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i am digging the new slutty digs... my girl pulls it off perfectly :clap:...



damn them dresses are expensive though, about $9,000? i bought all the rest of the stuff, but i will have to think about if i want to buy all the dresses... that's at least $50K...

also, i'll probably buy the car for this character, but i am still not sure... i'll have to switch over to my guy character and check out what i can do with him because i really do love the roosevelt... after taking it for a spin with michael, i was sold in the first minute... then i put turbo in it and DAMN!! B)...

i got a friend stopping buy so i won't be playing online for a while... but i sure as hell will be tinkering around in single player for a bit, i got some photo ideas there ;)...

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wow, kinda quiet for a DLC release night around here... here's a few more i snapped as i randomly caught people online... there should be a few to follow from others...

me and gtagrl ready for a night out on the town...


but time and weather changed that course... here's her rat loader left behind...


a big decision was made, my main character owns the roosevelt... the clothing options for the male side were abundant compared to the ladies... vests, undershirts, jackets, pants, ties with the vests or jackets, the new hats and the boots... etc... all the ladies got were flappers and lingerie...


plus, i told you real men can rock pink...

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it's because they hear morgan freeman in their head while thinking about what they're about to do to this morgan freeman looking guy... i know, because this entire post was read as if i was morgan freeman...

it's a pandemic...

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I'm glad the Roosevelt is free in Story Mode (in your garage). Michael loves putting on his nicest suit and cruising through Vinewood in it. He gets to live his favorite movies.

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This is an awesome picture on Rockstar social network. Top of popular trending.


I think we can do better guys! What do you think Dio got any ideas?

I've got a couple. my one i posted before is up to 50 likes. its doing pretty good

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speaking of ideas, kuz got one...








this is one of my ideas, but i was thinking about it on a bigger scale...



i like this one better...





and some mysterious trap door...





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Delila: she will hurt you


Dio rocking the double chin


Not sure what is going on here...


Dat Ass


Feeling the love



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