
Post your Snapmatic photos

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I'm glad you got the jet one. I was trying to fly as low to someone as I could and I didn't know who was aware of it. Good pic.

This is how my bike spawned after I crashed it and died:


This is a view from inside the bus as Dio tried to jumped Alamo Sea ("we'll make it"):


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I sometimes fly through the freeway tunnels in the Lazer just for the fuck of it. I never thought to have someone take my pic, though. :(


My epic raid of Fort Zancudo ended very anticlimactically.


Hung up on the barbed wire. Wow.

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Dio lining the bus up for the jump across the Alamo Sea. Despite everyone on the bus voicing their concerns about certain death. Dio just keep saying "We can make it".


The view as the bus sores majestically over the jump.


We didn't make it.

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so i haven't played online in a while and might of overdone it with the photos... too many good ones...



Fuck yes! Anyone wanna sig the second one? ;)

The other half of the bike shopping one..


I forgot about this one, Otiz's Truck with DiO in the back...Can't remember what happened next.


Now i remember what happened after, So the three of us went skiing in the desert then we fucked a dragon!

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I like the sudden EXPLOSION one...there's a story there for sure. :lol:

we were lining up a bunch of planes for a giant explosion... it wen't off when most weren't ready... i had my camera pointed at it the entire time and was ready to take the shot... who blew them up? was it you otiz?? :P

the mad max image is dope though, ace :D... that turned out nice...

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i can see my bike in the explosion :lol:... i couldn't get it out of there lol... but it was marked as unowned at the time so i am assuming it was a free bike for anyone that wanted it... it made nice kindling for the fire anyways...

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0_0.jpg No explanation needed.

Is anyone going to mention the 2 guys in their undies on the right?

And that there is a good example of why we shouldn't get stoned before going Ammu-Nation.

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with ikillyou

blood burnouts



ghost burnout




my new ride




his garage



breakin off the door to get them in


Ikillyou noticed my dude has a pretty wicked double chin


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i've thought about a new character but i still have a loooong ways to go with my current one... i would totally make a chick too, or maybe a gang banger....

Bones neglected to insert these images of I being badass.

i had too many to post already... i could of threw in these as well :P...



i believe these are of otiz running from the cops... and there's a shitload of them in that second pic...

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