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Stock Market

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any idea why I can't access bawsaq anymore whatsoever?

whenever I access it I get a down for maintenance error.

nevermind, looks like the auto-login option for psn was turned off, that's why I wasn't able to do so all the time

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  On 9/20/2013 at 7:48 PM, Indy said:

When you're doing missions for Lester with Franklin, he will tell you which companies are going to be affected following your actions (or rather assassinations).

If you want to know which companies to invest in following which mission:

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Thanks to your post, I gained

8.3 mil.$ from Fruit and 33.9 mil.$ from Gold Coast. :D

I sold the Fruit shares too early, It's hard to tell how much further it goes up before it drops.

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  On 9/22/2013 at 5:09 AM, SpittyTheDude said:
  On 9/20/2013 at 7:48 PM, Indy said:
When you're doing missions for Lester with Franklin, he will tell you which companies are going to be affected following your actions (or rather assassinations). If you want to know which companies to invest in following which mission:
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Thanks to your post, I gained 8.3 mil.$ from Fruit and 33.9 mil.$ from Gold Coast. :D I sold the Fruit shares too early, It's hard to tell how much further it goes up before it drops.

I usually wait until it hits 50%, then cruise around monitoring it until I notice a drop. For me, Betapharmaceuticals went up to 80.7% before it dropped to 80.5%, which is when I sold them.

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Here's an interesting video from someone who's done their homework on making money in the stock market.

Remember to hold down the "+" button when buying stock ( makes the whole process a lot faster ).

My advice is that once you have at least $100,000, go and invest all of it in a company which is fluctuating a lot ( with at least a 100-400% drop in value ). I did this with Radio Los Santos, and bought it at $3.50. And then sold it about a week later at $7.20, for a 120% return on my investment ( a $120,000 profit ). Then once you have the larger amount of money ( now $220 000 ), reinvest it in another company, using the same method as before ( looking for massive fluctuations ).

If you can get your "Net Worth" for each character to at least $1,000,000 each, before any heists, and then do all of the Assassination Missions towards the end of the game ( to maximise the amount of money available for investing ). You will then be well on your way to having enough money for the expensive end-game businesses and toys ( don't forget to invest in the right companies after the Assassination Missions ).

And remember that the Golf Course costs $150 Million, so you will be needing a lot of money by the end of the game. And not just to buy properties, but for vehicles ( like the Rhino/ Buzzard ) and such as well.

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it occurs to me that, after the lifeinvader crash, the more often you access lifeinvader ingame, the more the stock rises... just tried it for a couple of minutes, and the stock was up by 0.1x the first time I tried it and is now 0.31 and continues to go up everytime I access it... only small steps of about 0.05 that is but it sort of looks like to work for now, no need to switch chars either... just access and leave the site over and over

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Animal Ark is a good investment, mine went up for about 13.4%. I bought right after the drop.

Bank of Liberty was kind of rising and falling all the time but I could manage to get 4% gain.

There is one thing that I don't understand, maybe someone can explain it to me.

When you look at the graph, it says "sales last week" or something, does that mean the ingame week or realtime week?

I ask this simply because the price for one share never went up that high as the graph is showing.

For example you buy stock at 12$ a share, it says minimum was 11,50$ and highest was 27$, but it never rises that high.

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Which ones are the best/easiest to invest in with regards to you having an effect on the stock market value? (i.e. investing in one company then attacking the vans etc of its rival).

For example, I've tried to invest in TacoBomb then attack the trucks & staff at the Cluckin' Bell factory but I can't get a real 'good' go at it as the cops soon arrive on the scene...

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I don't understand stock exchange in real life, I don't understand it in GTA V. Call me stupid, it's just too difficult to me. Always failed math and economics in college, that might have something to do with it.

Until I find some more information or a tutorial on how to do it in the game, I won't mess around with it too much. I want to spend my money on property, cars, planes, weapons and clothes for now. Might try to do some investing during my second play through, which is probably going to start very soon after my first one :whistle:

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@MainEvent. It's simple really.

All you have to do is buy low and sell high ( just like it says in the game ). Except that the Stock Exchange in the game is better than any real-life counterpart, in that companies never go bankrupt, so if you wait long enough you will always make money ( you can't lose ).

Some Missions ( like the Assassination Missions ) influence the market, and even doing some things while Free-Roaming can have an affect on stock prices as well. Like for instance blowing up Businesses Trucks/ Planes, or killing their employees and then investing in Rival Companies.

Most of the Companies have a Major Rival. Some examples are ~

*Bean Machine - Cool Beans

*Burger Shot - Up-An-Atom

*Taco Bomb - Clucking Bell

*Air Emu - Fly US

*Bank of Liberty - MazeBank

*GoPostal - Post OP


So if you screw around with one company it will positively affect the other. For instance blowing up a few "GoPostal" Vans with an RPG will improve the stock-value of "Post OP". Or using some Sticky Bombs to blow up some "Fly US" Planes at the Airport will raise the share-price of Air Emu.

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So there was a topic i made for this but i figure theres no point in having 2 stock market topics. heres my idea

Stock Market Pools

  On 9/21/2013 at 2:04 AM, DiO WiNs said:


Had an idea, they did this back in the day. it kinda cause a stock market crash. but anyways....

we talk where and all go in buying the same stocks. Pick one that is low. We all buy at the same time and raise it up. shortly after that, sell. Co-ordinate things here. I think it could work. Depends on how many people it takes to really drive one up. but we could make a small raise im sure. and others will catch on to it. its worth a shot.

it was down the other day but seems to be in order, so we should give this a shot. i dont have a lot of money right now so i really cant help yet.

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  On 9/23/2013 at 7:53 PM, BlackSox9 said:
@MainEvent. It's simple really. All you have to do is buy low and sell high ( just like it says in the game ). Except that the Stock Exchange in the game is better than any real-life counterpart, in that companies never go bankrupt, so if you wait long enough you will always make money ( you can't lose ). Some Missions ( like the Assassination Missions ) influence the market, and even doing some things while Free-Roaming can have an affect on stock prices as well. Like for instance blowing up Businesses Trucks/ Planes, or killing their employees and then investing in Rival Companies. Most of the Companies have a Major Rival. Some examples are ~ *Bean Machine - Cool Beans *Burger Shot - Up-An-Atom *Taco Bomb - Clucking Bell *Air Emu - Fly US *Bank of Liberty - MazeBank *GoPostal - Post OP etc... So if you screw around with one company it will positively affect the other. For instance blowing up a few "GoPostal" Vans with an RPG will improve the stock-value of "Post OP". Or using some Sticky Bombs to blow up some "Fly US" Planes at the Airport will raise the share-price of Air Emu.

I've completed the main game - maybe I haven't been playing long enough but where do you actually find the stuff to attack the rival company.

Burger Shot can't be entered so I can't rob them.

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  On 9/23/2013 at 8:30 PM, _Hussain_ said:

I've completed the main game - maybe I haven't been playing long enough but where do you actually find the stuff to attack the rival company.

Burger Shot can't be entered so I can't rob them.

You can see Ecola/ GoPostal Trucks driving around every now and then, and there are a ton of Fly US planes at LS Airport.

Also go to the industrial area in south Los Santos and you will see plenty of vehicles with company names all over them ( sometimes in groups of 4 or more ).

And some companies have Headquarters ( just like Life-Invader ), so if you go there, you can go on a rampage killing their employees ( which should affect their Stock Price ).

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  On 9/23/2013 at 8:24 PM, DiO WiNs said:


So there was a topic i made for this but i figure theres no point in having 2 stock market topics. heres my idea

Stock Market Pools

  On 9/21/2013 at 2:04 AM, DiO WiNs said:


Had an idea, they did this back in the day. it kinda cause a stock market crash. but anyways....

we talk where and all go in buying the same stocks. Pick one that is low. We all buy at the same time and raise it up. shortly after that, sell. Co-ordinate things here. I think it could work. Depends on how many people it takes to really drive one up. but we could make a small raise im sure. and others will catch on to it. its worth a shot.

it was down the other day but seems to be in order, so we should give this a shot. i dont have a lot of money right now so i really cant help yet.

I'm in. Do you have a company in mind.

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naw. im hoping someone people far in the game give it a shot. ill let them pick. i cant invest much yet. only like 80 grand. might do something but if we got someone with millions to try it, it would be safer

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Well, lets try and get people in on this.

i just tried the whole invest in one company and destroy the competition. went around blowing up fly US stuff. invested in air emu. it went up like .5%. I didn't make the money back i spent on the explosives. reloaded. i probably need to invest more than i did but still, doesn't seem worth it.

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How are radio station (Radio Los Santos and Worldwide FM) stock prices affected? Would I have to listen to the station I invested in all the time to raise the price? Because I'd struggle to listen to Worldwide FM for more than 3 minutes. Or are there vans/trucks for them that I could blow up?

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does anyone know whether the twinkle stock goes up again after it drops back once you got the tip? I keep holding onto them in hope of a better price cuz I missed the top selling price I after the tip

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Have to admit I still can't get my head around the stock market. Others have said they've made a fortune on it... god knows how. Most I can seem to make is a few grand which isn't enough (even when buying at a low price - for example I bought some shares in Gruppe Sechs for about $3.50 and apparently the highest its been, according to the stock market is $59.36, yet its been struggling to get to get to even $10). How long should I wait before it actually gets to a decent price?

Investing in one company and 'attacking' its rival makes very little difference too.

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  On 9/24/2013 at 6:57 PM, shabbagaz said:

Have to admit I still can't get my head around the stock market. Others have said they've made a fortune on it... god knows how. Most I can seem to make is a few grand which isn't enough (even when buying at a low price - for example I bought some shares in Gruppe Sechs for about $3.50 and apparently the highest its been, according to the stock market is $59.36, yet its been struggling to get to get to even $10). How long should I wait before it actually gets to a decent price?

Investing in one company and 'attacking' its rival makes very little difference too.

That's a great increase in price.

Say you invested the money you made with Michael in the first heist ( in my game his share was $1,000,000 ) into that company at the same price of $3.50. And later on sold the stock at $10.50, you will have made $2,000,000 leaving you now with 3 million.

If you did the whole process again ( going from $3.50 to $10.50 ), using the Sleep Function to speed up the days & weeks, and eventually get the share price back down, buying it again, then waiting until the share price raises back up to the higher price. And invested that 3 Million Dollars, you will have made 6 million Dollars profit and would now have 9 million.

If you did it again, that 9 million will have turned into 27 million.

After that 81 Million....................... after that 243 Million.................. and after that 729 Million etc...

Don't wait for it to go all the way up to it's maximum price, because it won't. Just wait until it's more than doubled in price then sell your stock, because most ordinary stock will only fluctuate a certain amount. And the most these cheap companies ( the $3.50 to $5.00 ones ) will increase is only about 2-3 times it's lowest price. So don't worry if it says it's had a 400% decrease in value, because that's bullshit, it will never go back up to it's highest price ( because I've never seen it happen ).

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Think there's no chance of me ever earning anywhere near those amounts sadly. Been constantly saving the game to advance time further but no luck so far with trying to make a profit - may have to cut my losses as starting to lose my rag with it!

Word of warning to others - don't bother investing in Gruppe Sechs! :wall:

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I think i fucked it.

I did all the stock market missions early on, and only doubled my low cashflow. Now I've completed the game i can't afford the golf course. I've been trying to buy and sell shares by going all in, but I've made a bout $5mil over my $20mil so far, and $150mil seems like a very long way from me at the moment.

Any tips for earning good money other than the obvious buy low sell high? I've naturally tried what Blacksox suggested but my stocks aren't increasing by much.

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