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Custom Deathmatch Creations

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Rusty Cage


New one. start with nothing. there are melee weapon spawns.

there are two of those big cylinders. your trapped in them. both are battle arena's with no escape.

does not work with TDM. dont TDM. free for all

Dup, played Solom's rest. Really like the area.

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Here's one I threw together last night while getting the hang of it. It has a surprise at the bottom of the hill too.

Cannabis Blues

This is fun as fuck. I was about to hop in the Cuban 800, but you inadvertently crushed it when you rolled the Rhino on it. :lol:

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Here's one I threw together last night while getting the hang of it. It has a surprise at the bottom of the hill too.

Cannabis Blues

This is fun as fuck. I was about to hop in the Cuban 800, but you inadvertently crushed it when you rolled the Rhino on it. :lol:

When I was placing everything I kind of had old halo levels in mind, at least in the sense of close quarters and vehicle placement. Im going back tonight to tweak the weapons though, needs more grenades and crowbars.

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I've been adding lots to my game. ill keep doing it and make a playlist for the next igta night

new one. i hope it plays out how i planned

Dozer Danger

Best played as TDM. Defend your Dozer and take out the other. Run down your enemies or burn them alive!


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tdm-playmate-party.png <-- LINK




You've been invited to an exclusive party in Richman! Bring a few friends and party till the break of dawn!


i moved the grenade launcher closer to the 2nd team starting position since none of you could find it :lol:... moved a couple of weapons around, changed up a few spawn spots and added another car to the driveway to make it look even more like a party!! the trial run was fun though, i didn't realize how much of an explosive party it would turn into but when you can keep the weapons you find, it just happens...

i like it, i'm proud of my creation B)...

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Dumper Danger:

'Create congestion on the Del Perro Freeway with two dump trucks. Protect your truck while attacking your rivals, fight hand-to-hand or use your molotovs to burn 'em out!'

Basically I got the inspiration for this one from Dio's map, saw the dozers and thought 'Why not dumps and in rush hour traffic?' Its just got two dumps facing each other and the idea is just to use the molotovs to destroy your rivals truck. There are three molotov spawns, one on each team spawn and one in the middle with tear gas. For a little extra melee boost there is also a crowbar, golf club and body armour. And traffic going full speed, did I mention traffic? By the way all my maps are Xbox360, sorry.

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Played just another friday night with randoms last night. Apart from someone with a buggy connection appearing after stabbing me, I haven't laughed so much playing with randoms before.

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I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. JAFN, Part II is a bit more chaotic. My use of explosive barrels and the results in my test run inspired me to make Minefield.

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This deathmatch was planned way before the CC was even out. I finally got it to a publishable state, and it's probably one of my favorite TDM arenas of mine. This could even become a CTF match once they release creation tools for that too. The weapons are pretty well balanced in my opinion, and there's plenty of cover scattered around the map.

Gordo's Gambit (PS3)


TDM - 2-16 Players

The drugs are ready to be shipped, get down there and hold your ground, the stash is yours now, or is it?

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JAFN 2 was epic. Despite both my team mates dropping out at the last second, I still managed to get 9 kills alone against 3 others.

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I played JAFN II with Rob and I agree, awesome effort and lots of fun. I also played Shipwrecked and it's an awesome concept but unless you have a gun and skill you're fucked. Since I had neither I was repeatedly lead-raped. I reckon either have it as a melee-only (though I like the snipers) or throw more guns in.

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Shipwrecked was tense. I probably spent too long trying to get on top of the shack but I was on the egde of my seat for the first half. U til I found the gun spawns. I agree with barry but I think it would be awesome without any guns except the sniper rifles. I had one moment running in zig zags towards a guy with a sniper rifle to stab him.

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so i've done up 2 DM's. I don't actually play these modes, so i'm hoping a bunch of ppl check these out to let me know if they suck or not.

first one:

Rooftop Beatdown:


Players 2 to 16

Teams 1 to 2


Fight it out old school. With yer fists!! Fun little rooftop arena on The Emissary building. A few surprises to be found up there as well.

the 2nd DM:

Ingrained Death:


Players 2 to 16

Teams 1 to 2


Go all out in Sanora over at the Union Grain Supply silos in this high stakes deathmatch.

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If you're offloading a shipment of chemicals with which to furnish a meth lab, you'd be best suited keeping quiet about it. Otherwise, situations like this tend to arise. Up to four teams of four battle it out at Madrazo's compound. The winners get plenty of chems to keep the crank flowing in Blaine County.


A hectic blend of long lines of sight and corner-centric close quarters combat make for plenty of variety here. A Cargobob surrounded by crates and barrels of volatile chems is the centerpiece; needless to say, things get hairy in that area.

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Lost and Damned


What goes on inside the walls of this Lost MC facility is anyone's guess. What goes on on the outside, though, is pretty plain to see: up to 12 players fight at the Lost MC compound in East Vinewood. Plenty of vertical and horizontal combat.


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Nice backstories 'Smith. I wish they made creations cross platform!

Here's my new love child. It comes in two flavors; Deathmatch or a three-way Team Deathmatch. Both a fun as fuck. It takes place in mirror park, and surrounding buildings. Lots of good sniping opportunities around the outer egdes of the map, and a good amount of heavy fire power towards the middle. PS3 only.




3-16 players

Take a walk down to Mirror Park. You may come out alive, but probably not.

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