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Does anyone else get motion sickness flying the aircraft?

Get that Flight skill up, turbulence is pretty much a non-issue afterwards. Also, keep the cockpit glass intact. Wind affects you more if there are any shattered panes.

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only being able to have 4 cars on top of those the game wants you to have sucks big time... I hope R* finds the reason why safehouse-garages won't keep cars... well at least they are aware of it

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they strength stat takes forever to increase.

for some reason franklin doesnt to tennis it seems. fuck golf that takes too long.

so ive officially killed 550 people by hand

for mike yoga seems to get it up quick enough

Can't Franklin play Darts? That increases the Strength Stat ( I think ).

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The fact that it was built up so much, they made it out to be a lot better than it actually is.

It's a really good game, but I would have enjoyed it a lot more if I wasn't expecting it to be more than it was.

Things I don't like...

1) Very short story line

2) No purchasable houses (Pretty sure they said there would well as property)

3) A lot of wasted spaces on the map that were never used. ie. prison.

4) Lack of "normal" vehicles (Not everyone likes 20 sports cars at the traffic lights)

5) Lack of car-mod options (12 shades of orange, but no bullet proof windows?)

6) No real surprises (pretty much everything was in the trailer)

7) Finishing the game and still not being able to afford anything.

All that said, it really is the best GTA so far.

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Might it be because you're not wanted and you don't have any money?

I'm disappointed by the fact that Burger Shot or any other restaurant isn't accessible. Even if eating there wouldn't put your health back to normal, it would've been a nice place to hang out with friends, do a robbery like the ones in convenience stores or maybe even go in there and kill employees and customers if you want their competitors stock to go up..

you know this really bothers me too. Its not that I am big on the characters being able to eat, I just dont understand why it would be removed when it have been apart of the series since SA. Same goes with the street vendors, those were a great way to restore health. Robbing a burger shot also would have been nice. I just dont get the point of removing it.

Things I don't like...

1) Very short story line - I wouldnt call it short really. shorter then other GTAs maybe, but not short.

2) No purchasable houses (Pretty sure they said there would well as property) - they said you could buy real-estate and you can.

3) A lot of wasted spaces on the map that were never used. ie. prison. - sorry, but I just disagree with this. Open spaces are great for having fun and screwing around.

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I dislike the lack of places to rob. I dislike the exclusion of Burger Shot, Cluckin Bell etc. I dislike that half of the 24/7 stores have no interior (why not copy and paste). And I dislike the lack of gang warfare for Franklin.

That's all... for now.

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I want crouching back as well, just doesnt seem right. They could do it just like other games, click for 'stealth' and hold for prone.

My small but main complaint is the elimination of interactable objects. I miss knocking into smokers, picking up their cig and proceeding to thow it at them, knocking them over. Also bricks.

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The fact that it was built up so much, they made it out to be a lot better than it actually is.

It's a really good game, but I would have enjoyed it a lot more if I wasn't expecting it to be more than it was.

Things I don't like...

1) Very short story line

2) No purchasable houses (Pretty sure they said there would well as property)

3) A lot of wasted spaces on the map that were never used. ie. prison.

4) Lack of "normal" vehicles (Not everyone likes 20 sports cars at the traffic lights)

5) Lack of car-mod options (12 shades of orange, but no bullet proof windows?)

6) No real surprises (pretty much everything was in the trailer)

7) Finishing the game and still not being able to afford anything.

All of the above, plus no restaurants, I miss the "welcome to Burger Shot Mutha F**kerrrr" and then having crazy shoot outs in them.

No nightlife, at least 1 nightclub would've been cool, (another great place to shoot up). No purchasable safehouses, it was in trailer 2 at the end. My blue print map contains safehoues, so why were they taken out? Not interested in "it's online only" responses. go watch trailer 2 again, or go to page 1 of the thread and look at the screenshot I posted.

Also a Comedy club, the one on GTA IV was hilarious, never heard of Frankie Boyle until I played TLATD, still cracks me up. "what does giving birth do to the state of an 65 year olds fanny?.... absolutely nothing at all"

At least R* fixed their ifruit app and know about the garage glitch.

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You could have paid the same amount for the latest COD. Now with new guns and nothing else.

I think the value for money here is overwhelming.

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Now I'm getting into this a little deeper I'm worried about how easy I'm finding everything... Missions haven't been a stretch to complete at all... Using vehicles as most people have noted is easy and the chances of dying or failing anything I attempt seems to be very slim.

While some people like this, I don't. I like a challenge and so far this isn't. I'll admit I'm not that deep into the game yet so I hope it gets tougher.

Perhaps for future GTA's a "Difficulty" setting would be a nice addition.

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It's not that much of a big deal really, and i'm sure if we could buy houses i'd be complaining that there were too many, it's just that in one of the trailers it showed that we could buy houses (as well as real-estate)......yet we can't.

The website to buy the houses is there, but it's always down, so maybe there is a way to unlock it? I thought i'd done all the missions until I went on the Kiflom website and unlocked more missions. so maybe it's the same for that property website.

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yeah the trailer was a bit misleading here. sounded like you could make money from real estate trading to me.

anyways, maybe these estate things on the internet are part of gta online just like car insurance? would make sense because of the "american dream" trophy.

speaking of real estate, I really hate how R* teased us with o so many more accessible buildings while it really feels a lot less than in IV

and literally everything else they teased us with that isn't in the game... like the car modification tab on the V site talks about neon (nothing says class like neon) while there aint no neon except in the ls customs logo... or the overtuning. where's that? also I have in mind you can customize any vehicle. selecting a paintjob when purchasing it doesn't really count towards customizing for me...

and except the 15 or so ghetto-haircuts for franklin character customization in terms of hair/beard styling is also more of a sad excuse.

While the game as a whole is awesome, I feel like there's a bunch of details they have a hard time keeping up with the hype...

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They did not make that clear at all. Why, and what the hell are those safehouse locations on my blueprint map for, GTA online? that's dumb. It seems like maybe they put a little to much efforts into GTAO for my taste...

I dont want it to sound like a complaint, this is still probably the best game I have ever played, I love it and I look forward to the hours of enjoyment I will be getting from GTAV and GTAO...

but yeah, no crouching is a little weird.

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I agree, I very rarely went online with GTA IV and I doubt i'll use it much with V either. Plus, I know a few people who don't have an Internet connection, they can't play some of the missions because the Snapmatic camera doesn't work unless you are signed in.

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I was talking more about the boiler suit and mask missions where you just go somewhere and buy something. Getting the bugstars van at least, the sub etc takes a little bit longer.

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