that made sense to my brain. I'm gonna get really stoned and see it.

Edit: Just watched the trailer again. It's directed by Guillermo del Toro, (Y) Idris Elba is using his real accent. (Y) It's in 3D. :luis:

As Meatloaf said, "Two outa three ain't bad."

Thanks for bringing this to my attention CFO.

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Movie looks ... shitty.

Whats the point in having robots if you still have to put humans in them? Also, gladOs is portal's thing....

Finally, the narrator is annoying. The guy also read a book I was trying to read on Audible called "The Grey" and i gave up on the audio part of the book because his voice was just tooo anoying.


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Saw it. Officially the Movie of the Year.

On a more serious note. I was pleasantly surprised by it. They put a lot more focus into the story than I thought. I figure it would be mostly monster v robot fistfights, but in fact, only about half the movie was. The first hour focused really strongly on the two pilot's relationship and the mental demon's they have to overcome. The second hour proceeds to be non-stop monster invasion ass kicking action. Overall, I'd give it a 4/5. If you count the fact it had mechs then I'd give it a 10/5.

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