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E Cigarettes

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I agree with the last 5 comments, but im out of likes and have no other means of expressing myself.

Brian, I see your point, now that you've stated it much more clearly. I also understand why you have reacted so strongly. But you must keep in mind that the wonderful thing about e cigs is that there is NO SMOKE. None. There is water vapor. A vapor cloud may look similar to a smoke cloud, but they are entirely different. The harm I am doing to myself is minimal now. The harm I do to others does not exist. No smoke. No fire.

Brian thinks that seeing you esmoke will cause other people to want to esmoke.

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The people it attracts are other vapors, as I imagine we'll soon be called, and smokers. So it attracts the people that it helps the most. i thought it was idiotic for about the last two years, but then I tried it and did a little research. They are a boon to the world.

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I tried them and didn't really like them but then the range over here is very limited - I will still use it at work if I have a deadline and can't get out for a smoke....

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Do some research if you don't have one you're satisfied with. There are a lot of accessories that are poorly made, and my first experiences were bad. online shops are abundant, as well as dedicated forums. just look around a bit online. in my op I listed some quality products that my robot older brother found. He knows tech like none other.

Unlike cigarettes, you get to find what works for you.

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Here we have pretty good public smoking laws, can't smoke inside most public places, exceptions being restaurants that have a designated smoker area. Bars and Discos have a certain degree of freedom with the law.

You can smoke on the street, but very much limited in buildings.

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My wife was a full time smoker, she switched to e-cigs about a month ago too. Now as a non smoker, the house smells better, and kissing her is better imo. Brian you're bing a bit over the top. These e-cigs only are for the nicotine hit, and don't contain half the crap a real cig does, nothing that smells bad or is harmful passively. It's a good invention and only time will tell if it is a long term solution.

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No one realizes Nicotine is still bad for you. It may not have as many physical effects but it still raises blood pressure. Also the E-Cig was made to help ween people off of real tobacco, but it can become just as addicting to people, which can be become a very expensive habit as they can cost a lot for the refills, batteries, and cigs themselves. Sure it's better than real ones, but I still dislike having to breathe in water vapor. I've been around them before, and quite frankly I don't think it's such a good thing. Breathing anything into your lungs is not normal, and I know there is pollution and there's car exhaust but you can't really help those things and it's not as bad in the suburbs as in the cities. Plus our body does have natural defenses to these things, but breathing in anything in high quantities and so purely like that can't be healthy. I acted like an idiot and don't know why, but I'm glad you're getting over the addiction. Hopefully, in the long run, you'll put down the E-Cigs too and you'll break free of the addiction.

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E-cigs are great! Back on topic!

I tried with the e-cigs last summer and they helped. I quit for about 4 months. But I found myself going back to cigarettes through going to bars/other friends smoking/etc. I decided that I'm going to cut down though and not try to use any crutches (for lack of a better word). Taking one cig with me to work a day currently. No fun.

Kudos to you for kicking it, stick with it bro

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No one realizes Nicotine is still bad for you. It may not have as many physical effects but it still raises blood pressure. Also the E-Cig was made to help ween people off of real tobacco, but it can become just as addicting to people, which can be become a very expensive habit as they can cost a lot for the refills, batteries, and cigs themselves. Sure it's better than real ones, but I still dislike having to breathe in water vapor. I've been around them before, and quite frankly I don't think it's such a good thing. Breathing anything into your lungs is not normal, and I know there is pollution and there's car exhaust but you can't really help those things and it's not as bad in the suburbs as in the cities. Plus our body does have natural defenses to these things, but breathing in anything in high quantities and so purely like that can't be healthy. I acted like an idiot and don't know why, but I'm glad you're getting over the addiction. Hopefully, in the long run, you'll put down the E-Cigs too and you'll break free of the addiction.

I would love to see evidence of that. From my research, I always thought that Nicotine had almost no long-term negative effects on health*. This is a genuine request, it might alter my opinion on Nicotine.


*However, it is supposed to inhibit apoptosis, thereby promoting carcinogenesis.

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Aye, I was always under the impression it was the chemicals that can be likened to paint thinner that really fucked you over when it came to cigs.

I can see where he's coming from, my breathing is absolutely FUCKED because I live with a 20 a day smoker but that's because I spend 18 hours a day in a cigarettes smoke environment , I think e-cigs are fantastic though, they don't stink up the place, don't make shit yellow and are far more healthy. I'd much rather nicotine wasn't seen as something to be inhaled as smoke but e-cigs are cool.

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Jesus, Brian. You sound like the opposite of a 14 year old.

Go smoke some weed and chill, bro.

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No one realizes Nicotine is still bad for you. It may not have as many physical effects but it still raises blood pressure.

Yeah, but the effects of a dose of nicotine are comparable to those of a particularly strong cup of coffee or tea. As with nicotine, there is a marked increase in blood pressure during a caffeine high, that is true. Both substances are stimulants and while they don't share all pharmacological characteristics (such as caffeine's diuretic properties), their effects on the body are still quite similar. Despite having wildly varying chemical compositions and origins, they do certainly share many characteristics.

Plus, regular consumption of both may or may not fuck you up in the long run.

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Brian, I will again address your concerns.

1. Nicotine is a an addictive alkaloid naturally present in plants such as tobacco, potatoes, tomatoes, and green peppers. There is a greater amount in tobacco and lower amounts in the others. Yes, it does effect blood pressure. So do food and exercise, which can also kill you. Nicotine itself has no link to cancer, but can give a feeling of calmness or relaxation.

2. I used to spend $200 a month on cigarettes. Last month I spent $140 on batteries, tanks, and liquid. That liquid has rolled over into this month. I bought one more bottle at $24.95 with shipping. I don't need to spend anymore money till next month. I will have saved $235.05 at the end of this month already, so it a hell of a lot cheaper for a heavy smoker like me.

3. Don't like water vapor? You must hate modern society. Power plants, cars, planes, trains, anything with an internal combustion engine, is powered by steam (water vapor). It is all around anywhere you go. It's with you RIGHT NOW. I know it's scary, but take a deep breath and relax. Oops, you inhaled water vapor.

4. Breathing is perfectly normal. So normal that I do it involuntarily. Maybe if you breath more, more oxygen can get to your brain, Brian, and you could settle down.

5. Always remember especially if you become an officer of the law, when I or you or anyone else, has a strong emotional reaction to any stimuli, it is important to take a step back and try to see the situation for what it truly is, not what our emotions tell us to feel. Otherwise, you might shoot off at the mouth and dig yourself a bit of a hole.

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It sounds like there are definite advantages to ecigs vs. real cigarettes, and it's arguable that nicotine use without additives and inhaling of smoke is less harmful. The important thing to remember is that they were designed to be a cessation aid, so the whole point isn't to keep smoking long-term, but to use them to help wean you off cigarettes completely--if that's your ultimate goal. Personally, I see ecigs, gum, sprays etc as just another way for Big Tobacco to keep one hand in your pocket. We're all chumps that somehow bought into the marketing message.

When I quit my pack-a-day habit about nine years ago, I did it cold turkey, but I don't think ecigs were available back then. They might have helped with the transition, but I wasn't tempted to try an alternative nicotine source. In the end, I believe it's easier just to adjust to life without smoking altogether, rather than use an alternative as an interim step. It just prolongs the inevitable switch you make in the long run once you quit altogether.

It takes more time to unlearn or reprogram the habits associated with smoking, than getting used to not smoking at all. Normally we crave one when: stressed; drinking at the pub with other smokers; it's been a couple of hours so it's time for a break; just had a great meal or a wicked sex marathon; listening to live music or a jam session with friends, etc etc. It feels strange at first, but it's honestly quite easy to learn to live without cigs when the triggers happen, if you're committed to quitting.

Good luck with the quitting, hope you are able to go all the way, life is better without that habit. (Says the chronic :weed: consumer...)

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I know we inhale water vapor in the atmosphere, but I'm talking about mixing it with other stuff that we purposely put there.

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What's so harmful about a bit of water vapor that happens to contain some trace amounts of nicotine, Brian? Personally, I'd much rather snort that than a cloud of smoke*, wouldn't you? E-cigs are better for the smokers and the secondhand smokers, perhaps they'll replace cigarettes entirely.

*As much as I don't mind the smell, I still know that I'm getting the excess toxinsin a cloud of tobacco smoke.

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