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Stock Market

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I don't know. I'm not that rich. I've only got £30mil per character from £21mil, and that's playing the stock market all week...

Tip off - Share pool happening with Pisswasser atm on Bawsaq. Reddit and GTAForums are in it i believe. They're doing it until 10pm est Monday.

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Apparently $2,147,483,647 (2.1bil) is the maximum integer figure that you can have in cash, due to code/language limitations. So if you're on the stock market try to avoid going this high because the limit means your total cash will flip into negative and become unspendable. So unless you want some serious bankruptcy don't play the stock market once you've become a billionaire.

Someone on reddit said you couldn't pass that number with stock and PEDs stopped dropping cash. The only way he went over was a robbery. I'm not going to test it though.

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I don't know. I'm not that rich. I've only got £30mil per character from £21mil, and that's playing the stock market all week...

Tip off - Share pool happening with Pisswasser atm on Bawsaq. Reddit and GTAForums are in it i believe. They're doing it until 10pm est Monday.

thats's why I got a return rate of -100%... funny... not. let's see what happens afterwards :D

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what do I do with all the stock I got from the Animal Ark guy?

Sell it as quickly as possible because it starts going down fast.

Whoops, Its been ages since I did that mission lol haven't made more than a couple hundred bucks maybe from stocks, im just seeing what the storyline brings in.

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pisswasser is up from 0 to 7.something right now. looks like it's rising again...

Yeah, it just keeps going up. I don't know when to bail, but I read somewhere that it would start dropping sometime around US Sunday night/Monday morning, so I'll hang on for a few hours then cash in. It's the biggest gain by far I've made in the stock market

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I've gained about 15mil in two days with piswasser... I got 8 million over night in just 8 hours. I've gone all in wih all three characters and I'll probably cash in tonight after work.

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for some reason i thought it dropped lol.

what ever. I didnt have a lot of invest in the first place anyway. best was with mike. went in with 1 mill

im sure they will organize a spike again when i beat the game. only a few missions left i think

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Jesus. Why do people not do this in real-life?

Because the real life stock market does not work like the in game one.

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Jesus. Why do people not do this in real-life?
Because the real life stock market does not work like the in game one.

No, I'm pretty sure I can blow Mark Zuckerberg's head off and make a few hundred thousand people lose their fortune.

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Because the real life stock market does not work like the in game one.

Of course, but the basic principle of moar buyers/higher stock price applies to the fictional world and the real world. So long as the activity was kept clandestine, it could be pulled off, no?

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Given the sheer volume of the real world share market any large movements in price would be noticed and investigated. It is certainly possible but in this day and age it is highly improbable and would more than likely be found out pretty quickly.

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Given the sheer volume of the real world share market any large movements in price would be noticed and investigated. It is certainly possible but in this day and age it is highly improbable and would more than likely be found out pretty quickly.

not just investigation, it's also common practice to suspend certain instruments from trading if unusual fluctuations in the trading volume are witnessed... even whole markets can be closed and have been closed due to such things...

anways, 65% positive return rate on that pisswasser-scheme... nice

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