
First Impressions (Totally Spoiler Free)

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First impressions: spectacular. Drove a couple of different boats around the landmass perimeter, the lighting and scale are breathtaking. Soaking in the sights, sounds, satirical one-liners and the overall look and feel. I see and hear familiar flavours of past GTAs in this vast new incarnation, and it feels like home.

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Beautiful. The first mission was great, a brilliant way to start it, although it did "slightly" go against what was said by R* in an Interview, not too long ago about not forcing you into decisions, but apart from that, its brilliant, I did a few missions as the start protag, unlocked the second, then went exploring up the west coast.

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I've been playing for the past few hours and the map is that big I've barely 'skimmed' the surface! To say its stunning is an understatement.

Just been cruising round in the blimp too (just plummeted to my death as Franklin from thousands of feet in the air, which was pretty spectacular!)

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well i got my copy about an hour ago and after installing disk 1 (which took 20mins) i had 10mins to do the first part of the game upto the point it lets you save at which point i had to go out

from the little i've played i'm liking it so far, the intro to the game is possibly the best i've ever seen/played.

the graphics are fantastic, not done much running or walking so i'll hold off there, driving is much better imo and the camera for driving is also much better and usable this time around.

gun fights are much improved and lot like RDR but with tweaks done for GTA style play.

i did get into a cop battle and a chase, the cops seem much more competent in shooting you, taking advantage of distance and cover much more effectively which makes a shoot out with them alittle more of a challenge and interesting.

police chases are much better also, the cops actually seem to know how to drive this time around and as a result i had one right on my ass for several blocks before managing to get out of sight, once you are out of sight hiding is the next job, this took abit of doing and some pre-thought on direction using the radar.

time will tell as to this being a one off/luck of the draw but so far i'm happy.

next play i'm be doing some missions to unlock some more features before driving around, get a feel for the layout of the map aswell as some of the vehicles.

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right after intro missions i went to a gun store to see what they had then i folowed a trams tracks all the way to the airport were i made a mistake and went on the tarmack and them fellers know how to shoot after get out of the hospetial i found a simi and a trailer and tore the grass up at a golf course which in retune the old basterds called the cops wich after they killed me i turnd it off cause i was tired.

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I've been so busy exploring Los Santos I haven't barely played any missions! I need to get my ass in gear!

But my God is this game pretty! And the city seems so huge when you're down in it!

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This game is good - I have had to get used to slight change of controls and I had to adjust a few of the settings mainly with the car camera as 'high'.

The game feels like a movie when you're playing the story mode, very nice indeed.

Haven't really got to go through all the features yet but I've mainly been stealing vehicles to check them out.

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First impressions: spectacular. Drove a couple of different boats around the landmass perimeter, the lighting and scale are breathtaking. Soaking in the sights, sounds, satirical one-liners and the overall look and feel. I see and hear familiar flavours of past GTAs in this vast new incarnation, and it feels like home.

How long did if take to circle the island?

<<<<<< still don't have the game

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I'm not sure I'd consider it a spoiler, but in case you'd rather find out yourself, plus it depends on your vehicle and if you're ogling the landscape...

Probably up to 30 minutes, I tried a jetski and a couple of different boats, not top racing speed the entire time, but not lingering too much either.

Had the sun setting on my right and mountains on my left, and the moon... :fap:

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i noticed some thing with the ingame map that it only shows were you have been so we will proboly have to go all over the map be for you can see the whole thing but i know why they did this. (they did it so you have to explore it)

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After 16 hours (and about 30% story)I came to the conclusion that there are no patrolling cop cars.

They only appear when there's a random chase going on or some ped calls the cops. Strange!

sounds like real life right there.

i did find afew parked patrol cars and got myself run over by a copper having a car chase but i also haven't seen any just patrolling

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After 16 hours (and about 30% story)I came to the conclusion that there are no patrolling cop cars.

They only appear when there's a random chase going on or some ped calls the cops. Strange!

Hmm didn't notice in my short time playing, but this could mean we get away with more.. I never did like a random cop spawning behind me everytime I stole a car in IV.

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It took about 8 attempts but i was finally able to hijack a 747 without the police blowing me up. But of the three planes i did fly, they all seemed to have engine trouble and fell out of the sky after a few minutes. The first as a lear jet which i crashed into the ocean after 3 minutes of flight. Then the 747 which i ended up gliding into the lake cause the engines stopped working. Then a litle air race plane i jacked from some guy, which again, the engines after like 3 minutes started smoking and i lost control and crashed into one of the hangers on the military base. after which they decided to launch SAMS at me while i was alreafy dead.

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After 16 hours (and about 30% story)I came to the conclusion that there are no patrolling cop cars.

They only appear when there's a random chase going on or some ped calls the cops. Strange!

Hmm didn't notice in my short time playing, but this could mean we get away with more.. I never did like a random cop spawning behind me everytime I stole a car in IV.

Only problem is when the person you stole it from calls the cops for you. :)

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About 20% in. Still awesome. It is a bit annoying not more hair options but nothing major. I would prefer a few more buildings open.

My favourite is Trevor. He is insane but so much fun!

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i haven't even left the confuses of los santos yet, going through missions abit more until i have all 3 characters at my disposal.

if i was to have one gripe about the game i think the biggest thing is the time it takes to change protag would be nice for it to do it abit faster

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Hmm didn't notice in my short time playing, but this could mean we get away with more.. I never did like a random cop spawning behind me everytime I stole a car in IV.

Only problem is when the person you stole it from calls the cops for you. :)

Ah. Haven't experienced this yet. I was only able to play the intro mission and first Franklin mission before I had to crash. Just need to get off work now and I'll have all night...

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Hmm didn't notice in my short time playing, but this could mean we get away with more.. I never did like a random cop spawning behind me everytime I stole a car in IV.
Only problem is when the person you stole it from calls the cops for you. :)
Ah. Haven't experienced this yet. I was only able to play the intro mission and first Franklin mission before I had to crash. Just need to get off work now and I'll have all night...
Ya, I kicked the woman out of her car...and like a few seconds later I had a one star wanted level cause she called the cops on her phone!

They'll call on you for all kinds of things. I got into a fight up at the observatory and someone called the cops on me.

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Ya, I kicked the woman out of her car...and like a few seconds later I had a one star wanted level cause she called the cops on her phone!

They'll call on you for all kinds of things. I got into a fight up at the observatory and someone called the cops on me.

That's pretty damn cool.

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