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If the content creator gets a face lift it will be the best DLC to date for our weekly playlists fo sho.


Also in case anyone didn't notice. There's a corkscrew prop, and a flaming ring prop. There's also a bike going around the corkscrew which is a first!


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Oh shit the date on this poster!




Anyone else get the feeling that R* will drip feed us this content like they have been doing as of late? Like one stunt car every couple of days or something..?

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saw that poster on twitter, called the dude out who said rockstar told us all along... lmao this game is almost 3 years old, that was completely coincidental :lol:... and yes, something tells me there'll be a few added cars not in the game but in the code... and some free swag as well like shirts or a hat... did you see the los santos golf club shirt someone randomly had pop up on their shirt??




not sure if it's photoshopped yet or not <_<... edges look questionable...


@king of los santos - well, us creators and stunters are happy to finally have something useful added to GTAO... the people complaining are the ones who want more super cars and more co-op stuff... or dont race at all... well, you can't please everyone because i've been sick of all the new cars, i wanted something like this...

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Coincidence? I don't think so. I don't think this exact DLC was planned from the moment they made the poster,  but R* are smart when it comes to Easter Eggs, and they must have looked back at it and thought it would be a good way to make the interwebz go mad. Cool idea.


I do think the Maze Bank stunt arena was a thing though, even if they decided this was better than that.

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nah i don't believe for a second that was intentional... easter eggs in the game sure, but there's lots of stuff in the game with dates on it... had this poster been a stunt show then i would of freaked out... but it's a monster truck show in some town not even in the game :P... that's my two cents anyways... i think yan was tagged in it, even he avoided it...


yea wasn't that maze bank thing found in the codes??? perhaps they're working on an adversary job similar to blood ring from san an?? that'd be cool, actually..

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So checking the wiki there's no mention of the new Tampa that was in one of the Stunning Cunts screencaps, it doesn't seem to be included... apart from that most of the cars look pretty ridiculously priced as per usual.


Never mind, it is there. Just not included in the list on the CS page;


Also the Dune is back;



Edited by ViceMan

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Yeah... cars don't have non-livery options, as I said before i'm not a fan of cars with writing scribbled all over them so I won't be getting any - not that i'd have garage space anyway. None of them look that interesting really except the Stratos knock off, Trophy Truck, Desert Raid and the Emperor. Plus the Tampa doesn't seem to be available to buy, FOR SHAME! Can't see the Dune anywhere either. Oh and some stunt races I won't ever bother to check out.


Overall pretty meh.

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pretty much... there's a bunch of unreleased cars too, prolly gonna get one a week, that type of bullshit... the new bike is cool tho, massacre... and apparently there's another unreleased bike... these are pretty much the only things that interest me with this DLC... all the cars are overpriced, and the stunt suits cost nearly $100k... but i did get a scooter brothers hat!! :wub:...

i've seen pics of the new cars without liveries, vice... i think that's an option you can remove in the mod shop... i took the one off my bike ;)...

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Oh really? I saw unliveried cars but assumed they were from the creator. But still, no garage space or i'd gladly buy a sixth just for offroad vehicles, then I could get my rusty Rebel back and the Trophy Truck plus a Brawler.


Might have to test out the cars in the creator, see how they look and feel. My supercar garage has two spaces left.

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I am an Annis fan...  I can't wait wait to whip out the purple helmet and ride the Annis into the ground...  but I hope I can clean it up... no-one likes a dirty Annis...


I went through the races last night... quite fun... one of them was almost exactly like one of BMX's jobs that I played the one time I joined in on crew night... 

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Heh, it's funny 'cause you're using the word Annis to mean anus. Bravo sir, the internet has never seen such marvelous and imaginative wordplay before, and I dare say we shall not see the likes of it again for many moons to come. You good sir, you are the winner of the internet. Congratulations.

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The stunt races are really good fun. You guys should check them out if you haven't yet. The lampadi or something like that, is really good and not too expensive. It's not an amazing DLC but even I'm looking forward to the creator... 


Anyone say Cruise Control part 2?! 

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Try out the new Ocelot Lynx in Zebra, one of six brand-new Stunt Races added today to GTA Online: Cunning Stunts.

The release of Cunning Stunts last week turned GTA Online racing upside-down, and now this week it expands to include six new adrenaline-pumping Races and 3 more stunt-ready vehicles. 

The Super, Muscle, Sports, Bikes and Off-Road classes can compete, plummet and get airborne through rings of fire in a new collection of Races taking place throughout Los Santos and Blaine County:

Afterburner (Bikes)
There was a time when jumping through a wreath of flame on a poorly engineered chopper was enough to give even the most jaded patriot a semi. Those simple days are gone, but apply the same formula a thousand feet above an urban area in the middle of the night and you stand a decent chance of a sudden rush of blood to the crotch. Spectacular Stunt Race for Bikes.

Go up, over, around and through in Double Loop.

Double Loop (Super)
You can never have too much of a good thing, especially when that thing is a gravity-defying loop-the-loop over Fort Zancudo. Kiss your already fragile grip on the laws of physics goodbye on this intense Stunt Race for Super cars.

Forest (Bikes)
The great woodlands of San Andreas are one of our most bountiful resources, providing an endless supply of endangered timber, plenty of discreet hideaways for doomsday cults, and now some of the most suicidal dirt bike jumps in the country. Stunt Race for Bikes.

See what the view from the top really looks like with the new Western Cliffhanger.

High Flier (Bikes)
Time to ditch the private jet, saddle up, and learn a thing or two about corporate dominance with this Stunt Race for bikes through, around and over almost every skyscraper in central LS.

Trench II (Muscle)
Are you susceptible to paranoia? Feel like the walls are closing in? Often have the sense you're trapped with no escape? Come play this Stunt Race for Muscle cars and give your neuroses something to really latch onto.

Zebra (Sports)
A few massive slingshots and vertical drops around Mount Chiliad will play havoc with a full stomach. Time to skip lunch... and breakfast... and to pack a change of underwear. Point to Point Stunt Race for the Sports class.

The Declasse Drift Tampa, one of the three vehicles added to GTA Online today.

The livery-clad racing fleet also expands today with the addition of the Ocelot Lynx, Declasse Drift Tampa and Western Cliffhanger, growing the Sports and Motorcycle classes. And for high-stakes racing aficionados, a new Premium Race popping up over the weekend will put your best Sports cars to the test in Zebra (look for the yellow blip at Legion Square).

The new Ocelot Lynx, available from Legendary Motorsport.

Expand your collection of stunting attire with the Silver Jumpsuit which comes complete with matching helmet. This unlock is free this week and will appear in the Special Items in your Wardrobe as soon as you log-in. Make sure you log-in before July 25th to redeem!

The 20% discount on all Garages & Properties with Garages continues this week – just what you need to accommodate the 3 new vehicles releasing with this update. If you’re already fully maxed out on room in your garages, don’t forget you can always use your second character (and the shared bank account) to open up to 5 more garages, and 50 more parking spaces.

Where last week’s bonuses were all about performance upgrades, this week it’s all about aesthetics with 20% off Spoilers, Wheels, Tire Smoke, Skirts, Exhausts and Horns. Perfect for making sure your brand new Ocelot Lynx or Declasse Drift Tampa is a show-er and not just a go-er.






i'm still buying the tampa, but $1.7M for the lynx sports car?? are you smoking crack, rockstar??!! apparently it vastly under-performs against a massacro too :lol:... so does the tampa, and it's been moved to the sports class as well, where it's vastly inferior to the rest of the class...

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Finally got back on GTA Online the other night - first time in months and it really showed as I was killed rather easily by some randomer! :lol:  


Never really been a fan of the races, but have to admit I'm really enjoying the stunt races.  Still absolutely hopeless as usual but great fun.

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i still haven't played a stunt race since last tuesday night :lol:... but these new cars are absolute shit in stunt races, apparently they're no match for the rest of the class according to this guy, who is the go to guy for car specs...



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The Lynx has to be the most boring, tediously dull looking sports car there is. It looks similar to but somehow worse than the Massacro, which is a fraction of the price. It's ridiculous.

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