
GTAO Bugs and Troubleshooting

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Since this update I have had a little trouble joining deathmatches - It keeps saying the session timed out. Quite strange since I can join virtually anything else like racing, missions etc.

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Just got a 2 day Bad Sport, over my 2 days off a week, for blowing up my mates cars with Sticky Bombs. It's fucking GTA, a game full of mayhem, carnage, murder and hookers, but blowing up my boosting fucking mates cars makes me a bad sport? Now I can't play with mates, I can't do any races and I can't get a mission, for 2 full fucking days. I used to think the 5 minute probation on COD was a pain in the arse. Fuck R* for this bullshit, whoever came up with this idea is a fucking idiot. Honestly, I was enjoying GTAO so much, but Ill be lucky if I ever switch it back on now, I'm sick with this shit!

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Just got a 2 day Bad Sport, over my 2 days off a week, for blowing up my mates cars with Sticky Bombs. It's fucking GTA, a game full of mayhem, carnage, murder and hookers, but blowing up my boosting fucking mates cars makes me a bad sport? Now I can't play with mates, I can't do any races and I can't get a mission, for 2 full fucking days. I used to think the 5 minute probation on COD was a pain in the arse. Fuck R* for this bullshit, whoever came up with this idea is a fucking idiot. Honestly, I was enjoying GTAO so much, but Ill be lucky if I ever switch it back on now, I'm sick with this shit!

This is why I don't bother with official online expansions for GTA ;)

IV was Crap, V has this "bad sport" shit.

back to SA:MP for me

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Bit pissed off that I have to ask this yet again, but anyone else having problems getting online? (particularly Virgin Media customers and/or PS3 users).

I have no problems getting online - I just ALWAYS get disconnected from deathmatches which is annoying. I can join anything else, just not deathmatches, hope the next update will sort this issue out.

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I think we should be able to buy health insurance, like you just pay a set figure then no hospital bills. However, you wouldn't have to pay for healthcare if this was England, just saying :P

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Takes a few times to get back online (had to go out before). Don't think I'm going to risk doing any missions etc as it constantly comes up with 'saving failed' so will stick to fannying around.

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Apparently R* have only halfed mission earnings after the first play. So the first time you play a job mission, you'll still get the original amount. Still sucks for the grind, but it encourages you to try new missions. Hopefully they'll be adding new mission content soon.

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can we change this shit to like....."GTAO bugs and troubleshooting" or something. its mainly what the topic is about

leather jackets and emblems not working. post here if u got the problem

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can we change this shit to like....."GTAO bugs and troubleshooting" or something. its mainly what the topic is about

ask and sometimes ye shall receive...

i was actually thinking about renaming this the other day... most of us know what the discussing is here, but the name is quite misleading... and after 20 pages, it's certainly a hot topic so it also deserves a pin...

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Hey guys I just joined this site because I need some serious help. Im sorry for not looking for other questions like this first. My problem is when I sign online and it puts me in a lobby with a bunch of people it says everybody left at the same exact time. I can still do missions by myself and invite friends in but I cant join a lobby by myself and play with people because after a couple mins it kicks everybody out but on the other people screens it says I left (friends help finding that out) It really sucks I cannot join any body elses missions because it kicks the people out and lets me do the mission by myself but on my friends screen it says I left. I was thinking and reading maybe its an internet connection issue I have tried changing my nat type from 2 to 1 that does nothing. I tried unplugging my internet to reboot it and nothing. Every now and then when I get in a game with a bunch of people it will say they left or I got kicked by other players. When the online first came out it never did this to me only problem I had was deleted characters now after the first update it seems like it started doing this. First of last week was ok it would do it but then stop and I could play. But now it kicks everybody out right away. Anybody have any suggestions or help PLEASE!!!?

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It sounds like you have a weak Internet Connection, or maybe too many people are using your Network at the same time ( piggybacking off it ). Do you live in an apartment?

Because there haven't been problems like this on Rockstar's side of things for a while ( at least not for me ). Their servers have been working a lot better as of late.

One question, have you had other problems with your internet connection, like when streaming movies or downloading games/ dlc's? If so then you should probably contact your ISP ( internet service provider ) for technical help.

It could even be as simple as moving were your router is in the room ( to avoid black-spots ), or using a wired connection ( Ethernet cable ) between your Router and Xbox/ PlayStation.

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