
Vehicle Spawns

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either they patched it out or it only works as long as you haven't beaten the story cuz I don't get no infinite vacca spawn there anymore. used to tho until I finished the game.

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I found one just round the corner to the north of trevors sandy shores mansion. like the first lot west of the gas station. dunno of its permanently there, but I've noticed it quite often.

and I often see one or two driving around the mckenzie field area

EDIT: scratch that location, I confused a few things. the rat loader is located on marina drive, between armadillo ave and niland ave; so it's not exactly round the corner from trevors but not far away either. like I said it seems to be a permanent spawn, at least I noticed it there very often:


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I love that thing. I propose an off-road race using only Rat Loaders. Whatever the longest off-road race may be; I don't do enough racing. Which is a shame, because I still need to unlock turbo for my Phoenix and various bikes.

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Rare, or what I don't see very often are as follows. Also, idk if these were already mentioned, apologies if they were. Tailgater, Merryweather Canis Mesa, Western Daemon, Rat Loader.


This truck, I can't remember the name at the moment, I found it driving around the center of the city but more to the east. I call it the OJ Bronco.

I found the Tailgater in an invite only session, not sure if the type of session matters, in the parking lot of the golf course after dark but before morning. It took a few trips before it spawned and there were A LOT of cars that look similar to the


Canis Mesa - I called Mercs on my friend n stole one as they got killed.

Western Daemon - This one was a pain in ass to find. I spent the better part of a night looking in all listed locations I could find, I guess the new patch doesnt let you steal vehicles from missions anymore, and then I was leaving my apartment, stole a car and ran over a Daemon. Pretty fast for the type of bike it is, but I think I like the Bati better.

Rat Loader - This spawns more or less in the same spot as single player, only after 8pm. 2 blocks NW of Trevor's. Rare yes, but not that great in my opinion. Cheap to replace, but even with mods on it's slow, bad brakes, and horrible turning. It doesn't even shoot fire out the exhaust pipes, where you got a blista tuner that shoots it all over the places. cool looking mods, but more on a cosmetic level than functional. Here's a shot of the Rat loader and Tailgater in my garage.


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Yeah, that truck is called the Rancher, and ive been looking for one lol, any idea where I can find one? And is there any way I an get the Merryweather Mesa after completing the story mode

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There are lots of cars I have yet to see at all, so I'm gonna list them and hope someone knows some spawn info:

FIB Special Vehicles (Buffalo and Granger)

Unmarked Police Cruiser

Annihilator Helicopter

Skylift Helicopter

Hotknife (Collector's Ed. exclusive I read?)

Imponte Phoenix

Rat Loader

Imponte Ruiner

Saber Turbo

Chariot Romero Hearse

Cheval Surge

Inventero Coquette

Karin Futo

Hijak Khamelion

Vapid Bobcat XL

Mesa 3 (I know you can get from missions, but is there a spawn point?)

Thanks for any info!

I'll type the ones I've seen, I won't waste your time with pointless info.

The Annihilator spawned after I hit level 30 or 40 at Trevor's airstrip and that other helipad location a lil closer the airport. I got a notification on the in game phone for it.

You only get the Hotknife with the collector's edition. There's the ratloader but it's a money pit.

The Phoenix, Sabre, and Ruiner I see everywhere in the city. The Phoenix is more rare but it spins out like a maniac. I'd like to find the Vigero though. I've only seen it at random points when I'm in the middle of something.

Rat Loader spawns after 8pm 2 blocks NW of Trevors house next to a LTS location. Literally, next to it. It can easily be mistaken for a rusted junker. It kinda is lol.

Mesa 3, I'm assuming you mean the raised one that the mercs drive? If your level is high enough online, you can call mercs on people. Do that, and steal one. That's how I got mine.


Yeah, that truck is called the Rancher, and ive been looking for one lol, any idea where I can find one? And is there any way I an get the Merryweather Mesa after completing the story mode

Rancher! thank you. I wish I could be more informative, but I saw one out of the corner of my eye and made a bee line towards it. I wanna say somewhere around East Los Santos and East Vinewood. It was at night though. Sorry I can't be more specific than that. You want the Mesa for SIngle Player? Can't you replay missions via the pause menu? Perhaps then, if online, call mercs on someone and steal the jeep.

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Is there a Convertible version of the Beater Tornado?

I can find the hardtop beater, and the normal convertible, and I remember there being a special Mexican version from a mission (but you couldn't put the roof up).

I've been looking for one and I'm starting to think it might not exist online.

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I hope they make the merryweather mesa a purchasable vehicle in both online and story mode. That'd be the day.

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dose any one have a clue to were the Elegy RH8 by Annis (Nissan GTR) is at i look all over rock ford hills and can not find it.

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no i am not on social club. I am trying to fined it in the game with the 3 main characters cause i would one of them to have it and if you know how to fine and get the prison bus that would be nice.

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curse u internet and social club for making it so i have to go online just to have access to the car.

on the other hand i have found were to find the police buffalo so i think am a little ok i just wish i could get into the prison and get the bus without being shot at.

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Realy wish there were more cars to purchase online. Maybe when they start adding DLC vehicles some might be only available online. Was looking at some of TBOGT Beta vehicles, and there was one called the Brickade that I hope they add.

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wasnt the elegy also part of the preorder-sets in singleplayer?

anyways, can someone confirm that cars you hold in multiplayer tend to spawn more frequently in singelplayer?

for example, now that I hold a sultan and a futo in gtao, these bitches spawn all over the place in singleplayer, most frequent when quitting gtao, but I've never seen them offline before

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