
Michael, Franklin, Trevor. Trailers coming 30th April.

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I didn't want to go through a bajillion pages so sorry if this was already noticed...but the guy trevor is going threatening with the jumper cables is the same guy michael abducts in his video.


And here he is in Michael's trailer. Same hair, pants and everything


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It's probably part of a mission, showing how each protagonist is integrated. Michael kidnaps him, Franklin transports him, and Trevor interrogates him.

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Good eye Tanner. When Game Informer had that huge preview last December, they talked about that mission where Michael repels down the IAA building to kidnap some dude called Brad.

This may have been mentioned earlier or on another post, but I've been thorough and I haven't seen anybody mention this:

When we meet up with the crew, Trevor and Michael have already reunited, but not necessarily by choice. The FIB is on their case, and to get them off their backs, the trio needs to perform a snatch-and-grab mission for them.

They meet at a helipad to pick up the civilian chopper the FIB is supplying for the mission. As Michael pulls up, Trevor is berating the security agent guarding the chopper about standing around with his earpiece while everyone else is "out there making money and nailing chicks." When Michael urges his lunatic friend to calm down, Trevor keeps on running his mouth like a deranged Dennis Hopper character. He has agreed to this mission on the premise that it will lead to the springing of his friend Brad. When he reiterates this, Michael replies, "We'll talk about Brad later." Sounds like there could be differing opinions on that.

The mission preview alone is so long that I'm not going to type it into quotes, and I can't find the article anywhere online so I'll explain what seems to be interesting about this Brad guy.

Brad is being held by the IAA, which according to the article is GTA's equivalent of the CIA. He's being interrogated by a woman who's threatening to sodomize him with an 18-inch flashlight, then proceeds to smash his fingers with it. All the while, Brad is insisting that he merely "installs camera equipment, not surveillance!" When we look at Michael's trailer again we see this:


The logo marked in red makes it look like the logo of US federal agency, the psycho interrogator lady is marked in green, and you can see a flashlight on the table marked in blue.

After seeing Brad being further tortured by Trevor, I can't help but wonder what this poor bastard's done (or seen).

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Doesn't really look like a flashlight to me but you're probably still correct about the scene.

Then again, that's not the IAA, it's the FIB...

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@Cheez It, Sorry man but I'm pretty sure they're meant to be working for the FIB, in snatching the dude from the IAA. They did mention in some of the previews that came out at the end of last year that the FIB building was across from the IAA building which would explain the screenshot below and the confusion it may have caused.


but you'll notice from a different angle, that the IAA building is just behind it.


I've already quoted the Gi article where they state that they were snatching the guy from the IAA above but here's a quote from the guardian's preview:

And, yes, the shoot-outs do look like fun. In the mission we're shown, Michael, Trevor and Franklin have been employed by a covert agency, the FIB, to swipe a prisoner from another set of government operatives. It involves piloting a helicopter to a downtown building, rappelling down a rope, smashing in through the windows, and getting back into the craft with your confused and terrified hostage.

@Tanner most of what was covered in the article is pretty well known and documented. The GI article was just more detailed than many of the others that came out end of last year.

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I didn't read the quote out of laziness. I thought my memory had it covered but obviously I was wrong.


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Found this while watching the trailer of Michael. It's just after the man who jumps from the balcony and Michael runs after him to look down from the balcony. I'm not sure how Franklin appeared in there


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Oh hell no. You don't get off that easily. Bend over and let us feel how sorry you really are.


I've been in the same position. :unsure:

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Lol bend over seriously? Well I can assure you I would be extra careful from now on to make sure I am not repeating something that's been mentioned . It was an honest mistake

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