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As much as I hated the in-game currency cards at the start, I actually like the free content updates. We've had loads of clothes, tattoos, some decent cars with mods, and nice themed events, all for free if you grind the money the old fashioned way.

I still would like some full blown paid story DLC, because that almost feels like a new iteration. TLaD and BoGT bith changed the vibe and perception of Liberty city, gave it that extra lease of life, which was awesome. LS and Blaine County need that, and hopefully we'll see more of San Andreas too.

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Agreed. I enjoyed tbogt more than Nikos story. I'm looking forward to them expanding on what is already an amazingly imerzive world.

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The backlash isn't worth it. Besides, the vocal minority would actually be right, for once. Nobody wants that. You let those people be right one time, it gives them a tiny sliver of credit, and stupid people can't tell the difference between an inch and a mile in situations like that. Suddenly, they'll think the worst members of the GTA fanbase are worth listening to, and we all suffer when something like that happens. Those people are almost as bad as creationists.

We'll get our heists that pay shit. Free. We'll get our small updates, stuffed with cosmetic items that cost an unreasonable amount of GTA$. Free. But as soon as they have something good to offer, they'll cut out the middle man and make us pay for the content directly. Hell, the paid DLC will still probably contain overpriced shit, selling even more shark cards.

This is the future laid out for us, the second someone heard "one billion dollars" in a report.

if i remember correctly they DID listen to shit fans. about all the fans shitty or not wanted los santos back, and they wanted cj, they wanted heists in sp, they wanted cj moms murderer to die. and they wanted a long story with weird easter eggs. they listened to shit fans. what shit fans got us is a game that was good enough for a few million people to buy and worship. regaurdless of them listening to shit fans or not its a descent enough game for this website to exist and have 150 million results on google that mention a 10 out of 10 for gta 5

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You do not remember correctly. Re-using Los Santos (which had everything to do with common sense and nothing to do with fans, most of whom expected Vice City) and heists (which was based on the reception they've gotten from missions, not a large number of fans vocalizing a desire to have a game about heists (which we didn't really get, because there wasn't enough heist-related content)), nothing you mentioned sounds like GTA V. The fact that you can't tell the real fans from the shit fans says a lot about you.

Oh, and anyone who wanted CJ back is fucking stupid.

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k. enjoy your opinion. the thing is i grew up with san andreas and i garentee i logged more hours on that game than most fans have. i would go home from school every day and play it for 7 hours to 16 hours daily for around 6 years. i know every quote of the game. does that make me a fan? no. what makes a fan is being loyal to the game and hating CRASH with a passion. but ive owned 7 copies of it and. i knew the game inside and out. i am a real fan wether you think so or not. a real fan knows whats what of a certian game. and everyone who is an ACTUAL fan and not someone who played it once would want cj back. and pal... do you even know how many heists there were? theres way more heist content than you think. i doubt youre even worthy to run this fansite if you cant realize the cancer youve spread with one post about a game. another thing... vice city wasnt expected or san andreas. it was liberty city that we expected. it was san andreas we wanted and it was vice city we hated.

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For ten years, from to, I have been a part of this network of fansites. If the moronic shit you spam this site with represented what the majority of the GTA community believed, I would never have bothered. You don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about.

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I love R* but they really dropped the ball with GTAO. Not having online heist almost a year after you heavily advertised them to be in the game is a shit business practice. If (when) they announce heist as next-gen exclusive then they can fuck off.

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I love R* but they really dropped the ball with GTAO. Not having online heist almost a year after you heavily advertised them to be in the game is a shit business practice. If (when) they announce heist as next-gen exclusive then they can fuck off.

theyve pissed off about 10 million people so they might aswell release them before they fuck themselves on this game

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No matter what they do, they aren't fucking themselves. There is nothing they'll do that could make people stop playing GTA.

Look at COD. Shells out the same bullshit every year, and people still pay for it.

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look at how many people complain about GTAO and still play it almost daily... they can conduct business however they want, they're only gonna piss off a small minority of them that won't come back... the rest will always come back with each and every content pack...

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Haters guna hate.

I'm happy to sink hours of my life into GTAO, the way it is already. I just think there's people like us that understand R* N's vision, and are on the right wave length to fully appreciate the freedom we have in GTAO. Too many gamers need more structure to enjoy a game. Who gives a fuck about heists here really, probably no one. The small content packs allow us to make themed events and essentially keeps GTA from going stale.

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The sad part is I have a feeling the heists will be disappointing anyway. Random fucking around is what's made this game what it is.


This game is only as fun as you make it.

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The sad part is I have a feeling the heists will be disappointing anyway. Random fucking around is what's made this game what it is.

if you like doing missions, you'll probably like heists... if you're expecting a giant payoff for doing them, then you'll be disappointed... i just want something else to do, i wouldn't really care if they only payed $20K, which is probably closer to reality than you think...

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It seems Domislive found the next GTA DLC.

He called it on the Hipster DLC, and honestly this does seem plausible.

I'm guessing if we're getting military themed vehicles and weapons, they'll probably come with the Independence day update believed to be coming next week on July 4th.

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They can update the code with only the stuff they've announced, rather than add lines of code for future DLC, which seems like what they're doing.

Either way they seem to have learned their lesson from the hipster update so all that they found was the name of the next update and not the whole description.

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i see you guys like my hookup. iCrazyTeddy helps him along with another guy. all 3 of them are a team i guess but they help each other out with info. but i dont know if its going to be july 4th the dlc will be released on but the 4th will be a weekend event. i garentee there will be fireworks in the sky of gtao

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Nice post Dozy. I'm very interested in what could come of this update. Maybe they will parody the movie and add sci-fi themed content (jet pack?!). Don't hold your breath though.

What about President masks, or founding fathers or whatever? That'd be cool for setting us up for heists.

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