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Sad to say but I'm sure there will be a couple weeks worth of connection issues for a lot of people. Assuming the heists themselves aren't buggy as fuck.


it's just missions, R* has introduced new ones periodically, i don't think there'll be connection issues... there might be some bugs tho, which could keep some people from finishing jobs...



One thing I have come to wonder, with a little experience, is what would happen if you loose connection during a heist? I seem to loose connection, or have my game freeze every single time I get online or story mode to work at all. It would be a real bummer if I lost connection after going through all the motions.


it saves progress for the host... so it'll remember the last job the host finished i assume, but those who lose connection during heists? i dunno... i really don't want to play with weev and fanboy then, they get dropped regularly :lol:...

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Yeah, Im one of those as well... Good ol' Wyoming doesn't give me the best of internet service lol. I wouldn't even care about loosing connection periodically,but my entire game freezes all the time, both on and offline. I can barely get it to load half of the damn time...

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why does everything have to have those logos everywhere?!? i hope that 300c has a non vinyl wrap version... and YES, the return of the virgo, that's the first thing i buy... and lots and lots of new clothes, and FINALLY more necklaces, the guys haven't had anything since the beach bum pack... and i really do hope they chuck a few new ball caps in there as well ;)...


it's still a meh, content pack... but at least there's a decent amount of it...

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why does everything have to have those logos everywhere?!?...


That's the patterned logo for Sessanta Nove, one of the high-end stores in Rockford Hills. It's totally a rip-off of high-end fashion label Louis Vuitton, known for their bags and luggage as much as their apparel. They've even mimicked the LV initials with their SN logo...which, if you look closely at how the letters are linked, pays tribute to the store name...sessanta nove means 69... :lol:





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I'll always be a fan of fashion, it's got an over-the-top theatricality that I find appealing (go figure)...but I like it on the runway or in photography, not to wear personally.  But don't ask me to defend's an illusion and a confection, and would melt if you shine a light too brightly on it.

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There are 2 things I hope we get out of this DLC. First; we get these new vehicles in sp, because they're probably going to be expensive. And that we get to be able to purchase mansions.

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I just hope we finally get the Heist stuff in SP, as well as all of this new content. New clothes would be nice in SP too...

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The logos look terrible, but I like the actual jacket in that screenshot. Different fit and collar than the track jacket.

I assume that most of the new clothes will be shit, but some of it's bound to be decent, and it's something better than lazy recolors of our current options.

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i am recreating bain with that new jacket... if someone does it before me on the SC, just let it be known i came up with the idea first... i already look the part, just missing the winter jacket... i remember when i said the new armored kurumas looked like ninja turtles but everyone dismissed that idea... a couple weeks later people were all over that shit...


now i feel like a hipster, no wonder i won that contest...





that's what passes for fashion these days?? give me a flannel and torn jeans any day...

that skull necklace for you tho



yea i saw that, it's about time the guys get new necklaces... we haven't had anything new since beach bum... and god dammit, there better be new ball caps... i'm tired of only having two decent ones...

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What i'm looking for in this DLC is to be able to buy a roofed/topless stallion. It really pisses me off only being able to get a convertible.


Added point: They really should have a rust livery for muscle cars, that would be much good. 

Edited by Doug
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ill-gotten-gains Part 1, available Wednesday June 10th.


wow, it's not a tuesday release? that's odd... welp, that's less time for me to check it out on release, it's my double shift day, perhaps it'll come out late at night, like heists, and i'll be able to check it out before and after my first job...


TBH, this DLC feels like it's a month or two late... but oh well, more content, yay! :(

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