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*would go clubbing with firm*

*doesn't even go to clubs*

Sounds good, mate. There is a 50/50 mortality rate and a high risk of incarceration.You'll have to sign a waiver.

Let the good times roll :lol:

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funny ace....

okay kuz, sorry. so you, and ace and the rest who are whatever age ya's are, what 15-17? i don't remember & i don't fuckin care really. All i remembered is that yer a fuckin kid. dunno how to take a joke or what??? christ. laugh!

had a shit day at work and i'm fuckin beyond moody.

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Gunsmith is there a single man on Earth that you don't find handsome?

dunno how to take a joke or what???

Of course I do. Just present the joke first. I can't laugh if there's nothing to laugh at can I? :huh:


The guy on the right reminds me of Goldust.

What are you dressed as here?


The tips burning purple. Future weed?

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I say we start a sexiest forum competition so we can show the world our handsome manliness.

We have the SML. No one bothered with it last year.

Also, whatever happened to Goldust?

Goldust still wrestles. Currently with the WWE.

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I was discussing it with Dio, need a bracket made as I suck at them but I'd love to host it.

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Same gimmick. He also wrestled in TNA, for a while, as Black Reign. Pretty much the same gimmick as Goldust, but black and white.

I find it funny that Goldust was always meant to be androgynous, but Dustin Rhodes never looked like anything but a flabby, middle-aged man.

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@otiz - i love grainy photos from the 90's... i ought to dig up pics of mine from back in the day, but i am afraid it's awesomeness would break the internet for good... plus i don't have a scanner :lol:... kids these days and their digital cameras...

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Gunsmith is there a single man on Earth that you don't find handsome?

dunno how to take a joke or what???

Of course I do. Just present the joke first. I can't laugh if there's nothing to laugh at can I? :huh:

What are you dressed as here?

Kuz perhaps yer name should be changed to cunt. the name fits. gonna call u that from here on out. Cunt.

Read the fuckin post

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