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Nice. I was hoping you'd need a bit more input from us for it, but whatever, I'd just be happy to see it done.

Yeah i would have, but we had a short turnover for the hand-in on that so i just whipped it together quickly. I did post the video of it though. It's that one with the sewer vault/hideout. It wasn't "my" project as such, so i couldn't add to it after the hand-in. I'll post a video of it once the whole thing is together though :)

I just finished a quick street prop. It's rendered in realtime, in-game graphics. I've been practising my texturing a bit on this one.


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Serious talent. It's amazing to see the progress from some years ago. Keep up the good work. Love the red dead style town.

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Thanks Skribble.

I finally made a start on some concept art - ideas for my Final Major Project.

Here's my first concept image, let me know what you guys think, as it's quite important. The Country isn't set in stone, it's more about the theme at the moment.

The world is scorched and Man has retreated to underground refuge. People roam the wasteland only for food, water and trading materials.

- Pretty standard post-apocalyptic theme. But we're going for a sand swept ruin of a once sprawling metropolis.


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Guest Marney1

Excellent DuP' not sure if it could do with some sci fi style flying machines in the distant sky or it's best left as it is to truly show it's post-apocalyptic. Excellent either way, I'll have to check your site out again sometime.

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Thanks Skribble.

I finally made a start on some concept art - ideas for my Final Major Project.

Here's my first concept image, let me know what you guys think, as it's quite important. The Country isn't set in stone, it's more about the theme at the moment.

The world is scorched and Man has retreated to underground refuge. People roam the wasteland only for food, water and trading materials.

- Pretty standard post-apocalyptic theme. But we're going for a sand swept ruin of a once sprawling metropolis.


Holy macaroni. I think this is amazing! But when I look at it, I wonder if not the lighting could need a little adjustment. Because they sky is foggy (sandy?), still there's very bright light at the tower and the shadows are too sharp for this weather.

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Thanks Skribble.

I finally made a start on some concept art - ideas for my Final Major Project.

Here's my first concept image, let me know what you guys think, as it's quite important. The Country isn't set in stone, it's more about the theme at the moment.

The world is scorched and Man has retreated to underground refuge. People roam the wasteland only for food, water and trading materials.

- Pretty standard post-apocalyptic theme. But we're going for a sand swept ruin of a once sprawling metropolis.

Holy macaroni. I think this is amazing! But when I look at it, I wonder if not the lighting could need a little adjustment. Because they sky is foggy (sandy?), still there's very bright light at the tower and the shadows are too sharp for this weather.

That's a good point. I guess i didn't think of that when i was painting. The shadows would be much softer. thanks. :)

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Looks sexy. When you texture stuff, is there an app that lets you draw on the physical object? Or do you need to draw on a flat version of it in Photoshop or whatever?

Cheers. It's a mixture of both. You see the first 3 million poly object? that's a high-poly-sculpt. Meaning i sculpted the details into it like you would with clay. Then you need to bake the sculpted details onto a low, in-game model and then add dirt and other details in photoshop. The main apps i use for this are mudbox and zbrush.


Here is the start of my Egyptian Environment piece.


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Hard to explain but the perspective on the bridge hanging down off the right tower is off. Otherwise looking really really good man.

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Guest Marney1

@DuP' Have you sent off any of your work to R* yet? They welcome regular updates from interested people but recommend you only send them material that looks like it could be in a R* game. I would get working on a reel dedicated to R* if I were you, you've definitely got what it takes judging by some existing employees' work.

@3:10 Josh Bass says "We're making Grand Theft Auto" - watch Gordon Hall's 'I can't believe you just said that' face.

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@3:10 Josh Bass says "We're making Grand Theft Auto" - watch Gordon Hall's 'I can't believe you just said that' face.

I wonder if he makes that face because they're currently working on GTA and the guy let it slip, or because the guy meant "We're making Grand Theft Auto" only as a benchmark for the kind of work they want, but he realizes that people are going to take that comment to mean that they're working on GTA.

If I worked for R*, I would be pissed if we weren't working on GTA but an employee said something that could be misconstrued as implying we were working on it, and I had to read a bunch of shit about "ZOMG GTAV IS CONFIRMED!!!111!!!eleven!!!11"

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Guest Marney1

@3:10 Josh Bass says "We're making Grand Theft Auto" - watch Gordon Hall's 'I can't believe you just said that' face.

I wonder if he makes that face because they're currently working on GTA and the guy let it slip, or because the guy meant "We're making Grand Theft Auto" only as a benchmark for the kind of work they want, but he realizes that people are going to take that comment to mean that they're working on GTA.

If I worked for R*, I would be pissed if we weren't working on GTA but an employee said something that could be misconstrued as implying we were working on it, and I had to read a bunch of shit about "ZOMG GTAV IS CONFIRMED!!!111!!!eleven!!!11"

You've just said exactly what I thought. I suppose it could be taken whichever way you want, so I'll take it as they're working on GTA because it feels better.

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While I'd like to believe they're working on it, I've got to go with option 2. "We're making Grand Theft Auto" answers any questions a person could possibly have when applying for a job with R*.

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Ooo, that did sound like an honest mess up. They all seemed like they were trying too hard to ignore it. Oh well, it happens. I feel a little warmer inside knowing they are very much likely working on the next GTA! Thanks for the support Marney. I believe i could work at R* one day. I still think i have a long way to go, but fuck yeah I'll be sending in my reel this time next year, possibly earlier :) My main showreel needs to be finished by the end of semester A, but i can mod it to my own liking after that.

Watch this space, i have some nice environment developments for my showreel/game cinematic in the pipeline and will show of some pretty renders once they're in good shape. :)

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I wonder if you working at R* would benefit iGTA in any way. More swag and recognition, maybe? Either that or they'll never let you see us again in order to keep their GTA secrets hidden.

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Guest Marney1

If i got a job at R*, I'd probably have to lurk rather than post sadly. :(

No one would expect you to post about what you get up to at work but it would be nice if you kept us informed about yourself and non-work related material in the Gold forum. We wouldn't pester you about work (well I wouldn't anyway) - I think we all want you working for R* more than you do, nothing better than knowing a huge R* fan is giving his input on future games.

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I think you would still be allowed to talk on the forums... but you will know your legal rights to say or not say what you can. It's not so much "getting in trouble from the boss" as it would be a multi million dollar lawsuit.

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