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Funny Moments!

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2 for you, flying directly up in the fighter jet, bail out and parachute down, few seconds after i turned around the jet lands on me while in mid air and i fall to my death.

after having ago in the sub with trevor i switched to micheal for awhile, when i switched back to trevor i find myself wearing a dress with scub gear, sitting on a roof drunk somewhere in east los santos. he gets up, take of the scuba tank and i jump off the roof and find the sub "parked" at the side of the road, several miles from water of any kind.

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i switched to michael, and he was playing games with jimmy, i've seen that one before... but what i didn't see before was when i walked into michael's bedroom, amanda rolls over and says, "you still need to learn your boundries"... she then threw her vibrator at me!! :lol:

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One of the first funniest moments I experienced was when I first got into free roam as franklin after the opening missions. I had always said the first thing I wanted to do was to punch a random ped. That was my 'first thing to do, plan'

I had visions of punching someone clean out, but told myself that probably wouldn't happen since in GTA 4 you couldn't really knock someone out with one punch. But, nevertheless I wanted to try it. My moment came, I saw a douchey looking gangster with a group of three other guys trying to look tough opposite franklin's aunts' house.

I ran at him, and with one EPIC hard punch, I knocked him clean out to the floor, his hat flying off. It was perfect! Better than I could of ever imagined.

The 3 other guys just stood there for 2 seconds looking at me and back at the unconscious guy, then they turned around and started flat-out running down the street, with one of the guys shouting the words "shit, honky, I'm out!"

I knew from then, this game was amazing.

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i switched to michael, and he was playing games with jimmy, i've seen that one before... but what i didn't see before was when i walked into michael's bedroom, amanda rolls over and says, "you still need to learn your boundries"... she then threw her vibrator at me!! :lol:


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i switched to michael, and he was playing games with jimmy, i've seen that one before... but what i didn't see before was when i walked into michael's bedroom, amanda rolls over and says, "you still need to learn your boundries"... she then threw her vibrator at me!! :lol:
Damnit! I was going to say that, honky.

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Once I was Trevor and I went to a random encounter in the desert and there was a psycho guy next to a van who tazed me and said 'I have been so lonely'. I then woke up on the traintracks wearing nothing but my underwear. The funniest part was when Trevor said 'Oh, not this again'. :lol:

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i switched to michael, and he was playing games with jimmy, i've seen that one before... but what i didn't see before was when i walked into michael's bedroom, amanda rolls over and says, "you still need to learn your boundries"... she then threw her vibrator at me!! :lol:

What is it with people throwing vibrators at you? :lol:

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Running around with Trevor when I come up to a fence, guess I judge the distance wrong and hit [] to early. instead of smoothly jumping over he plopped over the fence head first and landed on his back. It was pretty funny at the time since I thought I was being real smooth.

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I finally got around to flying the blimp. It was right in front of me, I still had parts of the map I hadn't got to and thought I'd give it a go. I spent a good half an hour flying around and when I finally got all of the land mass uncovered I flew to the nearest parachuting spot, jumped out and as I jumped I clipped something on the side of the blimp on the way out and fell to my death.

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Last night I was just cruising around above LS in a Buzzard, firing off rockets at random. As the blimp came into view, I decided I wanted to land this bitch on top of it. So I'm drawing closer to the blimp, and wth I shoot off a few more rockets WAY too the left of the thing, and to my surprise they veered right back at the blimp, causing a massive fireball about to rain down on the streets of LS. I had no idea they were seeking missiles.

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So I'm Trevor, and a guy drives by in a Bullet, so naturally I take it, and I'm slowly driving along, waiting to see how it will take for the guy to stop chasing after his car (he's swearing at me in Spanish the entire time :lol: ). I come up to the train tracks and stop when a cop car comes screeching up behind me, sirens wailing, chasing two cars full of Ballas in a loud exchange of gunfire. The cop car spins and comes to a stop on one set of train tracks, both cops get out and keep shooting at the gang members, and sure enough, the bells start dinging and the arms come down and a train comes barreling through, smashing the cop car and dragging it down the tracks. Tried to take a pic but it happened so fast. I lold.

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if you meet up with one of the other protags and run one over, you get quite a pissed mail and pay for their hospital

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Kicking patrons sitting in chairs at the coffee shop sends them flying a little further than I would have expected. Good for a mild chuckle and I got no stars or aggression from NPC's.

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So I, Trevor, ran over a cow. well, sort of, I more or less headshotted her with my right rearview mirror. so I got out to take a picture and this guy on a Sanchez comes by circling me yelling something like "passo-porto asshole, show me your pass port" and so on... then, all of a sudden, he pulls a sawnoff and capy my balding mullet head with it commenting "nah looks canadian"

Exact same thing happened to me in the woods. Haha. Except it was three rednecks. I was Michael and I shot two of them. Then, the third just pulls out a sawn-off shotgun and one-shots me! I'd normally be mad to lose that five large, but it was worth it that time!

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maybe it was just a buggish thing with me that there was just 1 guy because everything/one else talks about 3 guys in these encounters

anyways, another wtf moment just happened to me:

coming from the south on great ocean hwy, I try to take the left-turn down to the buyable dock south of paleto bay, I strike an oncoming vehicle which right away spins into the guardrail on it's right and boom, explosion.

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So I've got Trevor on a Sanchez exploring every nook and cranny of Mt. Chiliad, and I'm following the NE trail which has an integrated series of rampy jumps...he goes airborne, happens to hit a hawk, it squawks, and Trevor says, "Ten points." I fucking love that guy. :lol:

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So I've got Trevor on a Sanchez exploring every nook and cranny of Mt. Chiliad, and I'm following the NE trail which has an integrated series of rampy jumps...he goes airborne, happens to hit a hawk, it squawks, and Trevor says, "Ten points." I fucking love that guy. :lol:

Probably the best GTA character ever in my opinion! His comments to other people (when you press 'right' on the pad) always crack me up:

"Why oh why hasn't somebody sensible shot you yet?"

"You are an asshole!"

"You're a waste of space on this earth"

"Why oh why do you exist?"

"Listen even your parents can't stand you!"

"So we are clear, you look like a tit!"


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"you make me want a lobotomy."


although I must say Trevor's lines in conversations are much better than his occasional comments

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random ped got ranover by metro train and it was the way he did it and said it that made it funny or the fact that he was black.

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I bumped a car while overtaking in a truck - he got aggro and started tapping my rear bumper so I timed his next attack with me braking hard and he went through his windscreen and straight into the back of the truck....

Or driving to a mission, drove over a motorcyclist (as you do) but his bike got pushed in front of the truck that was next to me and all 3 of us exploded in a huge fireball....

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Something that has become a regular event but makes me laugh each time is when I land a plane, get out and run forward completely forgetting that the rotor is still spinning.

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