Indy 350 Report post Posted September 25, 2013 I put a $1mil into AmmuNation to see if it increases much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DuPz0r 5361 Report post Posted September 25, 2013 I put $21mil into AUG earlier and got $8mil profit so it's possible, it's just luck and a long wait to get the right timing. But when i sit and watch i tend to see minimal fluctuations. If i leave it to mature whilst i play i see larger losses & gains.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhishFood2013 8 Report post Posted September 25, 2013 After a 2.4 mil loss yesterday, started playing about 2 hours ago and now +8.6 mil from the same stock purchace, Hijak rules Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DuPz0r 5361 Report post Posted September 25, 2013 AMU is cheap and rising at the moment on Bawsaq. I put 20mil on each character into it! *hopes for the best* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
calimann83 125 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 Good luck with that. Bawsaq seemed a little erratic when I have looked at it so I have been sticking to the in game market for the most part. I wish you could make money off redoing the heist. I strewed up the first heist and Micheal only got like 100K. I re-did it and make a mil for mike and a half mil for Franklin, but of course I didn't get to keep it. By the way, helping random strangers can be profitable. Got this guys bicycle back for him and it turned out he was the owner of that Ark pet place, he gave me $100,000 in shares. I am sitting on them now to see where it goes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fanman 30 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 i need help playing the stocks game. im in the liberty stock exchange and when i check my profile it all ways says i haven't made any thing but have lost even thought the stocks on the market page are up. what should i do? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gtagrl 4317 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 Look at the My Portfolio tab and keep an eye on the prices of any stocks you've purchased. Buy low, sell high. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Handsome B Wonderful 331 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 (edited) huh, just noticed today that the Bawsaq stock markets are different for PS3 and 360. Probably something we'll have to take into account if it turns out we can affect stock market prices. Edited September 26, 2013 by Handsome B Wonderful Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gtagrl 4317 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 Wouldn't single-player stock markets only be affected by that single player's actions? If in my game, I decide to sabotage Fly US assets to drive up the price of Air Emu shares (which I've invested in), that wouldn't show up on the "global" stock market or be noticed in real-time by another forum member, would it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Handsome B Wonderful 331 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 I still haven't found a decent explanation on how non-mission related single player stocks are affected. Or Bawsaq, for that matter. For example, there are people blowing up pisswasser trucks to raise the price of Logger, but Logger is only listed on LCN, which isn't supposed to be affected by the online community. Yet the price of Logger is always high. And Bawsaq is required for investing in Fruit after a tip from Lester. I give up. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BlackSox9 448 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 @Handsome B Wonderful. I recommend investing in the company with the lowest Stock Price, when it's at it's lowest ( it should be the only company under $4.00 ). You should buy it when it goes down to $3.50, and then sell it when it goes up to $6-7 Dollars. This could take a while so I recommend maxing out the Stats for the characters, and getting tats/ haircuts/ clothes, customizing cars, or exploring the map in the mean time. Or if you want to do it the fast way ( which I recommend ), go and use the save feature at one of the character houses to fast forward the game 8 hours over and over ( which will speed up the days and weeks into a matter of minutes ). This will speed up the fluctuations of your companies Stock Price. Check your portfolio every so often to see whether the Share Price has risen high enough, and then sell the stock. Then use the Sleep Function again to speed up the process of the Stock Price decreasing back to $3.50, and then buy it again. After that do the whole process again ( waiting, then selling once the stock price has risen to $6-7 Dollars again ). This can be a little bit tedious and time consuming, so I recommend only using this method after you have a couple of Million Dollars to invest, it will make the whole money making scheme go much faster. So if you started by investing $2,000,000 at $3.50 a Share, then sell it for $7.00 a share, you will have $4,000,000. Invest it again, buying and selling for the same price you will now have $8,000,000, after that $16 Million....... then $32 Million, then $64 Million, then $128 Million, then $256 Million, then $512 Million, then $1,024,000,000 ( 1 Billion 24 Million Dollars ). So after reinvesting the money 9 times ( which would probably take some time ), you would eventually end up with over a Billion Dollars. Which is more than you would ever need. All it takes is some time and patience, and you can eventually make a lot of money on the Stock Market... 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrMister81 473 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 On 9/26/2013 at 4:34 PM, BlackSox9 said: So after reinvesting the money 9 times ( which would probably take some time ), you would eventually end up with over a Billion Dollars. Which is more than you would ever need. I couldn't help myself... 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Handsome B Wonderful 331 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 I invested $1.4 million in Hawk And Little when it was 0.58 earlier yesterday. It's now $3.88, so I've already made over a million. I'm finally getting the hang of things. Very slowly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fanman 30 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 ok thats great advise but what if you only buy one share how do you make money with that.? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gtagrl 4317 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 On 9/26/2013 at 6:40 PM, fanman said: ok thats great advise but what if you only buy one share how do you make money with that.? The saying "You've got to spend money to make money" applies here. As BlackSox advises above, it's better to do this when you already have a bigger amount of money to play with, you won't get very far only buying one share at a time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
calimann83 125 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 You can't be so frugal Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DuPz0r 5361 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 Just go all in with your final heist complete when the shares are at their lowest, and as long as you wait you will make money from it. It's a waiting game mixed with a bit off luck. You can only lose money if you're impatient... That's it. The luck it whether or not it rockets and you earn the motherlode. Also another tip. Using Bawsaq (the realtime socialclub stock market) can earn you a lot more money, but it's a bit riskier. As people tend to trend buy and sell, you will see patterns emerge in the graphs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fanman 30 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 ok so your saying i should buy 10 or more shares when it is low and then when it gets higher than it was i am supost to sell them and that how this shit works on getting money. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GunSmith 2452 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 Yes. The more that's invested, the greater the return. Just be vigilant. Make it a habit to check the share prices every day or so. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fanman 30 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 ok then i shall try this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GunSmith 2452 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 Also, pay attention to the insider tips that Lester provides. Those are prime opportunities to learn how the market operates. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DiO 4730 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 pretty good guide here Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shabbagaz 444 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 Think I'm starting to get the hang of it. I've been noting down some share prices for a few companies, basically noting down the highest and lowest I have seen them (obviously updating my notes as I go along) then investing accordingly. Bit 'nerdy' I know! Ironically after earlier slagging off Gruppe Sechs, its actually come good for me! Its been fluctuating quite a lot between $5 and $6 (although lowest I've seen it is $3.10 - not been that low for quite a while now though). Been making 'bits' of profit here and there on it - the latest being a $30k profit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DuPz0r 5361 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 I found this a useful starting guide to understand how the stock market works: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DiO 4730 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 tip that seems to work. its reverse than others. instead of attacking a rival, attack a company. AUG (insurance) will go down pretty good if you destroy and blow up any cars. its pretty easy. dont have to seek out any particular vehicle. then buy when it low. just wait for it to rise up again this also worked for me. i killed the dude at bobmulet (barbershop) it seemed the stock for that was really low. then invested. went around to other barber shops that weren't bob and killed the person there. bob went up. made 130 thousand of a 1 million investment. could be higher for other tricks IDK, but for something mission based it seem to work pretty good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites