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Custom Deathmatch Creations

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Dup made a topic for custom races, here is one for deathmatches. Post your custom deathmatch creations for GTAO here.

Ever since I was given the turn to pick the specs for a IV forum deathmatch (the prison, shotguns, at night, fog, no blips), I've been looking forward to the GTAO custom creator. The options feel vast in this new version of the state of San Andreas, a delicious range of locations and weapons to choose from. Specialty crews will be able to customize deathmatches according to their gameplay style. Can't wait to see more about the creator tool and what options we will have.

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Legal Trouble


Don't bother having your lawyer present - there are enough bloodthirsty psychos up here as it is. Up to six combatants take part in this melee bloodbath on the roof of the Davis Courthouse. Mind the ledge.


I littered the roof with crowbars, bats, and knives. It's too bad the spawn point limitation doesn't allow for more than 6 players.


Power Surge


Get a different kind of buzz going in this close-quarters Deathmatch at the Department of Water and Power. Check your corners and watch your back. Oh, and keep off the transformers.


This is fun as hell. The transformers make for tight corners and corridors of death, no matter how it's played. As a TDM, it's tactical and white-knuckle intensity. As a free-for-all, it's hectic and chaotic. Shotguns only here.

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Just my little experiment with the content creator:


Mile Die Club:


'STD Contracting has been violating workers rights for years. Fight in this team deathmatch on top of the unfinished Mile High Club, their latest project. A mix of spacious rooftops and enclosed construction zones make this map require a mix of combat styles and tactics. Just mind the edge.'

Basically this is just a deathmatch on top the mile high club, some notable things I added are a fuel tank on the lower open section, a few explosive barrels as well as filling out the two empty floors with walls, various cover and some other decorations to make it less empty. On the whole its pretty fast paced. I think I did an ok-ish job. Would appreciate any feedback though.

Edit: Added the actual link.

Edited by Nathan

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dude you have to link them

Simmet Alley


block off a small area. battle only in the alley way. some of us played this yesterday. Good some good reviews. made changes to it since then. blocked off the area better. i hope no one can get on the roof now. and yes i noticed the typo. going to fix that now lol

also another version of the shankyard

its a TDM now. knives only. Got some good feedback again. Had a prison bus around but it derailed the deathmatch I found. it was funny while it lasted. got rid of it.

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I plan to make a deathmatch in the parking lot of the Yellow Jack Inn that only allows broken bottles.

Wouldn't let me use broken bottles, but, done.

Just Another Friday Night


A drunken parking lot brawl with fists and whatever else you can find. You know, same as every Friday night.

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Bigger, better, more gang-er.



The sequel to Just Another Friday Night ( A gang brawl so big, we called in a riot squad.

I'm unfamiliar with deathmatches. If you guys play these and decide they're too short, need more kills, whatever, let me know and I'll fix it.

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ok, tonight when i get off work we need to get some people together so we can play some of our creations... there's a shit load of them now, we need to try an keep up lol... i wanna try 'em all but it's boring if i am by myself...

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Gasoline, oil, explosives... golf carts? It's a dangerous battlefield. Luckily, the locations of the best weapons are marked... with explosive barrels. Good luck.

Would've been better if there weren't a limit on how many explosive barrels you can use.

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