Rosh Fragger

List of all Animals?

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No shit!? I had no idea there were sharks. I need to hit the ocean a little more.

Nice, slipping Trevor into that list hahahaha. Spot on.

Animals are definitely my favorite addition to the game. Nothing like hitting a jump off a mountain and landing on an elk. Hunting is a blast, and I particularly love shooting birds out of the sky on Trevor's runway.

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Have yet to encounter a shark properly, but something appeared behind me on my radar before vanishing again while I was exploring in the submarine. I assume I am now being followed by some kind of water ninja.

Edit: Okay, now I've seen a shark.

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Mountain lions, boars, doves.

Sadly, no Bigfoot yet.

I saw bigfoot through the thermal scope of the sniper rifle. No mistaking it. But it literally just disappeared. It didn't move it just vanished.

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seagulls, rats and I think I saw rabbits aswell

I've only seen a shark once while flying low over the ocean, never encountered one when on/under water

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That was all the idiots looking at a rock in the second trailer. Probably gta5videos. Sounds like something that kid would post.

On the topic of animals and that channel, there is actually a dinosahr and still no horses. :yes: It just happens to be a tourist trap and not a living creature...

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A bit disappointed at the lack of horses, if only because I would've liked having Michael go to the racetrack and develop a gambling addiction alongside his alcoholism.

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yep they should've put horses in there or racing dogs...

anyways, there's also ravens and I could swear I saw squirrels around Sandy Shores Airstrip...

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Officially killed by my first shark last night. It was dark in my room, and I was swimming off the coast of Poleto Bay. I was legitimately terrified. It's creepy as shit at night.

Also, the first time I died as Trevor it was him being attacked by a mountain lion. I thought that was appropriately badass.

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A bit disappointed at the lack of horses, if only because I would've liked having Michael go to the racetrack and develop a gambling addiction alongside his alcoholism.


I thought bears were confirmed. In my defense there were alot of rumors and articles to follow.

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I don't remember which site it was that said there were bears, but they're retarded.

I've heard that there are Bears, but they're one of the rarer animal spawns ( whereas Deer are one of the most common ). Several players have mentioned seeing them ( usually attacking other animals ), plus they were mentioned as being in the game by CVG when they had their Hands-On Preview ( where Rockstar stated that Bears were definitely in GTA V ). Somewhere in this Video ~

Unless these people are full of shit, and CVG got their facts wrong ( which is believable )...

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I'm gonna chop that rare bear's ass (or get my dick kicked in the excitement). It is always fun finding rare things, and if it is a vast area to search in, I'm in! So it's a Trevor's bear hunt then...!

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Add chimps to the list. They aren't in the wild, but you do come across them in a mission.

I did some looking around, and I came across these.


Brown bears and Beavers are supposedly found in Lago Zancundo. All I could find were a lot of deer.


Found this sign at the winery. I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find any snakes.

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