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Oh really? Damn. It didn't happen to me in creation mode, i spent ages making the ramps and landing spots flawless... I've not tried it online yet though, as i made it all as Micheal on the bike. Is it only the one ramp, or more than one? That sucks if it isn't a glitch, coz that means i'll have to change it all.

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It's a glitch. I have that problem with a lot of ramps in the game, not just ones from custom content.

The one in front of the abandoned hotel in Sandy Shores is the worst offender. Knocks me off my bike, no matter where I hit it.

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Does it happen every time you try or only sometimes? I just tried PCJ Playground online, and it happened to me on the first two jumps... Which it didn't do offline. Could it be some "online" issue like lag, or miss-synchronization or something?

Hmm, i think i'll do some research.


We're not the only ones. It appears that since patch 1.08, the large ramps have had issues.

You can sort of make it up them by pulling a wheelie before impact, but that's just annoying to do, especially if you have a high speed jump that needs maximum speed in order to reach the checkpoint.

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The PCJ one was the worst as it happened on nearly every jump unless I pulled a wheelie (even happened on one when I did a wheelie). The LS River one wasn't nearly as bad but it happened on the second last jump. Very strange glitch.

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went mad, created a bunch of races. Some harder than others

Noticed people place checkpoints on corners. thats a mistake. Try placing them before or after. allow racers to cut corners. makes it more interesting and less annoying

Tried to make these hard but realistic enough. Hope they have a rockstar made feel.

Not easy, not crazy.

Grand Senora Express Tour

Make you way through the Grand Senora Desert. See such landmarks like Senora National Park then stop off at You Tool!

Dockyard Drive

Tight turns through the obstacles provided by the docks! Drive carefully.

Dockyard Dash

Up the boat and between the containers. Squeeze you way through to victory!

The Sandy Shores Shuffle

Do the Sandy Shores Shuffle! Dart through the town but be careful of tight turns. Short cuts are key to victory

Not for the originality award.Only one that is pretty obvious but I didnt see anyone here making it. I'd like to see how it plays out.

Take Off Turn Around

Drag race style run around the sandy shores airport

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Making races is less of a pain in the ass than deathmatches

National Park Program

Race through the foothills of the Senora National Park...but not on foot

its atv/shanchez or if u pick suv's its park ranger grangers.

Hippie Fest

Come together for a race of peace and love!

interesting vehicle choices for this one. that's all im saying

Tug Job

Tug Around the McKenzie airport until you reach a happy ending

First though was air tug only. Tho if u pick the utility class its that. but i gave some more options as well. they're a bit slow and the race is neat

This was a pain. a lot of testing but its pretty cool

Land Hop

Race the shallows of the Alamo Sea! Will you cut across the dirt or drive around? Is every ramp worth taking?

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So far I have worked hard on NINE different tracks. Haven't really had anyone play them yet so I thought I'd share them here. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! They are all serious races (Except for the last one). Most have makeshift Chicanes for an added challenge. Hence why I used so much Construction fences as you'll see. Others have ramps and other fun things. My favorite tracks, and the ones I highly suggest you try are numbers 1, 2, 5 & 8. I'm constantly making new races, feel free to check out my new jobs here:

1. Gymkhana: Act just like Ken Block as you take your sports car through an awesome, tight course in three parking lots. Cool trick areas.

2. Alamo Seaside Raceway [C]: Cruise alongside the Alamo Sea on this 2.43 mile circuit. This is the 'C' (Short version) track. Yes, that means are already A & B versions

3. Alamo Seaside Raceway [A]: Cruise alongside the Alamo Sea on this 4.81 mile circuit. This is the 'A' (Long version) track.

4. Alamo Seaside Raceway : Cruise alongside the Alamo Sea on this 3.67 mile circuit. This is the 'B' (Medium version) track.

5. Ocean Sprint: Speed through a highway figure 8, dodge bombs and race to the ocean. The finish line? Well that checkpoint is right before a jump that goes off into the water!

6. 16.7 Mile Enduro: Go around the entire map... Can you last long enough to take the win?

7. Hill Climb: Off roading.

8. Ocean Hillside Raceway: Beat and bang to the finish by the ocean.

9. The Hardest Race: Kind of a joke track. It starts at the top of the building, you go off a jump and fall to the bottom of it, and continue racing. Wicked hard bc why not? Long and tedious. Have fun crossing the water at the end of the beach... Yes it is possible... Depending on the tide ;) It's just for sh*ts and giggles, but it is actually possible to cross the water. Might be a little hard though.

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Man it's hard keeping up with these now that everyone is getting into them. I intend on trying them all but I wouldn't mind seeing some sort of poll/iGTA-faves list compiled so we can throw them into forum games down the track.

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I thought i'd try something different and it worked out good! This is a Rock Crawl across the Tongva Hills. This game isn't really about speed, but you will need to think quick to stay ahead if you want to win. Some of the climbs are challenging, and require some thought as to where you should drive to get to the next checkpoint.

Overall it's really fun, and that's the main thing.


Off Road 1-16 players.

Rock crawling on San Andreas's wild terrain. The aim is slow and steady, not pedal to the metal.

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You know there's going to be the one guy that tries his best to knock everyone off, but just ends up careening down the rock face like a dweeb.

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I had a funny game earlier with randoms. Some guy obviously didn't read the description, and tried to race full speed at the checkpoints and ended up folding his car into giant rock faces over and over again, or drowning in the stream. He was screaming down the mic saying "this is the most retarded race ever created, the checkpoints are in the worst places EVER!" Me and some other guy was just laughing, and said read the description you prat.

Some of the checkpoints are a bitch to get to though, but that's part of the challenge. It's not really a 'race', it's more about vehicle control.

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i don't get a lot of time to use to the creator, but when i do, i create stuff like this...




Land Race ~ 1-16 Players

Splash your way thru the waters of the Zancudo River, zig-zagging from land to sea in this off-road challenge. Don't slow down in the deeper waters or you'll be watching your competition pass you by.


after a few test runs, i think it passes... kuz seemed to like it, he destroyed us both times...

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Nice DiO. Anyone notice that if you allow custom vehicles, it overrides the vehicle lock? So if i were to play your rebel track with my custom rebel, someone else with a better off-road could still use that. Kind of sucks, it should stay on with custom vehicles if you have one of that type only.

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yea, that's the problem with my off-road race i created yesterday... if custom vehicles are on, people will select their bifta or injection... and they will drown in some of the earlier trips across the zancudo... i think that's probably why i ended up with a dislike, someone must of done that...

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The Alamo Challenge:

Any feedback and/or recommendations would be much appreciated.

The Alamo Challenge is a sea race involving the two rivers that lead into and out of the Alamo Sea.

Lots of jumping, sharp turns, and mayhem ahead.

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QUESTION! ...How the hell do you guys get people to play your levels? I'll host a job with my own track, sit there and wait... 10-15 minutes. No one joins. (Yes matchmaking is open) It is literally the most annoying thing :/

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I just occasionally get lucky with some people joining (I have to use invites) though, in game plays so far are the only ones I've got, some of my maps don't have any

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