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A South Asian and a Sicilian-Israeli? Sounds more like a comedy team than a pair of brothers. But now that you mention it, I can kind of see a slight resemblance...

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Impressive photo, Cy.

You've managed to capture every single white man in Bradford with one photograph.

No mean feat (Y)

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Hey Cy, what's a beanie in your neck of the woods? To me, you're all wearing toques, and a beanie is this:


Normal beanie's are much smaller and tighter, those style are called "oversized" beanies or coloquially, condom hats

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from the guy that brought you the notorious "these pretzels are too salty" pic that's been used on almost every photoshop'd pic on this site outside of the good time bOnEs face...

introducing this...


it's called, "dem rape eyes"...

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If I had that much ice cream and candy at my disposal, I'd probably don an expression of stifling-a-fartcloud-induced-grimace as well.

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