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That pic loaded really slowly for me and so I saw from your eyes up - for some reason u didn't expect the beard lol

I used to wear a tie at school, it was like a competition as to who could make it the shortest tie and then someone (like me) would pull it and get it stuck around the other persons neck :D it was also called "peanutting"

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The last mo pic as November draws to a close. Behold the maiden slayer!!!

To keep or not keep???


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Fucking southern fairies. Everyone I know hates it...including the young lady in my life. So I'm keeping it.

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"Young lady" jeez count how young we talking ;)

Also yeah I don't like it. I'm not really one for facial hair - never have been.

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I think Firm looks better without it. But if you give the 'stache another month, as suggested, you'd be able to pose as a cop. Or get a free pass into any gay bar.

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Haters ... I'm going to win a couple of Freddie Mercury look-a-like contests then I'll get rid.

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Sorry people shaved the 'tash..bosses orders. Here I am looking gimp(ish)....ermm here I am looking like a fleshy gimp in the most girly/feminine toilet I've ever stumbled in to.


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