
Post your Snapmatic photos

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Whoriness aside, blue plaid will always be better than red...


Oh, right...I should contribute.






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slow day for photo's is it?

more with ghostman. tried to tell him planes won't fit thru....he didn't believe me:




aaaaaannnnd, i got my bitch to lvl 100....finally! yay! guess who's back for a while...heh:


"no ghost, they don't fit either brother...."


still, he tries..


tries harder from the other side


well shit! i'll be dammed.....it did fit thru.


ghost was pretty upset i doubted him tho...i'm sorrrrrry ghost! whyyyyyyyyyy!!!!


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kind of slow.... i am restarting the single player game again because i can't get packie to show up... i'm trying to set up a template file for the limited time single player stuff, like the roosevelt and future packs as well... i still can't get the random encounter heist driver to show up so i am just gonna move on without her anyways and do the damn thing so i can unlock trevor...

ran into franklin in the streets... that's the first time i've ever crossed paths with a character...


work it girrrrrrlll...


the cloud went down when i snapped a better version of this photo :(... this'll have to do i guess...


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hmm, I didn't even know that you could just bump into one of the characters like that... interesting...

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hmm, I didn't even know that you could just bump into one of the characters like that... interesting...

Its happened to me a couple of times with Michael & Trevor. Both made a 'passing comment' but I can't remember what it was they said.

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Myself, beatnicpie, conquested, and dozy gamer met up for an impromptu xbox live gamer event...

Some pics.


Debating on getting piss drunk alone or seeing the world....


Glad i decided to go out, got to meet conquested's love gun...


We met dozy gamer on craigslist, his gun was long hard and strong, and as you can see in the big, conquested is very good at chugging and swallowing.


Got this pic of conquested getting ready to give dozy his lovegun, anally.


Conquested needed something to wash away the cum, so he got herpes cola. Magically infectious.


Beatnicpie came late, but filled the cavity quite well...

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Myself, beatnicpie, conquested, and dozy gamer met up for an impromptu xbox live gamer event...

Some pics.

fuck yea, now that's what i am talking about!! lol, still reppin' the lipstick i see :lol:...

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Some more pics from last nights session with QD, Conquested and Beatnic


When I got on the back of QD's truck, I left my manhood behind me...


After dark I began to worry.


Then he pulled out his big gun.


The End

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