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Guest Marney1

They serve a nice Tuborg though.

I bet that pint cost about £3.50.

Also, last time I wore a pink polo top was in 1987 - when they were in fashion. :v

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Errmmm It was around the three quid mark if I remember correctly.


Polo shirts? Probably the only fashion that survived the 80s.

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Ahhhh fried Mars Bar another English (technically Scottish) delicacy.


I love you.

Here I am acting like a douche bag, nice pint though.

I love you more!!

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Guest Marney1

"Why the fuck are you taking pictures at a funeral?"

Or that's what I think when I see the dark suits, anyway.

Get aaara heeere. That's Paulie in the background, Paulie is the one next to Paulie and if I'm not mistaken, that's Paulie next to Ast. They're good fellas.

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Someone needs to cut the head out and make it a spinning gif. Spiral background, of course.

Funnily enough I was thinking that too, then I read your post. And it was then that I thought... "WOW! Me and Massy really do think alike." Can we touch penises together now?

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why hasn't someone put my face on that picture yet?? :angry:...

I would do it if someone posted a plain 'exploitable' cutout of your face, but I'm too lazy to do the cutting myself.

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