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Mad Max

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so, i know i am not the only one here excited about this game... it's being developed by avalanche studios, creators of the just cause series, which is an underrated game IMO, and should be played at least once if you like open world games... and picturing that vast open world with post-apocalyptic overtones could make this the early sleeper hit of 2014...

all CGI i know, and it's not like just cause 2 was a super sharp looking game either, but taking in the scope of the world brought out it's majestic beauty... i can only imagine this world looking as magnificent when taken in all at once as well...





gasoline is the main focus of this post-apocalyptic world in case you were wondering... cars rule the open roads of the wasteland, and gangs, rebels, and loners like mad max, own the pavement... there's always a fight for more gasoline and bullets... the movies took place in the badlands of australia, and the characters all had australian accents... but the game actually has a guy with an american accent (so far) but still has the desert-like setting... no one is still sure about the direction of the world, but it has been said on record that it only takes place in the same world as the movie...

i am not one for trying to duplicate the past as it usually ruins the original... so i am all for a intepreted remake, and if you didn't know, there is a remake in hollywood already filming that's due out next year... hmm...

here's an ok machinima interview explaining the game, not a demo as the link indicates...

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what?! it's been confirmed to be open world :huh:... did you not read what i posted or just skipped immediately to posting?? it's an open-world badlands map with car battles and camps to clear out...

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Yeah this is definitely one to watch. I loved the films from all those years ago. A classic, and one of the first of the Post-Apocalyptic genre, which has influenced so many other films and games. I hope they pull this off, and keep the tone that the films had. Like R* with The Warriors, i can only hope.

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i still think road warrior was the best one of the trio... thunderdome was a bit campy for my tastes... but i will have to re-watch these as we get closer to the release date to get a refresher on the harsh world he lives in... i am following this development on both twitter and facebook so i will try to keep this thread updated as much as possible... i just keep thinking about just cause 2, but without skydiving and full of raiders...

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i still think road warrior was the best one of the trio... thunderdome was a bit campy for my tastes... but i will have to re-watch these as we get closer to the release date to get a refresher on the harsh world he lives in... i am following this development on both twitter and facebook so i will try to keep this thread updated as much as possible... i just keep thinking about just cause 2, but without skydiving and full of raiders...

Still the first 15 minutes of the original is SO classic, where you don't see Max until after the scene, then it shows him.

This game looks absolutely great, and the Machinma interview with the dev just makes me want the game even more.

I think with all the open world activities, it will be a lot of fun.

Apocalyptic wasteland goodness.

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Road Warrior ftw! I'd hate for this game to resemble Just Cause 2 game mechanics wise. It's just not right. I also hope to god it's not going to be as repetitive as JC2. Fair enough JC2 was one of the biggest sandbox games out there. But because of that, they had the same side missions every square mile... And every couple of miles, you'd see an exact clone village or harbor. I want Mad Max to feel like where ever you go, each place you visit feels new and exciting.

Maybe I've been treated too well recently. The Last of Us did a great of job keeping things fresh all the way through the game. And felt almost like an open world survival, what with scavenging and looting every place along the way.

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sadly, i don' think there's a way around the repetitive factor in a massive open world like this... even the last of us is getting repetitive, but the story and levels are keeping it fresh... but come on, how many rags, scissors, and alcohol do you pick up that people leave behind?? and how many same looking drawers and cabinets do you open?? even some the interiors are starting to repeat themselves...

i would think with this being a next gen title, and being developed for probably 4 years that this will feel much more polished than just cause 2... but i think it's going to have a familiar feel to it just because it's the same developer... even the last of us feels like uncharted... and it has been said on record that mad max is going to have lots of random encounters too to keep the game feeling fresh... but i would imagine the camps will work in a similar fashion to clearing out enemy bases in just cause 2, only you can't skydive into the base, or deal with wave after wave of enemies (because of an enemy wanted level-like) while you try to take it over...

enemies might be in smaller numbers because of the scarcity of supplies and people still alive... and i think he each base could work as it's own separate town without ties to other towns and enemies... but that's all just my own speculation, hopefully we'll he some new stuff soon...

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One of my favourite aspects of Mad Max was the loneliness of being in a desolate and sparse land. Unfortunately, this doesn't make for great gaming. I wonder how they will address these issues, it can definitely be done (a la Fallout).

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Open world post apocalypse, sounds good, I bet the map will be huge too especially if its mostly desert.

Want to see some sort of game play trailer, but this is one to watch for.

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what?! it's been confirmed to be open world :huh:... did you not read what i posted or just skipped immediately to posting?? it's an open-world badlands map with car battles and camps to clear out...

Couldn't get it on my phone.

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Hopefully this game turns out to be good.

I'm looking for a decent apocalyptic open-world to explore and scavenge, and some kick-ass vehicular warfare against the scumbag highway gangs that roam the wasteland...

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i wouldn't be posting these if they weren't new images :lol:...


I hope gameplay graphics do look that good. (There's no reason why they shouldn't) considering it's next gen.

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I fancy myself a huge Mad Max fan--to the point where my friend and I are working to engineer an electronically controlled, toggle-able supercharger, like the Interceptor. Needless to say, I haven't stopped ejaculating since announcement. It's kinda a problem. I'm getting dehydrated.

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