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So What Street Gangs & Other Criminal Organizations Have You Guys Noticed?

These are the names of street gangs and other criminal organizations that are in the game.

#African-American Gangs...

* Families (Green) (Chamberlain Hills, Strawberry)(Most active on Forum Drive.)

-Chamberlain Gangsta Families (CGF , The Hills, Killer Hills.) (Territory ALL of Chamberlain Hills)

-Forum Drive Families (FDF)(Share Forum Drive in Chamberlain Hills)

-Carson Avenue Families (CAF) (Owns part of Carson Ave, Ballas own other half.)(At war with


-Ballas (Own all of Davis, most active on Grove St., Brouge Ave., and Covenant Ave.)

#Hispanic Street Gangs and Cartels

-Los Santos Vagos (LSV)(Yellow)(ALL of Rancho and Part of Cypress Flats in El Burro Heights.) (Most active on Jamestown St. Rancho and Innocence Blvd in Cypress Flats.)

-Marabunta Grande (MBG) (Blue)(Own Apartments Melanoma St. In Vespucci Beach and Fudge Lane in El Burro Heights.) (Most Active in El Burro Heights.)

-Varrio Los Aztecas (VLA) (Teal) (at war with Marabunta Grande over drug and weapons trafficing) (Became kind of a Cartel I guess because they own no turf in LS which is kind of dumb.)

-Madrazo Cartel

#Asian Criminal Organizations

- Chinese Triads


-The Lost MC

#Italian-American Mafia

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Those Marabunta Grande foos look dope lol some MS13 clones ahahah, I feel like they could of modeled Vagos after Playboy Surenos 13 in south central, and VLA after some 18st clicks. And actually give VLA a fuckin territory in LS lmao

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Well, the Aztecas (I believe 'Varrios Los' has been dropped from the name, or people in the game just don't bother saying it) aren't a street gang in V. They're just gun runners and drug smugglers. They're a cartel. Their turf is in Mexico, not in Los Santos, and anyone less insane than Trevor knows to stay out of the way when they're in town.

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Well, the Aztecas (I believe 'Varrios Los' has been dropped from the name, or people in the game just don't bother saying it) aren't a street gang in V. They're just gun runners and drug smugglers. They're a cartel. Their turf is in Mexico, not in Los Santos, and anyone less insane than Trevor knows to stay out of the way when they're in town.

Well I have heard people say Varrio Los Aztecas before in the game. But I think they say Aztecas for short lol but I think your right about that, I think it makes sence that VLA would be a Cartel. I do know there's a random event where there's a drug deal gone bad between Aztecas and Triads in Blaine county.

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On a somewhat off-topic note, I would like to see DLC, or missions in GTA Online, that deal with the cartels a bit more. GTA Online takes place before GTA V, so the Aztecas are solid. Would be nice to deal with them. I love the gun running with Trevor, but I'd like something more in depth. Mexican cartels are a lot more fun and sociopathic than a street gang. I want more of them.

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fun and sociopathic

Isn't that redundant?

The cartels would make for some great DLC, but unfortunately, none of the three characters would suit the territory (geographically or criminally speaking) that the cartels operate in. Rockstar would have to have some pretty clever writers to explain why a young black kid is in the central Mexican states taking down and bargaining with massive cartels.

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No, no, not DLC in Mexico. I don't want a gigantic file adding new land, I just want to deal with cartels while they operate in Los Santos, possibly with a new character. If nothing else, I would like my character in GTA Online to be on good or neutral terms with the Aztecas.

Also, if you have a reputation as a reliable worker, a cartel isn't going to change their mind just because they find out you're black, or Chinese, or whatever. Just don't be a woman. Never be a woman around cartels. Don't. Fucking. Do it.

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No, no, not DLC in Mexico. I don't want a gigantic file adding new land, I just want to deal with cartels while they operate in Los Santos, possibly with a new character. If nothing else, I would like my character in GTA Online to be on good or neutral terms with the Aztecas.

Oops. I've misunderstood you. I wouldn't mind either of those scenarios. GTA hasn't dealt with the Mexican gangs too much. Like you said, they're the most interesting, so it's surprising that the MS-13 and their atrocities haven't been parodied in any way.

Never be a woman around cartels. Don't. Fucking. Do it.

No matter how good the pay is?

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The Aztecas are still more of a street gang than a Cartel I would think. They moved their operations to Blaine County because they saw more freedom to do as they please and turned into a gun and drug running "gang". From what I've seen out of missions they are still a smaller group, but heavily armed just like they were in GTA SA which would make since since they smuggle guns...

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A bit of an update. The Aztecas do indeed have a little turf in story mode, and a group hangs out in the northernmost area of the LS river, near the sewer/subway tunnel used in the first heist. The Aztecas are near the exit point for that mission.

In GTA Online the Aztecas are found throughout East Los Santos and the oil fields, and have a gang attack area. They are only found in these areas in GTA Online, likely due to Trevor's actions in GTA V, which takes place after GTAO's 'story.'

They are still enemies, so there goes my hope of getting any cartel work, for the time being. This game makes me feel like a run-of-the-mill gangbanger. -_-

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