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I got me a Roosevelt online... 1k to 750k in two days of casual grinding. Not bad.

Graphite Black classic paint with Metal Steel Secondary!

Do you grind solo? Or do you team up with someone?

I would be interested to know how to make quick money if the need arises...

Solo. I did Coveted, you just need to play on hard and buy sniper ammo, that's all. But Rooftop Rumble is also an option if you want to mix them up a bit, they both pay $18,000 a go...

Thanks - I seem to take ages completing missions so I spent sometime grinding water races over the weekend - triple cash meant $6k and 2800 RP every 4 mins...

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rooftop rumble is 18k and change & 3700rp and change every 5-6mins. That's solo with chopper as a ride picked up at the hospital. best grindin, 5 min mission i've found so far. more ppl = more rp. cash is the same.


old pic, but pretty:


my favorite car.

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yuuuup, i am now the proud owner of a primo, sold my manana since i now have a sports classic in the roosevelt... and yes, those glasses do not look good on my character here... i usually wear aviators, i don't know why the fuck i put on the elvis glasses :lol:...


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i landed a lazer on the maze bank roof. just sayin....


I see your Lazer, and raise you a Titan...


This one cracks me up...



Random shot from monday. I thought it looked.. interesting...


"The girls are out on the town... watch out" - gtagrl





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@ kuz, good job but the titan is shit tonnes easier to land on the bank. so many have done that. get a lazer up there, then brag boi.

Fine! I'll nail that in one shot as well, boi.

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Dis^ bitch.


@ kuz, good job but the titan is shit tonnes easier to land on the bank. so many have done that. get a lazer up there, then brag boi.

Fine! I'll nail that in one shot as well, boi.

just 1 shot? do 5 boi, lol

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Oh 5 "shots". I getcha. When I said one shot I meant one attempt. Landing that Titan on there was kind of out of the blue. I was flying back to the city from S.S. and thought "Why not land this big ass thing on that tower over there?" I nailed it on my first try.

5 photo's yep. lmao. do it!!

@ace...oh yeah screw u buddie I'll land a fuckin sail boat on there!!! im fuckin crazy mannnnnn....I'll fuckin do it too. dammit! lol

Yeah?! Well I'm gonna land a Dukes on a Sailboat on a Submarine on a Lazer on a Titan on the Maze Bank Tower!!!

Come @ me, bros!

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Me neither. This was a one off. You guys should work together. Kuz can land a titan, and Otiz can land a lazer on the titan.

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Does it have to be intentional? I've done a lot of shit like that, but never on purpose.

Once, while flying at night, I bumped my wing against a tree I hadn't seen. Rather than blowing up the plane or snapping the wing off, the plane swung around the tree, wing still caught, and the opposite wing hit another tree and got stuck. My plane just sat there, suspended between the two trees, at a height that was too low for my parachute to open, and too high to survive falling from.

"Fuck" summed it up nicely.

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I'd just like to point out that I use six-axis for aircraft sooo... :whistle:

Also I landed a Lazer on the building without landing gear. Pics later.

pfft, i'll only be impressed if one of yous could do this...


I forgot about that. I've gotta try it.

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