
General Hints/Tips Discussion

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This is a general topic for posting any advice you have, things you've noticed that someone else may not have, or a place to ask for tips or advice. There will be a mission-related version of this topic in the Missions section if/when it is needed.

To get things started, you no longer have to visit your safehouse to save your game, as there is a 'Quick Save' option in your phone. This may have been mentioned in the phone tutorial, but I didn't notice if it was, and someone else may not have noticed it, either. A quick save saves your game, obviously, but does not advance the time by six hours like saving at a safehouse does.

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1) Before you buy anything from Ammunation, first complete all of the gun challenges at the gun range ( getting at least a bronze for everything ).

You will then receive a 10% Discount on all future Ammunation purchases...

2) There is a free Grenade Launcher pick up under the water of a cave in one of these locations on the East Coast ( can't remember which one ). It's behind a pillar of rock jutting out of the middle of the cave ( it will be hard to miss because it will be flashing ).


^^^ An easy early-game Grenade Launcher...^^^

3) There are multiple websites online that have purchasable vehicles ( cars/ boats/ planes/ military vehicles ~ they're all pretty expensive ). There are also 2 Stock Market Websites and multiple Real Estate Websites as well ).

4) When escaping the cops press down on the dpad ( PS3 ), it will show you the locations of police units multiple blocks away ( showing more of the map ).

5) With the Carbine Assault Rifle ( like in past games ), it's better to rapidly tap the trigger ( instead of going full auto ). You will easily kill any enemies ( even far away ones ) very quickly and efficiently, and without wasting ammo.

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Can someone who has played far enough explain if this is possible.

When you unlocking the map - can you do it by plane (or helicopter) or does it have to be solely by car and foot?

I am not that far into the game.

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Can someone who has played far enough explain if this is possible.

When you unlocking the map - can you do it by plane (or helicopter) or does it have to be solely by car and foot?

I am not that far into the game.

You can do it via plane or helicopter but I thought if I fly high then ill open an entire area but i was wrong and you only open what you actually go over so its going to take a while which I'm fine with.

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Can anyone tell me where I can find a dinghy boat since those have scuba gear in them? I took a speedophile down the west coast but didn't see any laying around.

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Can someone who has played far enough explain if this is possible.

When you unlocking the map - can you do it by plane (or helicopter) or does it have to be solely by car and foot?

I am not that far into the game.

I haven't been to the airport yet, but I did take a boat ride around the landmass perimeter and that revealed the edges of the coastline.

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The Trevor - O'Neill Brothers mission.

make sure to use the sniper rifle, shoot the two ground level brothers shooting the cans - THEN - the ones on the roof, try to shoot two with one bullet through the head. Then shoot the one through the window near the other ground level brothers from the house. Then kill the four other brothers pushing the barrels. Other people will come out the house, switch to semi auto or pistol to shoot them as they come quite close. Then go to the house. Be warned that a guy comes out the house to shoot.

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All weapons upgrades free

While a mission is active, go to the gun shop, and buy all of the upgrades for every available weapon and some grenade. Once you have obtained all of the upgrades, leave the gun shop, and use one of the grenades to kill yourself. This will cause the mission to fail, and you will start the mission over. When the mission restarts, you will have all of your money back from the purchases in the gun shop. Go back to the gun store, and all the weapon upgrades will still have a checkmark. Repeat this process when new weapons become available.found at cheat code central.

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Any tips on making some easy money in free roam? I blew up a few Gruppe 6's and robbed liquor stores.

There is an area at the docks - south east LS. It's marked on the blue print map, it says Simeon - easy money for cars.

I've searched the place but there is nothing to find.

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To get into the military base without alerting security, I found an area near the southern entrance with a hill on the west side. I drove a pickup truck along the south fence line and launched over the entrance road fence. No one was alerted to my presence until I stole a Barracks (since my truck was pretty beat up from other attempts at breaking the fence line). If I had stayed in my vehicle I might have made it further before someone saw me.

I then stole the jet fighter but was promptly shot down. -_-

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1) There's an "SMG" pick up under Del Perro Pier ( easy free ammo ).

2) An easy way to win every Tennis game where your opponent is serving ( on Hard Difficulty ). Is to stand very close to the backside box ( the square where the ball is served into ), and then take the ball as early as you can, and use a slice shot to hit the ball into the opposite corner of the court to where your opponent is. Then use a top spin shot to quickly put the ball into the opposite corner of the court ( your opponent will never beat both of these shots/ if done correctly ).

I call this the Andre Agassi Strategy...

And once you've mastered the serve, you'll never be beaten again. Aim away from where your opponent is standing and try and get the serve marker to the top for the most power ( obviously ).

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Heist tip I learned:

Just because you don't need a good shooter, doesn't mean the lower skilled shooter won't fuck up something else during the heist. <_<

Also, there is armor in the Downtown LS police station lobby. I assume others have it too.

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In the ally from the repo mission the first garage on the left has armor in it

Went back and it's not there. must only be for that mission

Edited by StillJustMe

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Get a 10% Discount on all future Ammunation purchases after getting Bronze on all Gun Range challenges.

Get a 25% Discount on all future Ammunation purchases after getting Gold on all Gun Range challenges ( just discovered this ).

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