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Help GTA Win Greatest Gaming Series of the Decade!!

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  On 9/11/2013 at 1:53 AM, GunSmith117 said:

Elder Scrolls is contesting with GTA? If it were Fallout, I wouldn't be nearly as surprised.

Yeah that's what I said.. But I really don't want to see Elder Scrolls beat GTA. Even if I weren't a GTA fan I would still think it is a better series and glad ya voted Bronson!

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Does it really matter? Grand Theft Auto, The Elder Scrolls - and Fallout, while we're at it - are great franchises the were originally mediocre, then got really, really good by the third game.

Another thing they have in common is that they and their fans gain nothing from winning this thing.

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Yes. It does matter. OUR LIVES ARE AT STAKE!

Lol I mean its just a fun competition to see who would win and by seeing which franchise has the greatest fan base. No reason to go and post saying 'their fans gain nothing from this'.

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  On 9/11/2013 at 2:00 PM, StillJustMe said:

Like what you like. And have fun doing it.

Lol.. what's that supposed to mean..? Well whatever it is I sure will do just that! :D

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It means I'm not going to vote in this contest because it serves no purpose. Some people like GTA some like elder scrolls. It doesn't mean one game is better than the other. It just means people have personal preferences.

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  On 9/11/2013 at 4:15 AM, Massacre said:

Does it really matter? Grand Theft Auto, The Elder Scrolls - and Fallout, while we're at it - are great franchises the were originally mediocre, then got really, really good by the third game.

what the fuck man

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I didn't play them at the time but I've always thought Arena and Daggerfall were excellent games. Similarly Fallout 1&2 are two of the best games of the 90's IMO. I never thought GTA 1 and 2 were much good but I've never bothered playing with them for an extended period of time

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I think the first couple of games in each instance probably seem average now, but only because each series has got consistently better. At their time, they were seminal. Not sure why people are surprised that TES is doing well...

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