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Lame. Had to call it, and to go through the animations, couldn't look at the map when you selected your location, long animation, clunky clunky clunky.

I prefer to point and click method of fast travel. The cab system in gta4 took longer to use than just driving there, not to mention that you had to run around until you find a car that wasnt a shitty taxi, which was all the street was filled with.

Im in alderney with a banshee, want to go to dukes, your suggesting i get out of me banshee, hunt down a taxi, mess with the clunky system, get dropped off in dukes with nothing but a taxi and a whole bunch of busted ass slow ass cars?


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No, just no.

Since when in any GTA game has it taken "30 minutes" to get anywhere?

The fast travel function is for games where, infact, you can't travel fast, i.e. Fallout, Skyrim, etc. . . .

Did anyone ever get frustrated by the fact their car blow up on their way to San Fierro from Los Santos, and had to run all the way to Mt. Chillad to find another vehicle? It's part of the game. Use a fucking cheat to spawn a quad if you're that lazy.


@Q: Then just drive your Banshee to Dukes.

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Yes, it is. I hate having to drive all the way across the map to drop off something for a mission..

Takes too much time for nothing.

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What my thought was, was that if we're let's say playing as Trevor and we wanna go somewhere in the city, fast traveling to another character isn't really gonna help if we wanna play as him.. If you get what I mean.. That's why I'm hoping that Rockstar will upgrade the taxi use system so it's not such a pain in the ass sometimes.. Or we could just steal a quad and drive there as Trevor? :)


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As far as 'fast travel' goes, it would be nice to be able to use the phone to call a taxi if there aren't any around. Other than that, the taxis were fine.

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  On 4/17/2013 at 2:31 AM, Qdeathstar said:

a shitty taxi, which was all the street was filled with.

Speaking of which, how many taxis have we seen in the trailers and pics? one blurry one?

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  On 4/17/2013 at 2:40 AM, Craze said:

Thought one of the points to GTA was that you drive the cars after you steal them.

exactly... this is called "grand theft auto", it's all about jacking cars... i'll gladly take a taxi to my next point of interest, so i can steal a car and try to get away with it while running over everyone on the sidewalk in my getaway... there's no point in an RPG fast travel when the entire series has been based on the drive to that location...

the taxi service works just fine... if you can't hail a cab then steal a car and drive around until you see one...

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There will be some sort of taxi service, I'm sure of it...but more like it is with Roman's friendship perk or in the original Saint's Row. Call a phone number, cab arrives, choose destination, and go. The only limit would be the cash to pay for it.

I would like them to keep the option of sitting though the full ride like in IV, but wouldn't be heartbroken if they dropped it.

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I would like more public transport as ways of fast travel. Like the subway in IV, but with more stations. And buses that actually drive would be nice.

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  On 4/17/2013 at 3:24 AM, Massacre said:

As far as 'fast travel' goes, it would be nice to be able to use the phone to call a taxi if there aren't any around. Other than that, the taxis were fine.

That's a good idea. I'd also like it if you could hire a limo, luxury sedan, or SUV. There was an ad in the in game TV for a limo service in GTA IV, but alas that option was not there.

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I don't like fast travel, not in GTA anyway. I'm happy with calling someone from Franklin's repo company to drop me off any vehicle i want though, and riding that to where ever i want to go...

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  On 4/17/2013 at 10:14 AM, Dude said:

I would like more public transport as ways of fast travel. Like the subway in IV, but with more stations. And buses that actually drive would be nice.

This picture shows both a train and a bus which is driving. Surely we'll be able to use at least one of them?

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  On 4/17/2013 at 12:02 PM, hulkhogan1 said:
  On 4/17/2013 at 10:14 AM, Dude said:

I would like more public transport as ways of fast travel. Like the subway in IV, but with more stations. And buses that actually drive would be nice.

This picture shows both a train and a bus which is driving. Surely we'll be able to use at least one of them?

The way I hope public transit works is bus and Metro Rail for Los Santos proper, and a Brown Streak Rail analogue for the rest of the game map.

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  On 4/17/2013 at 2:31 AM, Qdeathstar said:

Lame. Had to call it, and to go through the animations, couldn't look at the map when you selected your location, long animation, clunky clunky clunky.

I prefer to point and click method of fast travel. The cab system in gta4 took longer to use than just driving there, not to mention that you had to run around until you find a car that wasnt a shitty taxi, which was all the street was filled with.

Im in alderney with a banshee, want to go to dukes, your suggesting i get out of me banshee, hunt down a taxi, mess with the clunky system, get dropped off in dukes with nothing but a taxi and a whole bunch of busted ass slow ass cars?


1. Open the map in the pause menu. Choose your waypoint, and the cab will istantly have it as the first destination. Usaully takes me 1/2 a second to press X afterwards. Maybe you're just a slow motherfucker.

2. The taxicabs and police cars are the same vehicle so I'm not sure why you're calling them "slow and busted" because the police cars are far from slow or busted. -_-

  On 4/17/2013 at 12:02 PM, hulkhogan1 said:
  On 4/17/2013 at 10:14 AM, Dude said:

I would like more public transport as ways of fast travel. Like the subway in IV, but with more stations. And buses that actually drive would be nice.

This picture shows both a train and a bus which is driving. Surely we'll be able to use at least one of them?

Too bad every bus we've seen so far has no passengers.

  On 4/17/2013 at 3:24 AM, Massacre said:

As far as 'fast travel' goes, it would be nice to be able to use the phone to call a taxi if there aren't any around. Other than that, the taxis were fine.

Roman's cab service could be called up via the friends ability, but you never want to go bowling so Roman doesn't like you.

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Yeah, fast travel is useful. Sure, it is fun to drive(bike, fly,walk) through the area yourself, but sometimes you just can't be fucked. I'll probably use it when fucking around while using cheats and such.

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@ruckus, forgot about the map, but it was still clunky....

As far As old and crappy, most of the cars that spawn in dukes are shitty, and the cabs were uh... Cabs.

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  On 4/17/2013 at 4:40 PM, Uncle Ruckus said:
  On 4/17/2013 at 3:24 AM, Massacre said:

As far as 'fast travel' goes, it would be nice to be able to use the phone to call a taxi if there aren't any around. Other than that, the taxis were fine.

Roman's cab service could be called up via the friends ability, but you never want to go bowling so Roman doesn't like you.

The bowling alley was where Michelle and I had our first date. I couldn't go back there after her. Too many memories.


*Turns phone off*

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