
GTAO Bugs and Troubleshooting

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Mine was running smoothly yesterday, was on it until the earlier hours of the morning, no crashes, no glitches, no problems at all, got to level 9. Then today the whole thing has gone, character, money, car, the lot.

So when it does finally "run smoothly" I wont trust it.

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Today I got into a random session with other people fine but had issues with the store clerks. I would aim my gun at them and nothing would happen. They just stood there. Happened in two different sessions. Third session I joined it finally worked.

That happen once to me. So I shot the clerk and took the money myself. You get heaps less cash though.

The next store it worked.

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Have you attempted solo? That's what worked for me to get through the tutorial.

Today I got into a random session with other people fine but had issues with the store clerks. I would aim my gun at them and nothing would happen. They just stood there. Happened in two different sessions. Third session I joined it finally worked.
That happen once to me. So I shot the clerk and took the money myself. You get heaps less cash though. The next store it worked.

I couldn't even get into the register.

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Down for a sailing party. Must shoot down all other vessels. Don't mind me if I talk in a pirate voice the whole time, though.

Still cant start the introductory race. Hoping this patch tomorrow works out. Really looking forward to playing with you guys.

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I'm a level 8, $25000 in the bank, and nice looking car. Everything's coming up Parker!

I had about that much. then shenanigans. now I have about 17k

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No I didn't get mine back, I had to make a new one this morning. But it did let me keep $49k from my other character so now I'm a level 4 with just under $60k. Played a mission with Dup This morning also without any problems.

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