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Guest Birdie

Did you sneak in there to molest that thing, or do you make dresses?

I just touched a mannequins nipple, no time for dress-making. I'm too straight to make dresses!

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Did you sneak in there to molest that thing, or do you make dresses?

I'm too straight to make dresses!

Suuuuure. :yes:

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Guest Marney1

Yea was gunna but since u love it so much u had to quote it seems no point now, so thanks.

It's not 'quoted' - it's downloaded to my computer so I can super-impose it into other kinds of pics.

*Naked pic of TeamVercetti deleted by request*

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Guest Marney1

Well enjoy.

Nah I'm kidding, if you want it removed I'll remove it - welcome to the forums. ;)

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If u don't mind deleting it. That was a mean game, touche u got me! And thank u for the welcome, good to know ill be picked on lol

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I don't know what the hell happened here.

Edit: But we will be picking on you. A lot. Possibly to the point where it ceases to be 'picking' and becomes 'violently harassing.' I dunno, I'm trying to be nice to the new members for the sake of the site... We'll see what happens.

*Holds severed head in one hand and 'Welcome!' banner in the other*

I don't know which one of these to hang up...

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He's usually too stoned out his head to realise anyway. Basically Team Vercetti posted tits we all fapped then Duff raged and wiped the whole thing, then went scurrying off into the bathroom.

(I bet he falls for it.)

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