
Online is gonna be pay2win [GTFIH]

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Well, i'll be stalking rich fucks with all the money, and jack their ass. Steal all their hardly earn't shit, including that detailed full body tattoo!


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Everyone who buys their shit with real money should have an icon above their character in-game, so that everyone can taunt them mercilessly. Or boot them from their game if there's an option to do it.

That is a great idea.

The icon should be a penis.

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So given this information I don't think its really pay 2 win, just pay to have an advantage over AI, a slight advantage over others and to buy stuff.....once you've unlocked it, so I don't think its really worth buying.

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Well if R* say it doesn't imbalance the game, then i hear that.

Mass, i'm totally in. If i see any fucker with top end shit in the first couple of days, i'll be gunning for them hard. Blowin' up their vehicles, shittin' on their moms, hide yo' cash, hide yo' life, steal yo' stash, rape yo' wife!

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Yeah, for making their child a spoilt fuck. People with more money than sense will be buying all the best shit on the first day.

Anyway this isn't pay to win, it's pay to look superior.

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Well if R* say it doesn't imbalance the game, then i hear that.

Every company ever that does this shit claims it wont "unbalance the game".

brb combat arms

brb latest runescape update that is ACTIVELY real world trading.

brb diablo 3

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Rockstar is more competent than Blizzard. And whoever made Runescape, I don't give a shit.

Try a shootout or race with some kid who bought $1.5 million before making assumptions. No one else seems concerned. We'll all be fine.

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You never play free roam on a non-spawn server on SAMP when some douchy 13 year old script kiddy with mod s0beit shows up?

Here's what happens, you're playing fairly, when out of nowhere... HOLY FUCK, HUNTER AND 4 BILLION ROCKETS and you're dead.

these people never go for modding cars or that shit, always something they can be as cheap as possible with.

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Hopefully R* is clever enough to have players spawn in passive mode to alleviate the potential problem of such players sitting in front of spawn positions waiting for people to come in.

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It is NOT PAY-TO-WIN the only micro-transactions R* mentioned was for in-game cash. In Death Matches/Races it wouldnt matter and if you can pay to level up then who cares? One troll that spent their whole paycheck on micro-transactions couldnt ruin an entire game, espeacially if they paid to be level 100. In that case they wouldnt know what theyre doing anyway. The worst scenario is a private match with your freinds.

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Confirmed not pay to win. All guns, grenades, car upgrades, even clothing and hairstyles need a minimum lv to unlock. Unlocking is only done through doing missions and doing various activites around the city. Money for the most part is easy to get, but not in large amounts. 5kish on a good Deathmatch match can get you max the ammo for any early gun.

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not pay to win, but soon will be pay to play. understandable tho, to a degree. they gotta pay ppl to keep it going. but hopefully knowing how many ppl do want to play they keep the cost low and reasonable, like 50/yr. or something, (just throwin a random rate out there...)multiply that by 10million = costs paid.

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not pay to win, but soon will be pay to play. understandable tho, to a degree. they gotta pay ppl to keep it going. but hopefully knowing how many ppl do want to play they keep the cost low and reasonable, like 50/yr. or something, (just throwin a random rate out there...)multiply that by 10million = costs paid.

I doubt it. There is really no more of a maintenance fee to this game than GTA IV or RDR. I highly doubt it'll ever become pay to play. And R* already confirmed you don't have to buy in-game money with real money to succeed. It'll be all good.

EDIT: what I mean by "maintenance fee" is like server upkeep. There is really nothing different about running this game than RDR and GTA IV. They just have to pay employees to take abuse from children, and keep their servers running. My point is, don't worry about this. This isn't an MMO.

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