
Your First

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Whatever it be, phones, cars, hookers, talk about "your first".

My first phone - Sony Ericson w580i


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My first guitar purchase: a $50 Squier Mini Strat from Sam Ash. It was ideal for my tiny body (I believe I was eight).

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That cellphone makes me realize how young you are, Brian.

My first cellphone:


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Ooooh! I like this.

My first mobile was a NEC N343I, It was the anti-christ.


First car was a '99 Ford KA <_<

My first time(rape) was at a GCSE revision camp in Derbyshire, to a girl we called apple.

First prostitute was a stunning blonde in Amsterdam's famous Red Light District on my first time abroad :lol:

First illegal pint was at the White Hart pub in Arnold, I was 15.

First legal pint was in Sausage bar in the town centre.


First job was at Mcdonalds. 'Murica!

First live music gig was the Specials. That was last week, great show!

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First car - 84 VW Cabrio

First drunk - Listerene

First album bought - Wayne's World soundtrack

First love - Claire Smith

First place - typing with my dick

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I can't remember exactly what my first phone was, but it was definitely nokia (and shit).

First game I ever played online was Age of Empires: Rise of Rome

First surgery I was allowed to assist and scrub up in was a lumbar decompression (laminectomy). Best day of my life.

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First car: '93 Ford Ranger

First cell phone: some Samsung flip phone

First job: shagging balls at a driving range

First time: after last years homecoming dance, in the back of a minivan. Hooray for cheap vodka.

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First car: Hyundai Accent.

First albums bought: Queen Greatest Hits 2 and Queen Live At Wembley '86.

First black out from booze: 14 yrs at Queens Day Holland.

First concert: Golden Earring.

First job: Paper boy.

First time: On holiday with a girl named Ilse, in a shitty tent, lasted 2 minutes.

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My first time, I suffered from an episode of acute erectile dysfunction. Needless to say, my performance was far from satisfactory, my dick just drooled and then I fell asleep. Though don't let that put you off ladies, I'm pretty much adequate in bed now!

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My first time, I suffered from an episode of acute erectile dysfunction. Needless to say, my performance was far from satisfactory, my dick just drooled and then I fell asleep. Though don't let that put you off ladies, I'm pretty much adequate in bed now!

I was the opposite, raging boner - shit was straight up iron, lasted not too long either. Luckily, neither did she.

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