
GTA V achievement/trophy list (possible spoilers warning)

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  On 8/17/2013 at 10:19 AM, StillJustMe said:

More likely a game play mode

Yeah could be man but I think bounties would be a good system on line to police it like LB talks about in cvg. Would be similar to RDR where you go to station see who is wanted and then light them up for $. Would be a decent way of keeping a evenish playing field

Edit -Could go with a crew and spilt profit or just be a badass lone hunter

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  On 8/17/2013 at 4:37 AM, rm80rams said:
  On 8/17/2013 at 4:25 AM, santiago919 said:
Link the secret achievments list pleas

Why? There is a reason that they are secret.

  On 8/17/2013 at 4:25 AM, XXCrimsonXX said:
I think the spaceship thing may actually be the hidden packages, similar to the pigeons in GTA IV.Maybe you could even fly it when you collect all of them too LOL

The reward is a spacesuit and the ability to fly it like you said, then turn on weazel news and see local residents get interviewed and they talk about seeing aliens and ufo's

Its not up to you whether or not people read the secret achievements. I say link to them clearly stating what they are and then permaban people for not using spoiler tags. Instead of being a QD about it and talking down to people because they want to spoil the story for themselves.

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Glad to see these as they give out abit of new info, but I never understood achievements/trophies. What are they for? Why should we care about them?

All they seem to do (on PS3 anyway) is block you using your saves on a different console or different username.

The things you have to do to get them, why not just make those regular objectives in the game and not some universal checklist?

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Sees a Link to GTA V's Trophies/ Achievements.

Doesn't click on it for fear of spoilers.

* I think I'll wait until I've actually played a few hours of GTA V, then I'll have a look at the Trophy List...

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Something tells me Kifflom will be making fun of Scientology, and we have to spend ridiculous amounts of money to get through it.

  On 8/17/2013 at 6:01 AM, TreeFitty said:

I think the spacecraft parts will turn out to be airplane pieces or other random scrap. Like some crazy conspiracy theorist wants you to collect all these parts cuz itz a UFO dood, you collect them, then someone that knows what they are looking at says "it's garbage parts from a cropduster" or something like that.

edit: OR the spaceship is a decoration or similar. Like someone wants to attract customers to a business so they send you out to find certain parts to build a fake spaceship with. "Go to the plumbing store and get ____ then go to the LS Customs shop for some scrap metal..."

And I think the Kifflom one is among the many choices we have. As long as you do the certain mission you get the achievement/trophy. What choice you make during the mission does not matter.

Nervous Ron.

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  On 8/17/2013 at 8:44 AM, GunSmith117 said:
  On 8/17/2013 at 6:48 AM, rm80rams said:

Then just ignore it, plain and simple. The inclusion would not hurt anyone or make the game worse. It seems like something that would entertain me for a short period of time, which would mean it served it's purpose.

It's been stated that Rockstar seeks to leave the realm of gloomy seriousness that we experienced in IV, but to add a pilot-able extraterrestrial spacecraft is a bit too much in my opinion. It won't be a deal-breaker (unlike the trees...), but it'd certainly be surprising to see.

I have my doubts of whether we will actually get a spaceship to fly, but even if we do, it certainly won't hurt how fucking awesome the game will be.

  On 8/17/2013 at 12:24 PM, QDeathstar said:
  On 8/17/2013 at 4:37 AM, rm80rams said:
  On 8/17/2013 at 4:25 AM, santiago919 said:
Link the secret achievments list pleas

Why? There is a reason that they are secret.

  On 8/17/2013 at 4:25 AM, XXCrimsonXX said:
I think the spaceship thing may actually be the hidden packages, similar to the pigeons in GTA IV.Maybe you could even fly it when you collect all of them too LOL

The reward is a spacesuit and the ability to fly it like you said, then turn on weazel news and see local residents get interviewed and they talk about seeing aliens and ufo's

Its not up to you whether or not people read the secret achievements. I say link to them clearly stating what they are and then permaban people for not using spoiler tags. Instead of being a QD about it and talking down to people because they want to spoil the story for themselves.

Please, enlighten me on how I was 'talking down' to him. I just questioned why he would want to see the secret trophies/ achievements. Not sure how that is being a QD....

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That shark one is a little sketchy to me. If a shark jumps out of the water right in front of me while I'm on a boat I'll probably shit a brick.

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  On 8/17/2013 at 5:04 AM, bOnEs said:

since i've seen the list i might as well comment on it :P...


Complete your path to enlightment... or not.

...sounds like there will still be storyline choices again? i thought i recall them saying there weren't any in V...

  On 8/17/2013 at 4:25 AM, XXCrimsonXX said:

I think the spaceship thing may actually be the hidden packages, similar to the pigeons in GTA IV.

Maybe you could even fly it when you collect all of them too LOL

i could see the UFO parts as collectibles, as well as the waste management trophy... remember this part of the website??


it's probably another collectible...

That's actually really cool, maybe the water is toxic like how it is in Half-Life LOL

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For the people who want to know the secret achievements.

  Reveal hidden contents

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Maybe associated through the local news on the tv there would be shark attacks at this time and this location so boaters, scuba divers beware. And the sheer luck Ur diving around there you spot him or something to that affect and u have to kill it or something.

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Well someone says because one of the hidden achievements is called

  Reveal hidden contents

But I think that is just setup to introduce him what does everyone else think?

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  On 8/24/2013 at 1:42 AM, TreeFitty said:

Anyone that isn't afraid of spoilers want to test the show/hide button of the secret achievements/trophies? I just want to make sure it works for different people.

i tested it with a super blurred vision, might have permanent eye damage now... but, IT WORKS!!

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