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Mad Max

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the car is your baby, and probably the 2nd most important character in the game... it is fully customizable according to avalanche... if that entails body work or not, i am not sure... but performance wise, yes...

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i wish some one would heat it up?

5/28/14 think i saw this date a game stop for release date.

not sure if it was 28 or 30 so i went with 28.

the wait is not that far away.

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fuuuuck yes!! i've been waiting for new info!!! i am skeptical with the combat, it does seem a little outdated... it really did look like poor AI... he drove up with a loud muscle car and no one heard that? what about the sniper rifle? there's no way there's silencers in this world... and in a game all about cars and petrol, wouldn't you have a keen ear for the sound of an engine? and when he got on the roof, IDK... i saw enemies in the distance just standing there with their back turned to the action, and that's despite a tower crumbling down on the other side a minute ago...

but that's my over examination side... i tried to tear that apart... but who am i kidding? the world looks stunning, i see the basic premise of what they're trying to accomplish... i looks like fallout mixed with just cause... i don't care what the finished product turns out to be, if it's a half-assed version of that mashup, i will love every second of it!!

i am assuming spring 2014 is definitely out of the question now... if this is the first we've seen in months, then i bet it's looking more like a fall release now... bummer...

EDIT: wow, that video is really old... and also, i forgot that i was following them on twitter... if they didn't post anything there, then really, how old is this new info? their last tweet was on october 18th :(...

*tweets them*

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"Road warrior" fucking b-movie masterpiece. Maybe they're being quiet due to delays? Gta5 went cold fir about half a year after the initial hype. I doubt avalanche exhausted their funds.....

*gets worried and remembers "agent"

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Q never came back. Going to assume that he disliked all three movies and is retarded.

No, I only ever watched the first one... I wasn't aware they made more than one

QD always flees when he knows he is close to defeat.


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You have to watch The Road Warrior and Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. Those are amazing (Thunderdome would be better without those stupid kids. They're worse than ewoks).

The first movie doesn't even look or feel post-apocalyptic. At all.

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