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maybe the shadow on the buildings are too blue?

Considering the lighting looks like sunset/rise, i think the building shadows would be a different colour, darker (black) maybe. Those shadows look like they're coming from moon lighting

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Noted. Thanks Indy. I've had a few people tell me this. i rendered it at 2am without even checking the end result lol. Will definitely fix this when i put it into the Unreal engine.

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Finally i have finished my 2011 Environment Showreel. You guys are probably sick to death of seeing the same stuff over and over again for the last few months. Thanks for all the help and advice on here.

I've made a few changes to this final showreel and tried to make the whole thing a lot more dynamic. I've expanded on a couple of the environments and improved them as far as i can. From now I'll be working on my Final Major Film for the rest of my year, so expect to see a load of new shit lol.

Major Changes:

Old West - I overhauled the rocky canyon, and added that mine section of the map to the side. I also tried to make it look more cartoony.


Piccadilly Slums - I put it into unreal 3, and expanded it, tried to make it feel more like a street that just a model. Day and Night shots.



Bus Camp - I improved the overall ambience of the scene, and detailed the bus textures. I also made the tent canopy move in the wind (see showreel video for movement)


Thanks again.


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I made some last minute changes to my slum environment. It felt too clean to be a slum/ post-revolution place to be in, so i added a load of broken objects around the scene, and re-worked the lighting.




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Guest Marney1

Excellent work DuP' - just one thing though, the wrecked cars in the first two Piccadilly Slum shots look weird, seem a bit small. Are they cars?

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I think they are meant to be burnt out. I like the new revolt part and the detail looks a lot better.

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Excellent work DuP' - just one thing though, the wrecked cars in the first two Piccadilly Slum shots look weird, seem a bit small. Are they cars?

Yeah lol. I forgot to up scale them in the first shots, to they look like micro-machines xD They are burnt out yeah.

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Guest Marney1

Not yet. I think our tutors are setting up some days for industry visits, to specifically look at our work.

What uni are you at again? I forget.

Yeah, 20 questions I know. :P

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UH (University of Hertfordshire). It's become one of the leading Uni's in the UK for Games Art specialists in the last few years. Lots of good talent here. It's pretty competitive tbh.

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That lighting does look a lot better, it draws your eye to the most detailed part and the shadowing on the broken advert looks really good. I pointed this out in the skyrim thread but its better to point it out here, the link from your portfolio site to your tumblr is incorrect. The spelling of tumblr is wrong, i wasnt sure if you had spotted it before and so i thought i would mention it.

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