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Thanks demon ^ yeah realism became an issue when we realized what we were and were not capable of at the time xD

Here is my last game mod hand-in for my second year. It's a mod the whole year are working on called 'New Found Land' and nah not the one in Canada. It's a steampunk/fantasy inspired city mod which will have parts made by individual artists and then all composited together at the end :D

Forget about my waffling xD that shit has to be in there for it to be a diary/blog or else I'll fail the module!

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You can only go so far with 3D max methinks.

Your demo gave me a war of the worlds UK vibe which was interesting and yes the robots looked very cool.

Having studied 3D max and other relevant software i was very impressed plus you have a sexy voice B)

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Another nice video, Dup!

Now after a browser update I can watch the video you linked to at But it's the same video you had embedded in a post lol, "AI Insurgence". The graphics are very nice, but I like the music even better! The sound effects from the robots are okay, but I think the sound from fired guns should be a bit harder?

Triple +.

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Dup you keep getting better and better. (Y)

There's a lot of VFX (visual effects) houses that would love to hire you I'm sure.

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Thanks Synch, much appreciated. (Y)

My final hand-in of my second year, which is a human anatomy hand-in:





Turnaround of the model:

Now I can put some serious time into L.A.Noire!

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First piece of work I've started since summer break to be honest. Just getting back into the swing of things really.

I decided to try and invent a weapon but without trying to re-inventing the wheel. Ok, it was heavily inspired by inFamous, but i haven't seen anything that looks similar to what I've created here (other than a baseball bat lol).


I decided to call it "The Buzzard" mainly because buzz makes me think of an electric shock, and I'm in the middle of designing a bird logo print to put on it too. But if you guys could let me know what you think, and also what can be done to improve it? That would be nice.

Many thanks,


I've also done some levels of detail now (LODS) just to get in some practice. Every game on the market use level of detail to keep textures and models as low as possible where possible. Here i had no limits so I've been pretty generous, but I'm sure I could have got it lower than 1000 polys.



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To differentiate from inFamous 2's Amp, might I suggest replacing the two coils with a single Tesla coil? It would look more unique and the coil could serve as a hand guard.

Actually, it might be better to just make two weapons, if you're so inclined, because as I was typing this I thought of how awesome an electric broadsword with a Tesla coil hand guard would be.

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To differentiate from inFamous 2's Amp, might I suggest replacing the two coils with a single Tesla coil? It would look more unique and the coil could serve as a hand guard.

Actually, it might be better to just make two weapons, if you're so inclined, because as I was typing this I thought of how awesome an electric broadsword with a Tesla coil hand guard would be.

Good idea. I'll do a second weapon then :).

When you say broadsword what kind did you have in mind, got any reference pictures i could work from?

I kind of imagined you meant a Chinese style broad sword, but i think a straight classic would work too.

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Yeah, I started thinking about it more and drew up a few sketches, I'll scan and upload them in a sec.

Until then, the basic look is something kind of tech/cyberpunk, like this:


But thinner, and double-bladed like this:


with electricity arcing between the two blades. I've got a basic idea of how it should look, but I'm having trouble finding a balance between an angular cyberpunk sword and something more curved to match the aesthetic of the Tesla coil.

I definitely like the circuit board pattern engraved in the blades, though.

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Yeah, I started thinking about it more and drew up a few sketches, I'll scan and upload them in a sec.

Until then, the basic look is something kind of tech/cyberpunk, like this:


But thinner, and double-bladed like this:


with electricity arcing between the two blades. I've got a basic idea of how it should look, but I'm having trouble finding a balance between an angular cyberpunk sword and something more curved to match the aesthetic of the Tesla coil.

I definitely like the circuit board pattern engraved in the blades, though.

Coo. I had similar ideas in mind. I'll make something later and post it up. :)

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Ok, i had a little go and tried to get a middle ground between cyberpunk/tech and classic. I was quite hard to get a good balance with blade and coil as you sad before.




And here is one a developed a little further.


I've not been working on the handle much at the moment. It's mostly been a trade-off between the blade and the electrical element.

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hey Dup, nice work man, you're getting there for sure.

btw, tell me if you need an Adonis like RL model, I will pose for you bro.

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Ah, you went realistic. I couldn't help myself, and made things insane and Final Fantasy-esque. One of the sketches got so huge and ridiculous, I had to make it a polearm just so it would make sense balance-wise.

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It's functional. You get your blade caught in that, you're not getting it back out unless the guy you're fighting is too slow to take advantage and disarm you.

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@cuda - I'll hold you to that!

@Demon - Yeah i thought that too...

Ok Mass, I decided to take it into the fantasy genre a bit. Tell me what you think.


Also i thought the large round coil bit looked a little to cartoony, so i rearranged it. Does the asymmetry work or not?

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I like it, it works well for a heroic character, and the previous versions work better for a grittier antihero character. Find a company working on a cyberpunk game and sell that shit.

Also, I came up with an interesting idea for a game while I was dicking around with a zombie mod in New Vegas last night, so I've got a couple things if you ever need ideas for a game project with a supernatural theme.

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It's functional. You get your blade caught in that, you're not getting it back out unless the guy you're fighting is too slow to take advantage and disarm you.

There are other weapons - sais - that works better for catching a blade. If you can catch a blade with this tool then you are Superman and you don't need a weapon.

@cuda - I'll hold you to that!

@Demon - Yeah i thought that too...

Ok Mass, I decided to take it into the fantasy genre a bit. Tell me what you think.


Also i thought the large round coil bit looked a little to cartoony, so i rearranged it. Does the asymmetry work or not?

I'm not into the fantasy genre so I might not be qualified to say anything. And it was really a question for Massacre but I'm just butting in anyways. :P

It doesn't look bad but I want to see a logic reason why it is shaped that way, and I don't see one. It's not a high-tech weapon that works in mysterious ways(?), it's just an electric coil and a blade.

About the hilt: The grip is very thin and the pommel almost non-existant.

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It's functional. You get your blade caught in that, you're not getting it back out unless the guy you're fighting is too slow to take advantage and disarm you.

There are other weapons - sais - that works better for catching a blade. If you can catch a blade with this tool then you are Superman and you don't need a weapon.

Fuck sais. If I'm in a sword fight and a motherfucker pulls out a pair of sais, I'm chucking my sword and using a warhammer simply for the sake of humiliating them. Besides, all a sai can do is catch a blade, there's not enough leverage to actually disarm your opponent unless he has a weak grip.

I'm not into the fantasy genre so I might not be qualified to say anything. And it was really a question for Massacre but I'm just butting in anyways. :P

It doesn't look bad but I want to see a logic reason why it is shaped that way, and I don't see one. It's not a high-tech weapon that works in mysterious ways(?), it's just an electric coil and a blade.

About the hilt: The grip is very thin and the pommel almost non-existant.

It's just for looks. It looks better than a regular sword, and it wouldn't affect functionality. In fact, the wider, heavier blade would make for more powerful swings. Anyone who took a hit from that sword would take a slash from the blade, a shock from the coils (they are meant to be working coils, after all), and more than likely be knocked down by the weight of the blade.

Though, I do agree about the pommel, and the girth of the handle could be larger (inadvertent penis joke).

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It's functional. You get your blade caught in that, you're not getting it back out unless the guy you're fighting is too slow to take advantage and disarm you.

There are other weapons - sais - that works better for catching a blade. If you can catch a blade with this tool then you are Superman and you don't need a weapon.

Fuck sais. If I'm in a sword fight and a motherfucker pulls out a pair of sais, I'm chucking my sword and using a warhammer simply for the sake of humiliating them. Besides, all a sai can do is catch a blade, there's not enough leverage to actually disarm your opponent unless he has a weak grip.

Sais are not so much for disarming the opponent, more for stopping the blade which in turn opens a window for a counter-attack. If you manage to catch a blade with Dup's weapon then you can disarm your opponent, but I don't think you would have a good chance of catching a blade with that fork.

You could do as Indiana Jones and surprise your enemy by pulling out a gun. Not as stylish as a sword but it got the job done...

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I shrunk down the pommel because I thought a sword that heavy would be harder to hold with a pommel in the way. I guess it could be a little larger, to stop the hands falling off. As for the girth, that's an easy fix. I need to work on the arrangement a little still. As the sword needs to look like it forks off through the electrical box. At the moment it just looks like it stops and is flat against it. I might make a cut in the middle just before it meets, to show continuity.


I made some adjustments based on what you guys mentioned. I think it's starting to work now.


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Looks good. If you ever decide to make a character to use it, slap some kind of awesome battery pack on him somewhere to use as an energy source. Since Nikola Tesla was the inspiration for this sword, don't use a cable to connect it to the energy source, just connect them with a bolt of energy. Tesla liked to operate with as few wires as possible, after all.

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It looks good. The pommel doesn't look comfortable because it's shaped like a nut. Maybe you have a reason to have it this way, but I would have preferred a round one.

Mass mentioned external batteries, I thought the batteries was meant to be inside the grip? You don't need very large batteries to produce high voltage. The Tazer is not large.

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