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RPG lite... and what do you mean you didn't have to do the same shit for hours? you had a stamina bar, driving bar, shooting bar, etc... those were skills that had to be grinded to get up... playing the game did that, just like it does online... playing a game is always a grind, thanks to RPG's...

You didn't have to do the same shit for hours. The missions were varied, interesting, had an actual story, and there was only one mission where your skills mattered, so there was no point in leveling them, anyway. CJ didn't need to rank up to unlock content, it was just there, no wasting time, no shortage of ways to pay for the items, no hassle. You have to grind the same shit, over and over (because missions unlock by level, not by completing other missions), and gain 120 levels to access all the content, most of which is shit until higher levels, anyway.

How someone could think the two are in any way comparable is beyond me. GTAO isn't even worthy of the name Grand Theft Auto.

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okey dokey then :salute:... haters gonna hate...

By the time I finished SA most of my skills were maxed without grinding.

if you play GTAO for as long as you played san andreas, you'd have maxed skills too...

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and there was only one mission where your skills mattered,

Not to mention if you had spent any time in the water before hand you could do it. Barely had to level it. I didn't realize that you needed to have it until my most recent playthrough, because I was just rushing through the story.

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Wow shocker, online heists delayed again... now "early 2015". LoL what a pile of shit, they just want to hold it off until PC version it out.

OGM F U Cock*

*Sells GTAV*

Honestly, read that feature though, there's tons of epic and indepth information about how heists will now be played out. It's better than nothing of course.

I'm not bothered about the delay, but they certainly have done a great job of keeping happy the half-arse fans. The ones that traded in the game last year because no heist dlc appeared. It's just gonna happen all over again. I was over it a long time ago, so the extra effort they have put in to make it a true story based online section of gameplay has really surprised me, and i'll be patiently awaiting it until early 2015.

I do hope this does not affect any kind of story dlc in development though, was looking forward to that, but they said it took sll their resources, so now i don't expext story dlc for another year at least :(.

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The fact the 'heist leader' has to pay to setup the heist and receives nothing until the finale, is pretty risky... I like it.

and with R*'s servers, what if the leader gets dropped?! :lol:... risky indeed...

but then again, the payouts are probably not gonna break the bank, so the money put up front probably wont be much more than maybe $10-15K me thinks... i'm predicting probably a $50-75K payout for the leader, and nearly $30K for henchmen... lol, i'm just shooting low to keep me from being disappointed in the actual payout :lol:...

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"Being a heist leader has advantages and disadvantages. On the upside, Lester contacts the leader directly when there’s news of a job and it’s up to the leader to invite players into the crew, assign positions, pick outfits and allocate each player’s cut. On the other hand, the heist leader will need to personally front the set-up costs in order to successfully pull off the heist."

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There's also 2 new helicopters but I'm not sure if one of them is meant to be the Hunter (Apache) we saw in the Simian trailer or something entirely new. It kind of looks like a Russian Hind attack chopper.


[uPDATE]: actually just found this image of the helicopter from the Simian trailer and it looks very different from the one above:


There's also this Bell helicopter


There's also a flare gun in the trailer


Also I'm not sure if this next car is new or just an armored Obey Tailgater


Although I assume we'd be able to customize existing cars with crazy new upgrades after seeing this Afghan spec Rebel


I'm going to go through the trailer frame by frame and dissect every new screenshot for the next while.

Edited by DozyGamer
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Wow shocker, online heists delayed again... now "early 2015". LoL what a pile of shit, they just want to hold it off until PC version it out.

OGM F U Cock*

*Sells GTAV*

Honestly, read that feature though, there's tons of epic and indepth information about how heists will now be played out. It's better than nothing of course.

I'm not bothered about the delay, but they certainly have done a great job of keeping happy the half-arse fans. The ones that traded in the game last year because no heist dlc appeared. It's just gonna happen all over again. I was over it a long time ago, so the extra effort they have put in to make it a true story based online section of gameplay has really surprised me, and i'll be patiently awaiting it until early 2015.

I do hope this does not affect any kind of story dlc in development though, was looking forward to that, but they said it took sll their resources, so now i don't expext story dlc for another year at least :(.

Kuz works for rockstar!!! Totally him with a stubble in this ;)

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we should update the title of this thread now and again with news on dlcs. throw in "heists trailer". maybe a round up of updates to, if this is the topic we are rolling with

fuck knows that nub OP aint gonna do it.


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I'm a little concerned that those gas masks won't be a separate item, and I'll be forced to wear a chemsuit for eternity, but otherwise, heists look pretty amazing.

Now I just need to find three people to play with...

Oh, and fuck Rockstar, if a single one of those vehicles, weapons, or outfits is unavailable, outside of a heist.

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I just noticed this normal, untucked, non-shitty button-down shirt with rolled sleeves.


Slowly but surely, we're getting clothing that isn't shit. Things are looking up.

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