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Custom Deathmatch Creations

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I'm pretty proud of these. The first one is a bit slow, but the sequel makes up for it. Both must be played as team deathmatches, it's vault dwellers vs. raiders.

War Never Changes - I


2-16 Players, Team Deathmatch

It is 2299, 222 years after nuclear war destroyed the world as we knew it. Your ancestors were given a place in a vault, which ensured that they - and later, you - would never face the chaos of the surface, yet, after over two centuries, the vault's reactor has failed. To save your home from certain doom, you leave the vault to locate replacement parts. To your dismay, violent raiders happen to be traveling by as you exit the vault. The world may have changed, but war... War Never Changes.

I had to cut out so much shit to meet their 500 character limit.

War Never Changes - II


2-16 Players, Team Deathmatch

Your search for replacement parts for your vault's reactor has led you to the Rusted Graveyard, a name the wastelanders have given to the wreckage-filled remains of Route 68. While walking the long stretch of destroyed cars, surviving raiders from the attack on the vault catch up to you, intending to settle the score. The military convoy in the middle of the bridge should wrap thing up quickly.

Part III is a capture, still in progress. Not sure if there's going to be a part IV or not. If so, it'll be a race. I was a little disappointed with the last race I did, so I'm not sure if I want to bother with it.

Edit: Cloud server went down as I was working on part III. Canceled until I feel like doing the entire thing over.

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I may have forgotten to set one of these to "night." I'll never know, because I neither play deathmatches nor edit my work (though I do intend to edit War Never Changes II... someday).

Los Santos Warlords I


You've been selected to compete in the Los Santos edition of Warlords, a brutal reality show operated by the warlord himself, Massacre. Find a weapon and fight for your life.

Straight melee, but molotovs, because I can't fucking resist them.

Los Santos Warlords II


You've survived the first stage, proving yourself superior to those who did not. More bloodshed shall be your reward.

Added grenades and sawed-off shotguns to this one. Also, each side of the map (in case of team deathmatch) has a combat MG and a grenade launcher. The grenade launcher isn't that useful given all the sheds and train cars on this map, so I didn't think it would be troublesome. Don't play it as a TDM, though. It'll only lead to grenade launcher-camping and a sense of safety.

Los Santos Warlords III


Again, the weak are culled. Again, you prove your strength. Again, you will be rewarded. Revel in the slaughter. Let the symphony of gunfire fuel you.

This one is pretty much a straight shootout, plus the fun thrown weapons. Two spawns each for rocket launcher and grenade launcher. Again, the environment makes them difficult to use correctly, and you need to be somewhat in the open just to get to them. There's also a sniper nest that has no good cover. That's what you get for being a bitch and avoiding the fight.

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Why did they bother adding molotovs (and tear gas, for that matter) to this game? Neither one is particularly effective.

Also, when does LS Warlords premiere?

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As soon as the world stops being filled with bitches and they approve the show.

Also, these spawn points continue to fuck up everything I do.

Also also, I just realized I didn't put any health or armor in the third match. Good luck with that, guys.

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If your not going to edit them or play with us, there isn't a reason for us to play them. those are the two main reasons we play each others shit

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you've got a few matches that are good but you don't want to edit them to make them better... and instead, you create new ones that probably have a few issues that you won't address anyways... i agree with dio, if you're not gonna even care for your own creations then why should we even waste our time on them??

shame too, seems like you put some time into them...

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Noted. Won't bother posting my matches anymore.

For the record, I've only gotten suggestions and useful criticism for two deathmatches. One, I plan on fixing, other is a one-off from St. Patrick's Day that I only made because it initially didn't seem like anyone else was making anything for that event. I have no way of knowing if my matches are even being played by people here. Why update content that's only getting a one-time play by strangers who aren't leaving feedback?

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do you see our point tho? when you say you'll never play them or fix them, then why would we even play them? we've left feedback on both fallout matches, the 3 brawl ones, and a race... have you modified any of them?

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I have no desire to play deathmatches. If there were a mission creator (and there won't be), these deathmatches wouldn't exist.

A review isn't the same as criticism. Of the two Fallout matches, the second is the only one I saw actual suggestions for. Other than that, the only thing I had a suggestion for was the second St. Patrick's Day match. Something about my choice of forced weapon, I think. I don't care about the race. I would unpublish it, had I looked into whether or not that was an option. Besides, it has dislikes. Not very encouraged to make updates when people thought a dislike was more fitting than feedback for my first attempt at a race. I only made it because the St. Patrick's Day event had too many deathmatches, anyway.

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if you don't want to play deathmatches then why are you creating them?

you should look back, i know we left feedback on more than 2 matches... your first st partys match was the most memorable if the cars didnt ruin it... we left feedback... and concerning the dislikes without comments, your matches only appear to have been played once, and that was us during igta night... these arent randoms playing... dislikes ahould encourage you to fix them...

but whatever...i just don't understand why you don't want to play your own creations...

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Feedback says "hey, fix this." Dislikes say "fuck your shit, I don't care what you do with it."

I make deathmatches because there isn't going to be a mission creator. It's the only way I can do anything with my ideas, short of starting a game company and making a GTA/Manhunt clone.

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no one ever leaves feedback on the SC, ever... those dislikes were from those that didnt understand the concept.. it happens... if i let dislikes effect me like that i would of stopped making jobs a lobg time ago...

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Oh, I've gotten dislikes for content I actually cared about, that doesn't matter. I want to unpublish the race because I never really felt like making one to begin with. Was only trying to help out for the event. The dislikes just make unpublishing seem like the right choice.

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Massy, i love your themed deathmatches (please make me a bronze member) But actually you inspired me to make one.

Apocalyptica II Deathtrap


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there isn't going to be a mission creator

*chokes on Kool-Aid* You don't think there's a chance of them updating the Creator?

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I fully support what bOnEs and DiO are the same time, Massacre seems to make matches that would be fun to play. There are a few of you that are very active making matches but some variety is always a good thing.

We just need to communicate feedback better. And, Massacre should consider playing with us every once in a while. If Monday nights are too frantic, it's not hard to find a smaller lobby of iGTA any other night of the week, but a big enough group to play DMs and get proper feedback on how it plays, since the test module is lacking.

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there isn't going to be a mission creator

*chokes on Kool-Aid* You don't think there's a chance of them updating the Creator?

I no longer expect Rockstar to do anything that won't sell shark cards. They're just going to stay quiet, then release a pack with a handful of simple but overpriced items whenever their fans get too loud over their failure to release heists in a timely fashion.

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you have to play your matches man... it's the best way to know what needs to be fixed first hand, not waiting for one of us to play it and then "maybe" tell you about it... if you just like creating stuff then so be it... just don't get upset that some of us would rather play something else... they sound fun, maybe some day down the road i might check it out... but i am in no rush...

and a mission creator is coming at some point, it has to, i just don't expect it for awhile...

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Wasn't everything we saw in the leaked mission creator video a while back just capture creator tools?

What makes you think there'll be a mission creator?

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optimism, hope... that's about it... but if online is ever evolving, why not?? we're basically using the same tools they use to create DMs and races... why not have access to the same tools to make missions?

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