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I'm having a hard time playing with Micheal after seeing what he did to Trevor, especially since

Trevor wasn't even willing to help Franklin take out Micheal yet Micheal was so quick to do what he did.

Man that shit was dark and cruel... I was on Micheal's side the whole story up untill that point.

Trevor was right about him all along -_-

Edited by Massacre

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I'm having a hard time playing with Micheal after seeing what he did to Trevor, especially since

Trevor wasn't even willing to help Franklin take out Micheal yet Micheal was so quick to do what he did.

Man that shit was dark and cruel... I was on Micheal's side the whole story up untill that point.

Trevor was right about him all along -_-

I like to think ending c is Canon. Not a big fan of

any of the 3 dying

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I chose C but watched the other two on YouTube

If you chose to kill Michael when your holding onto him you get the option to drop him or save him, what happens if you save him?

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Something I thought was cool was when I got two of the protags together (not for an activity or anything) after the end and they actually discussed what happened. No cutscene. It was just like two pedestrians talking.

GTA IV was the same way. Nothing new. It is still cool though.

I chose C but watched the other two on YouTube

If you chose to kill Michael when your holding onto him you get the option to drop him or save him, what happens if you save him?

I chose C aswell but you can play option A & B in the mission replay menu.

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I chose C and actually knew no one would die.(Gut feeling I guess) Anyway it was TERRIBLE, if they could kill all 4 antagonists by walking up and putting a bullet in their head then why didnt they do it before!?

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I wonder the same thing.

Steve Haines would've been dead as soon as he grabbed Michael's throat, if Michael weren't such a bitch. Alternatively, he could've played 'smart' and killed him on any of the numerous occasions they met far away from the city.

Devin Westin should've been dead as soon as he withheld payment for delivering the cars (Molly should've been shot for delivering this news).

Stretch should've been killed immediately after Franklin saved Lamar.

The Triads should've been killed instead of the O'Neil family. Realistically, though, they would've just agreed to work with Trevor after he killed the competition.

Shortened the game a lot, I think. Those could all have been separate missions, and would have been a lot more fun that way.

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The way I see it:

I think the reason why Michael didn't go after Haines until he did was because he wanted to keep his witness protection deal and Dave wouldn't let that happen.

I also think Franklin didn't go after Westin is because Michael tells him that Westin is good for the money being a brilliant investor. He tells him that after he saves Michael from the Chinese which happens right after Molly doesn't pay him.

Though I don't see how Franklin would lift a finger for Westin let alone kill his friend and mentor considering he still hadn't paid him for those cars.

Why the Triads wouldn't work for Trevor is stupid; wasting all those resources to kill someone that was absolutely willing to work with them.

I knind of wish Lamar killed Stretch with Franklin's help, though.

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When given the choice, I went with a judgement call.

I had to go with C, simply because it didn't feel right that Franklin should be the one to kill either of the characters. I was hoping for a scenario that saw Haines get murdered, and that Michael and Trevor would air out their grievances later. Didn't quite get everything I wanted, but given the game I wanted to play, I made the right choice. I just have to go on YouTube now and check out videos of the other two scenarios.

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When given the choice, I went with a judgement call.

I had to go with C, simply because it didn't feel right that Franklin should be the one to kill either of the characters. I was hoping for a scenario that saw Haines get murdered, and that Michael and Trevor would air out their grievances later. Didn't quite get everything I wanted, but given the game I wanted to play, I made the right choice. I just have to go on YouTube now and check out videos of the other two scenarios.

Have Micheal and Trevor hangout. You might just get what you wanted...

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lol, that'll teach you. At least you'll have the hindsight to know which missions to leave until later etc.

lol, no shit. i have 4 saves at all times.

I choose C. if anyone does otherwise, im sorry but your retarded.i will replay the missions to see how the others play out, and im glad to see your original choice is how it stays. i was afraid of that. then again I would just not save over my original file. I almost dont want to cause killing a buddy like that is so fucking depressing.

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Chose C, didn't really consider the other two just because I didn't want any of them to die. They didn't kill those guys earlier becasue of their connections, they were forced to do it in the end because the only other option would be killing one of the protags. Stretch on the other hand, I don't know why they didn't kill him earlier.

Anyways, I thought it was a good ending. better then IVs.

oh, and shame on everyone who rushed into the last mission with no secondary save. I would have thought that multiple saves was common sense by now.

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If you made that final choice from Franklin's point of view, I think that the third choice was the only way - if Trev or Mike had the option then it would have been more feasible for one to off the other but Franklin had no real beefs with either of the other two.

I was quite disappointed at how easy the loose ends were to wrap up as well...

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I had only one save and I first went with option A, then I didn't like it so I just shut down the PS3 and then later take option C.

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