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Custom Deathmatch Creations

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main event was interesting... i spent a lot of time on the rooftops trying to find someone to snipe... we had a lobby of 6 so i know we weren't reaching it's full potential...

same could be said for resevoir job... i see the potential, but we were too spread out, and when you were on the lower level, you were kind of screwed... i couldn't get the upper hand on the guys above... we still won though somehow lol... dio mentioned a pile of jackals though, i got a good laugh out of that...

i thought one way creek was good... i like missions that force you to camp a little... but once i got the grenade launcher, i just started lobbing dem sonsabitches across the track... i assume the train comes thru occasionally, didn't get to see that :(...

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played dust devils with dup and some others. dups map. fuckin awesome lol

BF injections and sticky bombs

new one from me

Minigun Fun


2 to 16


1 to 2


Trapped in the parking lot with miniguns.

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Minigun fun was actually really fun man, i enjoyed it. It felt like something out of terminator, but with fuck all health lol. Nice arena though.

I've started focusing on 'fun' now. I give up trying to make up story scenarios, i'll save those for job creation. So expect a load of weird or unconventional, but hopefully enjoyable creations from me!

Dust Devils was an idea I've had floating in my mind for a while, but i wasn't sure how to go about it, to make it as balanced as possible. In the end, i just chucked it together, and i think it worked out. If you try it, just make sure you keep traffic on, because you'll probably need it. They don't give you enough vehicles in my opinion, DD has maximum vehicles. And coz i stupidly bunched them together to look cool, they are easily turned into an explosive chain reaction.


Deathmatch 2-16 players.

Grab a car, get to the explosives, and play hot potato with your rivals!

This one is still an "idea" as it's not testable with NPCs as they are dumbfucks. And i don't even know if Submersibles are destroyable when bumping into one another. So i still need to test it with a few people. There's no real goal other than enjoy the underwater scenery and smash into each other like bumper cars!


Deathmatch 2-16 players.

Bumpercars.. only under water... in submarines! Goal? Just have fun.

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ya its a blast. And Dodgems actually works as a death match. Played a quick 5 minute with few people. has 7 in.

one team pinned a guy down and they were grinding his sub. it blew up and counted as one of the opponent killing him. mine got beat up enough I couldnt move. rudder wasnt working like how airplanes get fucked up. bailed and swam for a new one.

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No they're not cross compatible unless R* verify/spotlight them, as they have the power to convert them (which is dumb imo, they should all be cross playable no matter what, i'm sure it wouldn't take a whole lot of effort to do that).

Thanks for verifying that DiO, i'm still yet to play it with anyone. :(

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2 new deathmatches to try out.

Silligan's Island

Stranded at sea, madness kicks in for 2 rival gangs seperated by rough waters. Armed only wih courage (and rpgs), try to gain control of the shack

It's basically a rpg off. The more players, the better.

The Fugitive

It wasn't me, it was the one-armed man! One team are convicts who have escaped from a crashed bus, the other team are crack FIB agents on the prowl. Ford vs Lee.

Basically a very vague recreation of a couple of scenes from the movie "The Fugitive" (derp). It includes the bus, and Kimble's escape at the dam. Jumping off the dam leaves you wide open to be sniped, and that's if you remember to grab a parachute. Of course, you can drive a car off a convenient ramp near the edge, because cars in online are ridiculous. I recommend trying this with around 6 or more players, as it was a bit boring just doing a one on one.

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I found a way to stack props/vehicles/weapons/spawns by accident whilst making a deathmatch in Grapeseed. So, I've now made use of this & literally built my own scrapyard arena in the Grand Senora Desert. There's plenty of places to hide for cover, and I've made good use of the arena and its surroundings. I decided to make this one a grenade/sticky & pistol match only, as it just seems right for this.

Scrapyard Shenanigans


(Can't save snaps in job, so i had to post the actual photo from the socialclub so you can see it)

TDM or DM 2-16 players.

It's a lot of fun, even with only two people, but the more the better, so group up!

And for good measure, i made a "Bomb Da Base" too!


DM or TDM 2-16 players.

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I was gonna keep it quiet for a bit, but i've seen that other people have already figured out how to do it too. So here you go, and enjoy:

This is how i figured it out:

1. All you have to do is drop an object into the scene, then another one of that type near by (for tutorial purpose we'll use an empty train carriage).

2. Move to one of the objects with your corona and press edit to pick it up.

3. Now you're in edit mode, you're able to place the carriage on top of the other one. (Some objects are fussier than others, and may take a bit of moving around or fiddling to drop into an acceptable spot, but you get used to it, and do it quicker once you know each object's placement difficulty).

That's all there is to it.

You can create stacks miles high, you can create extreme ramps which go from the road into the sky, over skyscrapers. And you can even delete from underneath leaving you with floating platforms if you wish. Your only limitation is the 50 props and the item limits.

Now go make something original with it and post it back here!

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Nice use of interior space DiO. I liked it.



TDM, 16 Player.

If you find yourself in the sky, make a dash for your 'chute, and jump. On the ground? Grab a sniper' from the prison and look to the skies!

The concept is that you start with pistols only. And you spawn in the sky on floating platforms. You jump off with your chute and shoot at eachother in the sky. Try to aim for the prison because that's where the snipers are. If you end up on the ground or respawn there, then grab a sniper from inside the prison and either snipe skydivers or battle on the ground (until you die and respawn back in the sky).

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Yeah it took long, i just hope it turns out to be fun in large groups, and people don't just spawn kill given the chance. The prop and spawn point limitation really made this one a bitch to create.

I still wish to make it higher, so there's a longer free-fall, and people can decide when to pull their chutes, but it's just so time consuming. It took me about 4 hours over the last couple of days just to get those structures set up that high off the ground.

I wanted to test the waters at this weeks igta night, and see what people think. If it's enjoyable, then i'll go for a re-publish but use the sky altitude limit.

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you just gotta find a way to get more people to spawn in the sky, dup... but it was fun as hell anyway...


this is a match i had in beta until tonight's trial run went well...



Team Deathmatch - 2 to 8

You and the crew arrive just in time to catch your rivals leaving the Love Fist show at Tequi-La-La. Both gangs run into each other in the parking lot and anarchy ensues...

i tested this after the numbers tonight dwindled down to 8... it tested better than i expected so i added a couple more tweaks to it, like removed the few lost vehicles out front and added them to the parking lot... plus, a few barriers here and there to provide a little more cover when you find yourself out in the open... the back part of the lot had decent cover for the good weapons, so i added barriers near the good ones on the other side... i fucking love this one though... add it to your game, and play the shit out of it!!


on a side note, i've noticed the plays and likes have gone up a bit for my zancudo challenge race... i think there's some rogue people out there that added it to their game and it's gotten a few plays that way.... any luck massacre with JAFN II?

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I listened to everyone's feedback on the Skydie deathmatch, and I've overhauled the layout of the map.

Skydie: A Good Day to Die


First of all, I've created a DNA style structure in the sky using wrecked bus halves, which should also provide you with more cover from other enemies. I decided to do this because 1. there's a 50 prop limit (so i can't create proper structures for all 16 players, and 2. some people prefer to camp in the sky and just have a shootout up there until they run out of ammo. Micro-Uzi's instead of handguns now, makes parachute popping easier. I've also made some changes to the ground. There's now more heavy snipers & also Micro Uzi's instead of just standard snipers in and around the prison. It makes shooting at chuter's more enjoyable. There's helicopters and planes around the prison too, if you wish to climb back up to the action.


Add to game:

16 player Deathmatch (DM advised, Teams may not respawn in the sky).

If you find yourself in the sky, make a dash for your 'chute, and jump. No chute? Bad luck. On the ground? Grab a sniper' from the prison and look to the skies!

I tested it last night with DiO and a fairly large group. The spawn points worked great, you always spawn up in the sky now. But the only problem i think people were having, was waiting for parachutes to respawn. I saw a few people just falling to their deaths out of boredom or impatience xD. Other than that i found it to be a great experience.

Definitely one of my favourite "unique" DM's now, up there with Dust Devils & Dodgems.

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