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it doesn't seem like they spoiled all that much with max payne or RDR or LA noire when they did those gameplay series videos... they're just trying to show you new features and how to play the game... they're not gonna spoil the story or easter eggs or anything vital to the experience...

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Sounds like you guys are just making up excuses for your lack of self control. I'm avoiding TLofU like the plaque and people have been talking about that game nonstop for the past month.

Good info.

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  On 7/2/2013 at 6:25 PM, calimann83 said:

Of course, I am shocked that they are releasing any gameplay footage.

Why? They did it with RDR, LAN, and MP3.

I've seen quite a few people around the 'netz saying "they won't do that" just because they didn't do it with IV or earlier GTAs. They fail to look at the big picture which is Rockstar's marketing strategies for all of their games. That's how we know when to expect info - by looking at other recent game releases from Rockstar.

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yeah but RDR and LAN were original IP's and MP3 was the first Max Payne not to be developed by Remedy, whereas GTA is R*s cash cow. I'm sure most fans knew they were going to buy this day 1 all the way back in November of 2011 without knowing anything about the game, at least I knew I would.

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I wanted to go into this knowing as little as possible but if they release a gameplay trailer that might prove difficult...

That bit about the multiplayer being called GTA Online has me wondering just how massive it will be. Sounds like it could be worth $60 by itself.

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  On 7/2/2013 at 8:02 PM, TreeFitty said:
  On 7/2/2013 at 6:25 PM, calimann83 said:

Of course, I am shocked that they are releasing any gameplay footage.

Why? They did it with RDR, LAN, and MP3.

I've seen quite a few people around the 'netz saying "they won't do that" just because they didn't do it with IV or earlier GTAs. They fail to look at the big picture which is Rockstar's marketing strategies for all of their games. That's how we know when to expect info - by looking at other recent game releases from Rockstar.

I got that, but RDR. LAN and MP aren't GTA. I always figured that GTA had enough clout that they could get away without releasing gameplay. In other words those other games were a little more uncertain and unknown so people would want to see gameplay before buying it, but GTA is so well known it probably wouldn't matter. It just strikes me that R* would be inclined to not release any gameplay if they didn't have to. Obviously I was wrong, I know R* wouldn't really spoil anything (unless you consider the gameplay it's self something that can be spoiled like some people do) and I am sure I will enjoy preview.

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It'll probably only be new mechanic examples like character switching and things to do in the world, like a sightseeing guide to los santos series. Or it could si.ply only be multiplayer gameplay not single player...

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  On 7/2/2013 at 10:03 PM, DuPz0r said:
Or it could si.ply only be multiplayer gameplay not single player...

This, with a character swoop for good measure.

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i know a lot of you would rather not see the gameplay footage, but you are all in the minority because people have been shouting for gameplay videos since day one, and it's a loud and large majority too, it's probably the 2nd most requested thing from R* besides the PC debate... if you don't wanna be spoiled then don't watch them, it's as simple as that...

me personally, i can't wait to see them... i want to see this world in action!!

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  On 7/2/2013 at 11:08 PM, bOnEs said:

people have been shouting for gameplay videos since day one

...and we still are. I WANT GAMEPLAY VIDEOS! ...and porn.

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  On 7/2/2013 at 11:51 PM, beatnicpie said:
  On 7/2/2013 at 11:08 PM, bOnEs said:

people have been shouting for gameplay videos since day one

...and we still are. I WANT GAMEPLAY VIDEOS! ...and porn.

Why not both?


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I bet they just show us what they showed all the reports a few months back, so considering I've read all their previews, it won't ruin my first time playing experience, that said, i'll avoid watching any gameplay footage. Same as films, never watch the traliers unless i'm not sure whether or not watch it. Don't think i've got that issue with GTAV.

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  On 7/2/2013 at 9:56 PM, KingOfLosSantos said:

Finally we get gameplay.

I couldn't think about anything other than how GTA V is going to look.

I'm afraid that it might not look that great for some reason. I really want it to look like the screen shots, but maybe thats asking too much.

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Great news. I'm excited for the gameplay footage, Rockstar isn't stupid, I don't think that anything major will be spoiled ( plot-wise/ or mid to late game wise ).

Also finding more out about GTA V's Online should be interesting, I can't wait to see what they've got.

Probably the best part of news was the bit about you being able to visit the other characters, and being able to annoy or hospitalize them sounded pretty great. First thing I'm gonna do is switch to Franklin or Michael, and pay Trevor a visit. Then I'll beat his red-neck ass to a bloody pulp with a baseball bat, HA!!! :D ...

... I mean who didn't want to do the same thing with Roman?...

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  On 7/3/2013 at 12:34 AM, Craze said:

I bet they just show us what they showed all the reports a few months back

You think they'll show up 30-40 minutes of gameplay?

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  On 7/3/2013 at 1:40 AM, LineEmUp 504 said:
  On 7/3/2013 at 12:34 AM, Craze said:

I bet they just show us what they showed all the reports a few months back

You think they'll show up 30-40 minutes of gameplay?

no way...

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  On 7/3/2013 at 1:40 AM, LineEmUp 504 said:
  On 7/3/2013 at 12:34 AM, Craze said:

I bet they just show us what they showed all the reports a few months back

You think they'll show up 30-40 minutes of gameplay?

I think it'll be less than 4 - 5 min...

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I believe what he was trying to say is that they wouldn't show the same demo they showed to the press (which was 30-40 minutes). He wasn't suggesting they would show 30-40 minutes, he was questioning Craze's inadvertent suggestion that they would.

If that wasn't what he was trying to say, he should claim that it was anyway.

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  On 7/3/2013 at 1:40 AM, LineEmUp 504 said:
  On 7/3/2013 at 12:34 AM, Craze said:

I bet they just show us what they showed all the reports a few months back

You think they'll show up 30-40 minutes of gameplay?

Yeah why not, rockstar are crazy.

What I meant was it'll be the version of gameplay they saw, but obviously cut down, they jump a few minutes when in a car, or quicken up the video until the character gets out, like what they did in the MGS5 gameplay. And they leave out the heist job. . . . .hmm

Or they'll just show the heist job. Either way it'll be on one of the things reports have already seen, i bet.

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I don't really know why everyone is worried. I'm thinking a bit of character switching, a bit of running/driving around, a shootout, and a quick snippet of both planning a heist and the heist itself of something we've already seen or heard about (the masks or the pest control for example). Probably a bit of multiplayer too and some ocean action too.

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