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Did you train? Tae Kwon Do?

DO YOU EVEN TRAIN BRO!?? That made me smile :)

I have trained in a few different styles over the years. Muay Thai, BJJ, Judo and some TKD. We used to have contests on who could kick the highest with either a hop wheel, turn hook kick or crescent kick. (all of those are tkd stuff) But in a fight or self protection situation I doubt I'd ever use anything like that. More into a brute force style of attack like a thai kick or knee/elbow, or just plain old foot jabs/front kicks. The spin kicks are fun though, and look kinda cool.

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still a good skill to have with the fancy kicks. If you have the opening they wont see it coming.

From a pro right standpoint, their dam good for a highlight reel


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still a good skill to have with the fancy kicks. If you have the opening they wont see it coming.

From a pro right standpoint, their dam good for a highlight reel


Tae Kwon Do on its own absolutely sucks though. Because it's almost entirely kicks [the punching is absolutely god awful] you never really train for punching so you'll find your hands are down a lot to block body shots/move up quickly to block head kicks, but you never really are trained to anticipate proper boxing style striking.

I trained at a relatively decent place [we sparred, even did competitions, I missed out on first place on one because of a referee error ¬.¬] for two years and was a low end blue belt before I tested my skills against a boxer and found that he was able to blast me constantly because TKD drilled me into dropping my hands.

Joe Rogan did TKD and was much better than I ever was and says a similar thing.


Don't mean to shit on anybody who does TKD because it's great for general fitness and is really fun but as a martial art vs other martial arts it isn't very effective. It also is probably the most likely to be practiced at a McDojo and if you're doing it for self defence that is flat out dangerous.

As a general rule of thumb, if there are 11 year old black belts, competitions are discouraged and sparring is rare/not allowed, avoid it.

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I trained at a relatively decent place [we sparred, even did competitions, I missed out on first place on one because of a referee error ¬.¬] for two years and was a low end blue belt before I tested my skills against a boxer and found that he was able to blast me constantly because TKD drilled me into dropping my hands.

Don't mean to shit on anybody who does TKD because it's great for general fitness and is really fun but as a martial art vs other martial arts it isn't very effective. It also is probably the most likely to be practiced at a McDojo and if you're doing it for self defence that is flat out dangerous.

That goes for any martial art. It's fun to watch a sanctioned match with rules and whatnot, but definitely not practical. It'll never come in handy in an actual fight, unless the other guy also knows martial arts, and thinks it's practical.

In fact, never kick a guy in a fight. You're going to get knocked on your ass. Immediately. Unless he's down. Contrary to what people say, fucking kick a guy while he's down. In the head, if you can.

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I trained at a relatively decent place [we sparred, even did competitions, I missed out on first place on one because of a referee error ¬.¬] for two years and was a low end blue belt before I tested my skills against a boxer and found that he was able to blast me constantly because TKD drilled me into dropping my hands.

Don't mean to shit on anybody who does TKD because it's great for general fitness and is really fun but as a martial art vs other martial arts it isn't very effective. It also is probably the most likely to be practiced at a McDojo and if you're doing it for self defence that is flat out dangerous.

That goes for any martial art. It's fun to watch a sanctioned match with rules and whatnot, but definitely not practical. It'll never come in handy in an actual fight, unless the other guy also knows martial arts, and thinks it's practical.

In fact, never kick a guy in a fight. You're going to get knocked on your ass. Immediately. Unless he's down. Contrary to what people say, fucking kick a guy while he's down. In the head, if you can.

BJJ Black Belt Renzo Gracie live tweets attempted mugging against him.

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Used to hang around with a judo guy in Portugal, one night he got into a fight with some juicehead - absolutely fucked him with judo shit. Even if it's not entirely practical, the training will undoubtedly make you a better fighter against the average man.

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Used to hang around with a judo guy in Portugal, one night he got into a fight with some juicehead - absolutely fucked him with judo shit. Even if it's not entirely practical, the training will undoubtedly make you a better fighter against the average man.

Grappling martial arts do absolutely. Some of the takedowns in Judo are difficult to anticipate when you're well trained in Judo, more so to the average human who is just looking to wing haymakers. Top control is essential. This is why wrestling is THE alpha martial art.


Dude getting tripped is no white belt either in terms of grappling.

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Fuck you're a tall drink of water, aren't you?

Yeah its hard to translate over the net in pics until you see me next to someone! lol. The funny part is, the other band I play with, two of the guys are taller than me. (one is 6' 4" and one is 6' 5") I'm 6' 3".

He's got a nice collection of t-shirts, I'll give him that.

Thanks man!! I have some weird ones haha

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I read somewhere that looking after a 2 year old is like looking after someone who has had too many mushrooms while you have had a small dose yourself. I have found this pretty accurate.

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I agree with the holding thing. I enjoyed doing it to my friends without kids. Just hand a kid to them and watch them freak out. Women go fucking weird around babies though.

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