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Islamic extremists in the UK

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Britain has slowly been intruded by Islamic extremist over the years, much like the US. But yesterday in Woolwich, London, an off-duty soldier was run down and beheaded with a knife and machete, middle eastern style.

One of the killers had the cheek to try and justify the killing on camera as a bystander recorded... He sounded like he grew up in London as well, these extremists converting mo'fo's!

The police proceeded to shoot them after they pulled a gun i think.





Allah snackbars be taking over, someone help us!

To be fair, they were Somalian bred, so i'm not gonna single out middle easterns, it's Islam as a whole, i think the whole religion is fucking mad.

What do you think we should do? Operation National Front? What would Obama do? discuss.

Lol dis nigga:


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Eyewitnesses say one of them was recording it, like a political statement. So, pretty much like it is in the middle east. It's social media gone crazy, we should never have given them allahsnacktube to post all their mental deeds.

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All the nationalists are popping their heads out of the woodwork to have a free bash at Muslims atm, my facebook is pages full of patriotism. Some only being respectful of the dead soldier mind you.

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Who says they were Islamic?

"We must fight them as they fight us"

To me it looks like a statement to make the rest of Britain wake up to how Islam is slowly taking over this country.

£10 the "soldier" was Muslim or of mid-east (arab) descent.

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@ Craze

"I asked him if he did it and he said yes and I said why? And he said because he has killed Muslim people in Muslim countries, he said he was a British solider and I said really and he said 'I killed him because he killed Muslims and I am fed up with people killing Muslims in Afghanistan they have nothing to do there."

From this article...

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Who says they were Islamic?

"We must fight them as they fight us"

To me it looks like a statement to make the rest of Britain wake up to how Islam is slowly taking over this country.

£10 the "soldier" was Muslim or of mid-east (arab) descent.

They shouted aqua-snackbar after the killing. lol but seriously it's stated on many news reports:


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Who else are the soldiers supposed to kill? It tends to be a big deal if you kill black people or Jews these days.

These Muslims need to calm down. We'll move on to another group in 20 years or so, and then Muslims will be untouchable.

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Fair enough, but I really want to see that whole video clip that ITV shown, it's weird how something like that would get cut into just a few sentences and not show the whole thing, (obviously not showing the beheading). It's also weird that only one guy decided to take the his phone out and film it. Fuck, I don't trust the media, the government, or the Muslims, anymore.

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I should really stop reading serious topics like this. Fucking wow.

Who else are the soldiers supposed to kill? It tends to be a big deal if you kill black people or Jews these days.

These Muslims need to calm down. We'll move on to another group in 20 years or so, and then Muslims will be untouchable.


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What I still don't understand is whether they planned to murder this guy or just decided to run him down after they spoke to him on the street, then proceeded to behead him purely on impulse...

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I'm not really sure what you expected. I don't know enough about the situation to know whether or not this was just but how the hell is it okay for your ppl to do this sort of shit to others on a daily basis but when they return the favor, they are the bad guys.

A wise black man once said: "Dont start nutin, wont be nutin"

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Our (my local) outlets described it as an attack. Had no idea the soldier was beheaded.

That's the issue, News outlets in the United States are ran by the gov't you hear what they'd prefer you to hear. It's propaganda they'll stretch the truth or twist it to what they want it to be.

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My intended meaning was that they didn't mention the beheading. They deemed it an "attack" on the soldier. My apologies, I neglected to make myself clear.

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What I still don't understand is whether they planned to murder this guy or just decided to run him down after they spoke to him on the street, then proceeded to behead him purely on impulse...

Im guessing impulse, fueled by drugs. It takes no skill to chop someone up, just rage.

Extremest islamists havn't infiltrated the United States. Fort hood and boston were done by privileged cunts who happened to be muslim and were just using extremism as an excuse.

Im not sure what happened in the UK, but this just seems like the typical honky shit you would see in any city in the united states, with the exception that we guns, and a lot of them, in the united states.

A beheading is a whole lot more sensational than a drive bye.

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Obama would make it worse. That's pretty much all he does. Ask someone from some other country what their leader would do.

Any leaders make it worse, they won't admit the true cause of it is their fault (or their predecessors fault.) They just gloss over the truth and make their own, they don't live in the real world. They make it very easy for these people to get away with it, preaching their hate and breeding a new nation of extremists in our country. It's too late to do anything about it now too, they're already over here... Plus they breed profusely. Meh.

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Yeah, viceman, your right it is all the politicians fault. I'm sure that shunning people who appear to be "extremists" and complaining about how much they "breed" is about all you can do personally to help muslims integrate into our societies. But yeah, definately politicians.

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Yeah, viceman, your right it is all the politicians fault. I'm sure that shunning people who appear to be "extremists" and complaining about how much they "breed" is about all you can do personally to help muslims integrate into our societies. But yeah, definately politicians.

You talk about integrating Muslims, but those people in the video are extremists, Muslims integrate anywhere in the world.

These idiots feel the need to flag their identity and background so much, shit like this is bound to happen - look at me, I'm a black guy that grew up in the UK, have a UK accent, dress in western style, but by god - my mom came from wherever in the world and that makes me different!

If these people despise the UK so much, if they supposedly don't identify with any of the values there, why not pack up and go somewhere else?

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