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Stock Market

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'nother tip. IDK if its been said.

when sleeping to advance time. you dont have to save. just cancel will circle. time will advance

if u like where ur stock is at. use the quick save. this way the stock wont move when you save

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Just look at the current price and compare to both the lowest and highest prices, the closer the current price is to the lowest price and the farther it is from the highest price, the greater the potential gain. I've been investing $30mil+ for each character, playing the game a bit, and then selling to make $10mil+

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I've invested in Lifeinvader a few times under BlackSox's "under $4" theory and lost every time. It's the only company in my game that is that low and yet it just won't go up for me.

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@Barrybarn. Yeah, don't invest in LifeInvader, it will never go back up.

Any other company but LifeInvader would be fine. It's too bad that your lowest company is that particular one... :no:

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not delayed their flat out wrong

ive watched it for cluckin bell. i invested. it was bottomed out so i invested. over it. friday showed a spike. it bottumed saturday and sunday. wait a few days now it shows that spike on sunday but i was checking. it was no improvement the whole time. and the spike that was on friday isnt there anymore. it all just moved or something

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Most of the stock I have bought with Michael is off LCN but I can't access this form social club. That makes it hard to keep an eye on out of game.

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OK I've been trying the stock market but even when I buy stocks at their lowest I still just seem to make a small loss no matter how long I wait. I've finished the story and only did 2 Lester missions so I'll use the remaining ones to make a bit of extra coin.

That won't be enough to buy all the theatres and the golf club though so is there any other way to make a good amount of money after that? I'm happy for anything I can grind for about a million a time. I'm just sick of trying my luck with the markets

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I do a lot of daytrading with dollarpills. only little profit margin here but sort of reliable. I try to keep my hands off of bawsaq. the profit margin might be a lot higher than on lcn but it's too unpredictable and off a "real" exchange.

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  On 9/28/2013 at 7:21 AM, grove_nz said:
OK I've been trying the stock market but even when I buy stocks at their lowest I still just seem to make a small loss no matter how long I wait. I've finished the story and only did 2 Lester missions so I'll use the remaining ones to make a bit of extra coin. That won't be enough to buy all the theatres and the golf club though so is there any other way to make a good amount of money after that? I'm happy for anything I can grind for about a million a time. I'm just sick of trying my luck with the markets

I've invested in Los Santos Radio about 3 times now, they are the company with the Lowest Share price in my game on the LCN Stock Exchange ( but everyone else will probably have a different lowest company ). The first amount I invested with them was $100,000 when it's stock price was at $3.50, I then played the game for two 8 hour sessions ( over two days ), and it jumped up to $7.20 ( the highest I've ever seen it go in my game ), I then sold the shares and had $220,000.

After that I went on and did some missions/ heists and ended up with about 5 million with each character ( because I saved most of the money I made ). I then tried sleeping ( in-game ) to speed up the process of the stock price going back down to $3.50, it worked and I bought $5,000,000 worth of shares for $3.45 a share, after which I tried sleeping to get it to go back up again. Only this time it seemed like it was taking for ever, with the stock price only moving up or down by about $0.02. So I went and Maxed-Out all of the three character's stats and explored for a bit ( this seemed to speed up the process a lot ), and it went up to about $6.90, where I then sold them to make $5,000,000 profit ( leaving me with $10,000,000 ).

I reinvested that $10,000,000 dollars before even completing 50% of the game ( at $3.50 again ), and have made my third massive profit from the same company. I sold the stock for about $6.95 ( it didn't go higher than that ), and ended up with about $20,000,000.

So now I've got over 60 Million dollars between all three characters, and still have a few more heists to complete before I go and invest what I've made into the Companies from the Assassination Missions.

Where I'll invest in "Betta Pharmaceuticals" for the First Assassination Mission ( which maxes out at +50% profit ), and then in "Debonaire" Cigarettes before the Second Assassination Mission ( which maxes out around +80% profit after the mission ) then sell them and reinvest the money into their rival company "Redwood" Cigarettes ( which goes up by a massive 300%). And then invest in "Fruit" for the Third Assassination Mission ( which has about a +50% profit ), then "Vapid" ( which you buy and sell AFTER the Fourth Assassination Mission/ for a +100% Profit ), and lastly "Gold Coast" for the final Assassination Mission ( which goes up by +80% ).

So let's say I have $20 Million going into the first Assassination mission ( which has to be done before the Merrywether Heist ). After investing in "Betta Pharmaceuticals" for a +50% profit, I will now have $30,000,000.

And if I then save the last 4 Assassination Missions for after the rest of the Heists, and make another $30 Million from the Heists ( just a hypothetical, because you can definitely make more ). And invest the $60,000,000 ( 60 Million ) I now have for each character, into "Debonaire" Cigarettes for the Second Assassination Mission, then "Redwood" Cigarettes ( for a +300% profit ), then in "Fruit", then "Vapid", and lastly "Gold Coast" for the other Assassination Missions ( for a +50% profit/ +100% profit/ and then a +80% profit ). Doing the math I should have about $2,332,800,000 ( 2 Billion, 332 Million, 800 Thousand Dollars ), after the final Assassination Mission.

I think that should be enough....

^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^

Here is another guaranteed company that will make a profit.

Go to this location on GTA V's map ( Any of the Characters can Trigger this Random Event ) ~


But before you go there, get all three characters to invest all of their money into a company called "Tinkle" ( TNK ), which is listed on the BAWSAQ Stock Exchange.

Once you reach the destination there will be a random event to take a gentleman to the Airport, and if you get him there on time he will tell you about a stock that is about to go up ( Tinkle ). Once it goes up sell the stock for an easy profit.

*This company will Max-Out at about +33.00% Profit. After that the price will stay there for a while before falling again.

* Also remember to keep refreshing your portfolio page for any of the stocks mentioned above. You will want to maximise your profit for each one.

Edited by BlackSox9
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That's too Bad. I assumed every game had at least one very cheap company whose price fluctuates a lot.

Well there's still the Assassination Missions ( as well as that Tinkle Company I pointed out in my previous post ).

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  On 9/28/2013 at 7:21 AM, grove_nz said:

Where I'll invest in "Betta Pharmaceuticals" for the First Assassination Mission ( I forget the maximum % increase for this ), and then in "Debonaire" Cigarettes before the Second Assassination Mission ( which maxes out around +80% profit after the mission ) then sell them and reinvest the money into their rival company "Redwood" Cigarettes ( which goes up by a massive 300%). And then invest in "iFruit" for the Third Assassination Mission ( which has about a +50% profit ), then "Vapid" ( which you buy and sell AFTER the Fourth Assassination Mission/ for a +100% Profit ), and lastly "Gold Coast" for the final Assassination Mission ( which goes up by +80% ).

Thank for the information, it will be useful but I have a question. Why does Redwood jump by 300% and when?

Edited by calimann83

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  On 9/28/2013 at 5:11 PM, BlackSox9 said:

That's too Bad. I assumed every game had at least one very cheap company whose price fluctuates a lot.

Well there's still the Assassination Missions ( as well as that Tinkle Company I pointed out in my previous post ).

i fucked up tinkle and 2 assassin missions

waiting for the last heist to do them. any idea how much ill have after the last mission then assassin missions

as long as i can buy the expensive properties between my characters ill be fine

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Apparently $2,147,483,647 (2.1bil) is the maximum integer figure that you can have in cash, due to code/language limitations. So if you're on the stock market try to avoid going this high because the limit means your total cash will flip into negative and become unspendable. So unless you want some serious bankruptcy don't play the stock market once you've become a billionaire.

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what stocks you play to get so rich?

after the assassin shit if i feel i dont have enough i think the air emu/ fly us is the best bet

blow up planes SLOWLY reduces their stock. attack one, buy their stock. then attack the other. i plan on buying a tank to do this so it should be easy enough

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