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yea, prolly... we haven't had a substantial upgrade in a while, perhaps next week we'll get one that preps for the new things coming soon, so the PC crowd can spoil all for us :P... well, they'll spoil the rides/interiors, not the new CEO thing...

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Yeah Fitty,

I guess it's a possibility. But the interior is definitely new and unique content, which probably wasn't on the disc... Unless they decided to stealth it in with an older update, but as you said, someone would have found evidence of it by now.

I hope there is more than one Headquarters. It seems like it, because the image from the previous teaser post was in a different location.

Would be cool if one crew night we had three or four teams of 4 VIP's doing these new job modes against each other, building our cash piles.

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theories have the stunt academy stuff coming out around the 4th of july, since that pic has some very patriotic themes to it... and my guess is an early june release on the new VIP stuff... we could see a benny's car or two sprinkled in there as well...

nailed it :lol:...


as promising as this new mode sounds, i feel like the pay is gonna be just as nerfed as it was for VIP stuff... this makes us sound like we're gonna be making big bucks, but my guess is that we'll be spending big bucks on the new stuff :P...

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 Unless they decided to stealth it in with an older update


^That's more what I was getting at since Rockstar has a habit of putting pieces of future content in with present updates.


I assume no one knows if the newer high-end apartments and stilt house interiors are down in blue hell with the others. I think those are the only new interiors added since launch.

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i think we'll be be getting an update here this week to prep for next week... then the PC gamers can hack and show us all the new content... they're usually pretty good about exposing future content, which is probably why we haven't had a title update in quite some time... i don't really care what they find tho, the trailer we get this week will show us all of that anyways... maybe they'll find in the codes some stuff for stunt academy...

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Saw this floating around on twitter today. Could be nothing, but worth a chat about i guess. Some artist that worked on GTAV posted a HD Liberty City screenshot on his portfolio page. It's obviously running in the V engine, and the tree's are V trees. The rocks loom much more detailed too.


Liberty City on PS3:



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Could be just a small project he worked on himself.

Liberty City is by far my favorite fictional city, I hope this is real but people have also been able to mod SA in the RAGE engine.

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I dunno if i care for it too much anymore. The more I think about it, the more I realize Liberty city, to me, was awesome because of the immense amount of detail, physics, and pedestrian interaction. I highly doubt R* will bother recreating all of that. Don't get me wrong, LC's map alone is far better than LS, but I just don't see it being as immersive.

Those HD pics look kinda fake to me, the lighting and building texturs look a little funky. Thanks for sharing tho.

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Well the city allready exists and is in pretty good condition too.

About the physics, they would probably use the RAGE 2 Engine,

Of course they would need to make a lot of adjustments to make it fit with GTA V, Its still less work than creating a totally different city. And making more money from something that you already have used sounds like a good deal to me, also because many people probably wouldn't bother if they reused liberty city as a DLC.

Edited by KingOfLosSantos

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So apparently the artist removed the work from his website. So R* has clearly asked him to. If it was just a bit of fan art for his portfolio then R* wouldn't have said anything, but the fact that half the image looks like it is essentially GTAIV's highest res textures from PC version makes it seem like it's something more than fan art. A 3D artist wouldn't post fake work on his portfolio either, that defeats the object of having a portfolio.

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perhaps this could be announced at E3 then? i hope there's more to it than just being a remastered GTAIV tho... i would want it's online system to be overhauled, and add it's universe to the existing GTA online universe, so our characters can travel back and forth between the cities... they already save character progress on the servers, it wouldn't be hard to sync up no matter what city you're in...


perhaps bring some characters in the fold from liberty city for contact missions... i'm just not sure single player would be enough tbh... i might not want to pay full price for the same game i've beaten probably more than any other GTA game i've ever played...

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He removed all of his work from his website.

I don't think it will be a remastered IV though.

Maybe A story dlc in LC but still GTA V.

Edited by KingOfLosSantos

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Meh. I still don't believe in them; not getting my hopes up for real DLC. I might consider giving a IV remaster a chance, if they fix the broken vehicle handling and bring it up to V's level.

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race with randoms a few times online in GTAV and you'll quickly realize how crap it is...


IV took skill, V is who can make it out of the first turn alive...


that's why i like our crew rules on tuesday nights... we try to strip out the stupid bullshit of barely touching your opponent and sending them into a tailspin off a cliff... dio was there this past tuesday where i continued to meet him and tap him at a number of turns on one race, but i held back and tried to bump him back on line, because if you sneeze on V, you basically lose 3 spots in the standings...


IV felt more raw... and i love that about it...

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Yep,that all pretty much summed up how crap it is.I could drive 10x better on IV then V.most of the cars if not all just feel so stiff and no leeway to really do anything,I think.

say what? The driving was awful in IV. Felt more like sailing boats than driving cars. They also couldn't turn for shit. The driving in V is more arcadey which is what I expect in a video game.

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race with randoms a few times online in GTAV and you'll quickly realize how crap it is...


IV took skill, V is who can make it out of the first turn alive...

You must have been very bad at driving in IV there, car that comes to mind is the dukes thatyou had to be exceptionally skilled to drive.

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