
What is Your Favourite GTA?

Grand Theft Auto  

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It has to be San Andreas for me with GTA IV coming a close second, i couldn't even begin to count the many many hours i spent playing this game and the multiple times i completed it lol it was just so much fun and there was so much to do, i mean come onnn, what can't you do with a jetpack? lol

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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas baby!! Its the best IMO with a beast story line and when it was summer I purchased a PS2 just for it. Took me 3 days to beat it with no cheats. Awesome Game

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I mean who even remembers Halo 2, it was just another generic shooter. But San Andreas was something special.

Watch it - Halo 2 is one of the best (funnest etc) games ever to play local multiplayer on, right up there with Time Splitters 2 and UT 2003. San Andreas's multiplayer was pretty crap and non existant on PC (SA:MP and MTA were good, but they were not official). Not to mention Halo and San Andreas are two completely different games.

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For me it will always be a draw between GTA San Andreas and GTA 3, they're both special to me in there own way.

GTA 3, although not being the first GTA I played, was the game that I remember playing the most when I was young. The dark, gritty atmosphere of Liberty City is one of the most memorable settings of any game I've ever played. If I had to describe the game in one word it would be "magical".

San Andreas is another story. I love the game but in a whole different way than my relationship with GTA 3. I had more fun playing this than any game in the world. Whether it be the slums of Ganton in Los Santos, the crowded and rather dull areas of San Fierro or the glitzy nightlife of Las Venturas I was always having fun.

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I loved San Andreas I though it give you a real feeling that you were a gangster and living in los santos


Claude, Tommy, and Toni were real Gangsters, CJ was a chicken that ran away from everything.

More like he was a kid sent away to Liberty City, to escape from the the 'Gang Violence' in his home town ( or 'hood' ).

He came back older, and with an ambition to make more of himself. Also to set ammends to any mistakes made in his past, and to bring his old gang back to it's former glory.

I think that Rockstar wanted CJ's character to be more indepth, but sacrificed that for something more stereotypical, and instead concentrated on cramming the game full of content. As seen by the tonne of new things that could be done in the game.

We will probably see what Rockstar intended for CJ's character in GTA V. Through Franklin, who looks to be more ambitious and wise, and who also seems to be looking for more meaning and success in his life, then the old "Thug In, Thug Out" lifestyle message that Steet Gangbangers seem to live by. He's very capable, especially with his history of violence. And is looking to make somthing of himself in the organised crime world.

He's the new aged Gangbanger, having to evolve too suit the ever changing modern world, lest he be left behind as a footnote in history. Like the Samurai in the East, who died out due to not embracing 'Dishonourable' new technology like firearms and cannons. Or the Cowboys in the West becoming outdated by the encroachment of Civilization and the Industrial Revoultion.

P.S. Speaking of which, I can't wait for the Next-Gen Red Dead Game on the PS4, It's going to be EPIC!!! :D

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I loved San Andreas I though it give you a real feeling that you were a gangster and living in los santos


Claude, Tommy, and Toni were real Gangsters, CJ was a chicken that ran away from everything.

More like he was a kid sent away to Liberty City, to escape from the the 'Gang Violence' in his home town ( or 'hood' ).

He came back older, and with an ambition to make more of himself. Also to set ammends to any mistakes made in his past, and to bring his old gang back to it's former glory.

I think that Rockstar wanted CJ's character to be more indepth, but sacrificed that for something more stereotypical, and instead concentrated on cramming the game full of content. As seen by the tonne of new things that could be done in the game.

We will probably see what Rockstar intended for CJ's character in GTA V. Through Franklin, who looks to be more ambitious and wise, and who also seems to be looking for more meaning and success in his life, then the old "Thug In, Thug Out" lifestyle message that Steet Gangbangers seem to live by. He's very capable, especially with his history of violence. And is looking to make somthing of himself in the organised crime world.

He's the new aged Gangbanger, having to evolve too suit the ever changing modern world, lest he be left behind as a footnote in history. Like the Samurai in the East, who died out due to not embracing 'Dishonourable' new technology like firearms and cannons. Or the Cowboys in the West becoming outdated by the encroachment of Civilization and the Industrial Revoultion.

P.S. Speaking of which, I can't wait for the Next-Gen Red Dead Game on the PS4, It's going to be EPIC!!! :D

Lol he wasn't sent away, he left after Brain's death because he knew it was his fault. (as Sweet and the story says) And he was scared that he was next. But if he wanted to make more of himself, why would he want to go back to gangbangin? I think he wanted to get Grove Street back together so he could prove to Sweet that he could be trusted as a brother after missing both his mom's and Brian's funeral... also Idk maybe it's just me, but CJ was a confusing character. At first he's killing everybody insight, kind of a badass, next thing you know he's on his knee's begging that Catalina doesn't kill him "oh please baby, please don't kill me... please!" then he's back to high-jacking a fucking hydra. wtf?

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Lol he wasn't sent away, he left after Brain's death because he knew it was his fault. (as Sweet and the story says) And he was scared that he was next. But if he wanted to make more of himself, why would he want to go back to gangbangin? I think he wanted to get Grove Street back together so he could prove to Sweet that he could be trusted as a brother after missing both his mom's and Brian's funeral... also Idk maybe it's just me, but CJ was a confusing character. At first he's killing everybody insight, kind of a badass, next thing you know he's on his knee's begging that Catalina doesn't kill him "oh please baby, please don't kill me... please!" then he's back to high-jacking a fucking hydra. wtf?

He did make something of himself, he pretty much became the Crime 'King Pin' of Los Santos.

And the part with Catelina was just humour for the sake of itself, for most of the game he was more then willing to take on anyone that got in his way. Which seems to be the opposite of your statement of him being a coward.

And you're right about him being a confusing character, but all of GTA's Main Characters are the same. For instance Niko is shown in one cutscene telling his cousin how he's sick of murdering people, then when the player regains control he ends up going on a cop killing spree ( sorry couldn't help myself :D ). This is of course unavoidable in any game where the player has control over the character's actions. Plus Rockstar could be making a 'Social Commentary' about Western Society's contradictions and violent hypocrisies, commiting acts of violence but at the same time preaching love, peace and family values.

....................... Or they could just be too lazy to make a believable and well rounded character.

Remember this was from the old generation of GTA's where the character's and world's themselves were really just satirical cartoon versions of their real counterparts. I don't think GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas were meant to be taken literally. Where as the New Generation, starting with GTA lV were gritier and more real, and became more serious as a result ( even though it still had plenty of humour and satire as well ). And started having more complex and believable characters. GTA V will be the next installment in this series of more gritier and real GTA's.

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Lol he wasn't sent away, he left after Brain's death because he knew it was his fault. (as Sweet and the story says) And he was scared that he was next. But if he wanted to make more of himself, why would he want to go back to gangbangin? I think he wanted to get Grove Street back together so he could prove to Sweet that he could be trusted as a brother after missing both his mom's and Brian's funeral... also Idk maybe it's just me, but CJ was a confusing character. At first he's killing everybody insight, kind of a badass, next thing you know he's on his knee's begging that Catalina doesn't kill him "oh please baby, please don't kill me... please!" then he's back to high-jacking a fucking hydra. wtf?

GTA V will be the next installment in this series of more gritier and real GTA's.

well duh blacksox.. but really i still think he was somewhat a coward just based on his actions. I'm not much of a cj fan. So because of that, i would have to rate SA under VC and VCS. SA gameplay was just amazing, story was up there, but for me, the character didn't sit right. I do however feel that i might like Franklin... that is until everybody plays the game and says "yep! this is suppose to be cj!" then i will dislike him just as much as cj himself.

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Lol he wasn't sent away, he left after Brain's death because he knew it was his fault. (as Sweet and the story says) And he was scared that he was next. But if he wanted to make more of himself, why would he want to go back to gangbangin? I think he wanted to get Grove Street back together so he could prove to Sweet that he could be trusted as a brother after missing both his mom's and Brian's funeral... also Idk maybe it's just me, but CJ was a confusing character. At first he's killing everybody insight, kind of a badass, next thing you know he's on his knee's begging that Catalina doesn't kill him "oh please baby, please don't kill me... please!" then he's back to high-jacking a fucking hydra. wtf?

GTA V will be the next installment in this series of more gritier and real GTA's.

well duh blacksox.. but really i still think he was somewhat a coward just based on his actions. I'm not much of a cj fan. So because of that, i would have to rate SA under VC and VCS. SA gameplay was just amazing, story was up there, but for me, the character didn't sit right. I do however feel that i might like Franklin... that is until everybody plays the game and says "yep! this is suppose to be cj!" then i will dislike him just as much as cj himself.

Fair Enough, everyone has their own opinions.

Either way 1 of the 3 new characters has got be interesting, if not all of them. I can't wait for September 17th!!! :jumpy:

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Lol he wasn't sent away, he left after Brain's death because he knew it was his fault. (as Sweet and the story says) And he was scared that he was next. But if he wanted to make more of himself, why would he want to go back to gangbangin? I think he wanted to get Grove Street back together so he could prove to Sweet that he could be trusted as a brother after missing both his mom's and Brian's funeral... also Idk maybe it's just me, but CJ was a confusing character. At first he's killing everybody insight, kind of a badass, next thing you know he's on his knee's begging that Catalina doesn't kill him "oh please baby, please don't kill me... please!" then he's back to high-jacking a fucking hydra. wtf?

GTA V will be the next installment in this series of more gritier and real GTA's.

well duh blacksox.. but really i still think he was somewhat a coward just based on his actions. I'm not much of a cj fan. So because of that, i would have to rate SA under VC and VCS. SA gameplay was just amazing, story was up there, but for me, the character didn't sit right. I do however feel that i might like Franklin... that is until everybody plays the game and says "yep! this is suppose to be cj!" then i will dislike him just as much as cj himself.

Fair Enough, everyone has their own opinions.

Either way 1 of the 3 new characters has got be interesting, if not all of them. I can't wait for September 17th!!! :jumpy:

I'm sure all 3 will be amazing, and everybody just might change their favorite GTA game too V

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My favourite Gta is Vice City Stories, as it was the first game I had bought and the first gta I'd bought. San Andre was good but in my opinion Vice City Stories was better! :jumpy:

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My favorite is Vice city of course the best Gta i was hopingthat GTA V would feature Vice city instead of los santos so i am a bit disapointed but it also means that Vice city 2 would be even better in the future gta release can't wait to see Miami back with the mafia sun sea and hum let's say salt.

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San Andreas all the way

"Grove street...home....at least it was before I fucked everything up"

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I liked the gritty realism of IV's story. It was a unique perspective from which to satire the American Dream, and I really appreciated the story the game told. So IV for me.

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